Removable dentures
- Dentures as a method of prosthetics
- Indications for making removable dentures
- Types of removable dentures
- Stages of making removable dentures
- Getting used to removable dentures
- What are the consequences of refusing removable dentures?
- Advantages of making removable dentures at iStomatolog
- How much does it cost to get removable dentures?
- FAQ, warranty, and reviews of iStomatolog dentistry
Dentures as a method of prosthetics
Despite the rapid development of dentistry and the wide use of dental implants, removable dentures remain relevant. For various reasons, when it is impossible to install dental implants or for temporary wear, different types of removable dentures are made.
The comfort of the patient during eating and conversation, changes in their appearance, and psychological state depend on how correctly the design and material for making the denture are chosen.
Indications for making removable dentures
- For permanent wear - absence of teeth when it is impossible to install a bridge or implants.
- As temporary structures after trauma or implant placement.
Types of removable dental prostheses
Conditionally, all removable dentures can be divided into two large groups:
- those that need to be removed at least once a day for proper cleaning
- those that should be removed as needed
The first group includes all types of complete and partial removable dentures: acrylic (plastic), nylon, and acetal.
These dentures differ in the material of the base of the prosthesis, which is the part that is placed on the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. Artificial teeth are made in all variations of dentures from plastic and have high aesthetic indicators. In acrylic dentures, the base is rigid, which is positive for distributing the chewing pressure on the jawbone. Acetal and nylon dentures differ in that their base becomes more elastic at the temperature of the oral cavity and fits more tightly to the mucous membrane. The disadvantages of flexible dentures are a higher and faster bone atrophy. Nylon dentures are preferred when making temporary dentures during the healing process of implants.
The second group includes clasp dentures with a metal framework. They can have either a clasp or lock fixation. In clasp fixation, the clasp denture is additionally held in the oral cavity with special devices - clasps (these are arches that embrace the patient's own teeth and provide stabilization of the prosthesis during vertical and lateral movements).
Clasps can be made of metal and acetal. Metal clasps can be cast from metal as a single structure with the prosthesis framework (cast), or bent from special wire. Acetal clasps can be used in a prosthesis with a metal, acrylic, or acetal base. The advantage of acetal clasps is the ability to match the color of the patient's own teeth (when placed on front teeth - they are less noticeable). In addition, at the temperature of the oral cavity, they have increased elasticity compared to metal ones.
Lock fixation or lock attachment of dentures requires the manufacture of crowns on supporting teeth. The lock consists of two parts: "male"-"female". One part of the lock is in the removable denture, and the other part is on the crown that is put on the tooth. Such dentures snap onto the teeth, do not require additional clasps, and the locks are not visible in the oral cavity or when the patient smiles. The drawback of these dentures is the need to make crowns on teeth, however, the fixation of these dentures in the oral cavity is the best compared to others.
A separate category is removable dentures with additional fixation on implants. With significant atrophy of the alveolar bone, holding the denture becomes very problematic. One of the solutions is to install several implants. In this case, the attachment of the prosthesis to the implants is also lock fixation. Only one part of the lock is on the implant, and the other is in the removable denture. Such attachments are also invisible in the oral cavity, and the prosthesis does not need to be removed for cleaning after each meal.
The choice of a prosthesis is a joint decision between the doctor and the patient, taking into account several factors:
- whether the prosthesis is for temporary or permanent use;
- the aesthetic aspect;
- the psychological aspect;
- the financial aspect.
For permanent use, the most optimal balance between "quality, convenience, and cost of the prosthesis" is still provided by partial dentures with a metal frame and clasps. They are resistant to breakage and provide good fixation in the oral cavity.

More about partial dentures
Partial dentures with metal frames and clasps are the most optimal and comfortable type of removable dentures.Request an appointment
Stages of manufacturing a removable denture in dentistry iStomatolog
Determination of the type of prosthesis, taking into account clinical data: clasp prosthesis, acetal, plastic (acrylic), nylon prosthesis.
Removal of impressions for the manufacture of a denture Stage 3 - Trying on the prosthesis (if necessary) Stage 4 - Delivery of the finished prosthesis in 5-10 working days Stage 5 - The final correction of the prosthesis, if necessary, is carried out after 2-3 days.
Trying on the prosthesis (if necessary)
Delivery of the finished prosthesis in 5-10 working days
The final correction of the prosthesis, if necessary, is carried out after 2-3 days.
Getting used to removable dentures
No matter how high-quality removable dentures may be, it takes some time to get used to them. The joint task of the doctor and the patient is to minimize the discomfort of wearing the structure, which the body perceives at first as a foreign object. Do not be upset if your expectations do not match the real picture - all unpleasant sensations will quickly pass with punctual compliance with the dentist's recommendations.
Among the most common downsides noted by patients in the process of getting used to removable dentures are:
- slight speech impairment;
- increased salivation;
- unusual pressure on the gums and irritation of the mucous membrane;
- altered taste perception (food may seem bland and tasteless).
The gag reflex, which is often mentioned when describing the negative aspects of removable dentures, is actually rare.
To get used to removable dentures as quickly as possible, it is necessary not to remove them during the day (and if the design allows, leave them in at night). And after the first week, significant relief will come: the discomfort of having a foreign object in the oral cavity will soften, and the gums will get used to the new loads.
Taste sensations will gradually return to normal. During the first weeks of adaptation, soft foods without fibers and hard ingredients should be included in the diet - this will help the gums get used to the pressure of removable dentures and adapt to them. Gradually, you can move on to more solid foods.
To restore normal speech, speak out loud more, paying attention to the clarity of pronunciation of sibilants. Articulation exercises will speed up the process of restoring natural speech. After several days of using removable dentures, this dysfunction will disappear.
What are the consequences of refusing to wear removable dentures?
Just the name "removable dentures" can cause aversion in many patients. In our practice, we often observe patients who are missing a lateral group of teeth but do not wear dentures. This leads to the following consequences:
- External changes - sinking cheeks, deep folds in the chin and nasolabial area, reduction of the height of the lower third of the face, protrusion, inclination and displacement of teeth. This makes the patient's face look "old" and their smile unattractive.
- Functional changes - changes in the temporomandibular joint (clicking, crunching, painful sensations), reduced tone of the chewing muscles, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract due to the inability to fully chew food.
It is important to understand that the need for dentures is determined not so much by aesthetics as by the necessity for full restoration of chewing efficiency, which is especially relevant in the case of missing lateral teeth that are not visible when smiling. A properly selected design and material of the denture will allow the patient to forget that there is something foreign in their mouth, extend the service life of the remaining teeth, and significantly improve their quality of life.
What are the best types of dentures?
The best dentures are your own teeth! But if removable dentures become necessary, then the best dentures are those that are specifically tailored to your clinical situation and provide maximum comfort.
The iStomatolog dental clinic can offer all types of removable dentures - clasp, acrylic (plastic), acetal, nylon, and others.
Advantages of making removable dentures at iStomatolog
- Manufacture of denture constructions of any complexity
- High aesthetic indicators
- Minimal adaptation period
How much does it cost to get removable dentures?
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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