Articles and research in dentistry

Treatment of teeth without drilling. Effective gum treatment. Treatment of a tooth cyst without surgery in dentistry iStomatolog in Kyiv.

Treatment of teeth without drilling.

The treatment of tooth decay without drilling is possible, but it makes sense in situations where there is no defect in the tooth tissue, that is, its anatomical integrity is…

Alignment of teeth with metal braces

Alignment of teeth with metal braces

The parents of a young man came to the iStomatolog clinic with complaints about the unsatisfactory aesthetic appearance of his smile (crooked teeth), as well as the inability to properly…

Alignment of teeth with ceramic braces

Alignment of teeth with ceramic braces

The parents of the patient turned to an orthodontist at iStomatolog clinic in Kyiv with a request to improve the aesthetic appearance of their child’s smile. The patient and their…

Aligning teeth with braces

Aligning teeth with braces

The parents of a young man turned to iStomatolog clinic in Kyiv with the goal of correcting his bite. The patient’s desire was to align his teeth and put his…

Зубной имплант с формирователем десны.

Frequently asked questions about implants

Myths about dental implants and implantation, the most common questions: “Is it an expensive pleasure?” The dental market offers a huge variety of implant systems in different price categories. Installing…

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