Zirconia crowns
- Features of zirconia crowns
- Indications for the use of zirconia dioxide crowns
- Advantages of zirconia crowns
- Stages of manufacturing zirconia crowns at iStomatolog in Kyiv
- Photos "before and after" of prosthetics with zirconia crowns
- Types of dental prostheses made of zirconia dioxide
- Prices for prosthetics with zirconia crowns
- FAQ, warranty, reviews about iStomatolog dentistry

Features of zirconia crowns
Zirconia crowns are characterized by:
- Impeccable aesthetics thanks to the ability to choose the color and transparency of the zirconia frame
- Strength, which is achieved by milling (cutting from a block) using computerized tools
- The ability to make bridge prostheses in the absence of one or more teeth, bridging with bridge prostheses.
Zirconia crowns are the perfect choice when it is necessary to install not one, but several crowns together (a bridge) without losing aesthetics and while maintaining high strength.
Indications for the use of zirconia dioxide crowns
- Extensive damage to tooth tissue
- Absence of one or more teeth
- Need to change the color/shape/size and position of teeth in the dental arch
- Installation of crowns on implants
- Splinting of mobile teeth with periodontitis and periodontal disease
- Allergy to metal
- Increased wear of teeth and a decrease in bite height
When are zirconia crowns contraindicated?
There are no strict contraindications to the installation of zirconia crowns. They are installed with caution in diseases of the temporomandibular joint.
It is not recommended to install zirconia crowns if the opposing teeth are severely worn. Zirconia has high hardness and can further wear down opposing teeth.
If there are indications for crown prosthetics, the crown and the opposing tooth are properly chosen by the dentist taking into account all the peculiarities of the patient's dental system.
Advantages of Zirconia Crowns in iStomatolog
Use of the latest generation Ivoclar zirconia
Digital protocol for manufacturing zirconia crowns
Milling with the flagship CAD CAM machine Programill PM7
We do not save on materials during the production and fixation of crowns.
Steps of manufacturing zirconia crowns at iStomatolog in Kyiv
Photos "before and after" of zirconia crowns

Types of zirconia dental prosthetics
Possible options for making non-metallic dental crowns using zirconium dioxide are:
- Solid zirconia constructions (crowns and bridgework) with the application of special individualized stains
- Application of special ceramic masses onto a zirconia framework (so-called ceramic-on-zirconia)
The optimal option is chosen by the dentist and agreed upon with the patient.
Ceramic-on-zirconia is used for making constructions of different lengths (it can be a single crown or a bridge up to 14 teeth). The accuracy of execution remains very high thanks to the method of computer milling.
This type of crown can be installed on both teeth and dental implants.
The huge advantage of zirconia constructions is their small weight, which is very important, for example, when splinting teeth of different mobility levels, where the ultimate goal is the even distribution of chewing load between teeth of a certain group.
Strength, aesthetics, and lightweight are the main characteristics of non-metallic crowns on a zirconia framework.
Advantages of zirconia crowns
- Withstands loads up to 1000 MPa
- Lightweight construction
- Identical in transparency and color to natural teeth
- Service life of 10 years or more
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Advantages of zirconia prosthetics
The most prominent positive properties of zirconia are its strength and biocompatibility. In second place is aesthetics.
Thanks to its rigidity and strength, zirconia is an ideal material for the manufacture of bridgework (when several crowns are connected together).
Prices for prosthetics with zirconia crowns
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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