Treatment of milk teeth without pain using SAFORIDE
- Treatment of tooth decay in milk teeth without drilling
- Features of caring for milk teeth
- Advantages of treating tooth decay in iStomatolog dental clinic
- Reasons for the development of tooth decay and types of tooth decay in children
- In which cases is an immediate visit to the dentist required?
- Prices for dental treatment in children
- FAQ, guarantee, reviews about Stomatolog dental clinic in Kyiv
Treatment of tooth decay in milk teeth without drilling
The procedure is absolutely painless, takes a few minutes, does not require special conditions for conducting, is acceptable even for the smallest and frightened by previous treatments patients. It can be used to diagnose tooth decay in milk teeth.
We were the first to use this drug, and our center has improved the method of its application.
Treatment of milk teeth in children
Care for milk teeth should be thorough and regular. The earlier a child is taught to maintain daily hygiene, the fewer problems they will have in the future. If parents bring their children for a preventive check-up with a dentist every 5-7 months, this beneficial habit will be maintained for many years. However, it is very important that the child does not develop a fear of the dentist, caused by an unfamiliar environment or unpleasant sensations. Therefore, it is necessary to properly prepare children for the treatment of milk teeth, without scaring them, but at the same time, not deceiving them.
Features of caring for baby teeth
Care for milk teeth should be thorough and regular. The first teeth in babies begin to erupt before their first birthday, and by the age of three, they have a full set of 20 milk teeth. Temporary teeth have a thinner enamel and looser structure compared to permanent teeth, making them more vulnerable to the pathogenic environment. Caries is a common disease among children of any age, even one-year-olds.
It is necessary to monitor the condition of the teeth from the moment of eruption. The first measures of assistance, when the gums swell and the temperature rises, are the appointment of symptomatic drugs, antiseptic gels, and special toothpaste.
By the age of two, most of a child's baby teeth have already erupted. At this age, signs of tooth decay may already be present. When pathology is detected at an early stage, doctors use special drugs to stop the progression of the disease. Fluoridation of teeth is one of the effective methods.
By the age of three, all teeth have erupted, and a child's own dietary preferences are formed. Unfortunately, very often due to adults' fault, there is a craving for sweet and starchy foods, canned juices, and other products that are not beneficial for health.
Improper nutrition is one of the main causes of rapid development of caries. Gentle treatment methods stop the spread of the pathology, but with the diagnosis of extensive carious lesions, it is difficult to do without drilling. However, treatment is carried out under local anesthesia, which does not harm health.
At the age of 4-5, extensive caries and even inflammatory processes are often diagnosed in children. If pulpitis is detected, dentists strive to save the root part of the tooth to avoid its loss. Removal is carried out only with severe destruction, if it is impossible to restore the chewing function and neutralize inflammation. If a child has all their milk teeth preserved by the age of five, it indicates proper nutrition and adequate care.
Advantages of treating cavities in baby teeth at iStomatolog
- Pain-free
- Drill-free
- Injection-free
- Treatment in 1 minute
- Sealing with Japanese Tokuyama and American Parkell products
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Causes of tooth decay in children
Tooth decay is caused by the influence of certain external and internal factors. Teeth begin to form at the sixth week of pregnancy, when toxemia is still actively present. If a woman experiences an infectious or other disease, stress, or a threat of miscarriage during this period, it can lead to pathologies in the hard tissues of the tooth. Negative internal factors also include digestive and vascular system diseases, endocrine disorders, and an unbalanced diet.
External factors are irregular or poorly organized oral hygiene. Dental plaque is not removed (or only partially removed), which contributes to the increased activity of pathogenic microflora. Streptococcus Mutans bacteria, which are present in high concentrations in dental plaque, destroy enamel and provoke the development of caries. The more bacteria in the oral cavity, the faster the disease develops.
Consumption of useless (bulky) products containing "fast" carbohydrates has an extremely negative effect on the condition of milk teeth. The entry of food residues onto the newly formed enamel layer triggers the process of destruction of surface and internal tooth structures (so-called "bottle caries"). Early caries (from 1 to 3 years old) can develop with frequent consumption of hard products and juices with high sugar content, improper selection of hygiene products.
Types of dental caries in children
Parents believe that white, strong teeth are the main indicator of their healthy condition, but this is not always the case. Caries is a insidious disease that can affect the internal structures of the tooth, not manifesting visually for a long time. Therefore, preventive examination is so important, during which the dentist will detect defects at an early stage. Using the DIAGNOdent KaVo device, a pediatric dentist will make an accurate diagnosis without using X-rays or tomographs.
Laser transillumination of the teeth will allow to obtain an accurate picture of the presence of caries, pulpitis, or periodontitis of the milk tooth.
Depending on the depth and nature of the lesion, caries can be:
- initial (appearance of a spot on the tooth);
- superficial (the upper layer of enamel is affected);
- medium (the pathological process affects the enamel and part of the dentin).
Caries localized on the surface of the tooth is called fissure caries, on the lateral walls - proximal caries, and at the base of the gum - cervical caries.
In what cases is an urgent visit to the dentist required?
An unscheduled visit to the dentist is necessary in the following cases:
- dark spots appear on the enamel;
- the color of the enamel has become dull;
- the child complains of toothache;
- you have noticed swelling of the gums or cheek.
Specialists at iStomatolog clinic will provide competent dental care without causing pain to the child. If necessary, local anesthetics in the form of application or injections are used for anesthesia. We work carefully and delicately with children of different ages, understanding their emotions and reluctance to become our patients. Our extensive practical experience allows us to:
- calm the child and relieve fear;
- cure cavities as quickly and painlessly as possible;
- explain in accessible form why it is important to follow the rules of oral hygiene;
- create a good mood for young patients using an individual approach.
Sign up your child to us using the online form on our website and get a 10% discount. If you have any additional questions,
call us at 067 502-8-99 or 093 502-8-999.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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