Dental implantation "turnkey" in Kyiv

What is "turnkey" implantation?
Tooth implantation "turnkey" is a comprehensive service that includes all stages of implantation and prosthetics, starting from the primary consultation and ending with the rehabilitation period. The patient receives a full understanding of the timing and cost of implants, dental prosthetics, and additional manipulations. All actions of doctors involved in the patient's treatment (therapeutic dentist, implant surgeon, orthopedist) are coordinated in accordance with the treatment protocol.
Benefits of the "turnkey" implantation service
The patient initially receives an objective understanding of the final cost of the service (this will help plan financial expenses optimally)
All dental manipulations are carefully thought out and balanced (excess costs and additional manipulations are excluded)
Compiling a detailed plan for visiting the clinic will help to use time rationally
When discussing the protocol for prosthetics and implantation, the patient is given the opportunity to choose the implant manufacturer, type of dental crowns (taking into account their disadvantages and advantages)
Preparing for "turnkey" implantation
Each "turnkey" dental implantation is carried out according to an individual plan after careful diagnosis. Prior to the start of implantation, at least professional oral hygiene is necessary. It is also desirable to eliminate all foci of acute and chronic infection in the bone tissue and gums, and the teeth should be treated for caries - so-called oral sanitation before surgical intervention.
In some patients, there may be no pathologies other than the loss of one tooth in a row, and therefore the cost of dental services will be minimal. However, unfortunately, more often there is simultaneous absence of teeth combined with caries in the remaining teeth, their inclination, protrusion, and increased wear due to overload; inflammatory processes in the gum and bone tissue of the jaws, bone atrophy. Accordingly, the cost of "turnkey" dental implantation will be much higher, taking into account the need for preliminary treatment.
What services are included in "turnkey" implantation?
The cost of dental implantation (or one tooth) "turnkey" includes the following manipulations:
Consultation and comprehensive diagnostics with computer tomography of the jaws
Selection of the optimal implant system, determination of the need for additional manipulations (bone plastic surgery, soft tissue plastic surgery, sinus lifting); coordination of the type of dental crown
Drawing up a detailed plan taking into account all manipulations, their cost and timing of work
Professional oral hygiene, removal of tartar and plaque
Implant installation, appointment of a drug scheme in the postoperative period
Control of the rehabilitation period
Installation of a gum former
Installation of an abutment and crown on the implant
Some stages can be carried out simultaneously, which is also agreed upon before the start of treatment.
The complex of services varies depending on the method of "turnkey" implantation, which can be two-stage, single-stage, or single-step. If the immediate loading protocol is applied, the patient is fitted with a temporary orthopedic structure, which includes a temporary abutment and crown.
The price depends on the number and type of implants installed - single prostheses or All-on-4, All-on-6 structures; the need for accompanying surgical manipulations; the type of dental prosthesis or crown chosen.
Protocol Selection for Implantation and Prosthetics
The main "turnkey" implantation protocol, which is a two-stage process, remains the most reliable, studied, and safe method of prosthetics. At the same time, the one-stage method of implantation with immediate loading has its advantages. The choice of implantation system and methodology is primarily based on medical indications and secondly on patient preferences.
The one-stage method of prosthetics using implants includes the following stages:
- Pre-implantation preparation of the patient (analysis of computed tomography data, selection of implant system)
- Anesthesia and antiseptic treatment of the mucous surface at the site of implant installation
- Preparation of the bone socket for the implant according to the protocol of the selected system
- Implant placement
- Installation of a temporary abutment and temporary crown.
The two-stage "turnkey" implantation and prosthetic process
The two-stage "turnkey" implantation and prosthetic process result in a successful outcome in 99% of cases. When we talk about success, we mean:
- Minimum complications
- Patient comfort (absence of pain and discomfort during the implantation and prosthetic stages)
- Complete control over the integration process inside the bone
- Excellent aesthetic result
- Long-term and predictable outcome.
The first stage of the "turnkey" implantation in the two-stage method includes:
- Pre-implantation preparation of the patient
- Anesthesia and antiseptic treatment of the mucous surface at the site of implant installation
- Preparation of the bone socket for the implant according to the protocol of the selected system
- Conducting bone tissue grafting, sinus lifting, or soft tissue plastic surgery if necessary
- Implant placement
- Suturing the mucous membrane over the implanted implant (with absorbable or non-absorbable surgical threads)
- Postoperative treatment of the gum surface and closure of the sutures with a special plaster containing painkillers and antiseptic agents
- Medication support during the post-implantation period.
After the osseointegration process, which lasts from 1 to 6 months, depending on the chosen implant system and the jaw on which the implant was placed (the duration of osseointegration for the upper jaw is usually twice as long as for the lower jaw due to the peculiarities of bone tissue structure), additional surgical manipulations are carried out to install a gum former for 3-7 days. At the final stage, scanning and installation of an abutment with a crown on the implant are performed.
Which implants are better and which crown to choose for implantation using the "all-inclusive" system?
Patients who come to a dental clinic for prosthetics are primarily interested in the aesthetic side. Everyone dreams of a natural smile that adds charm and attractiveness to every person. Dentists always strive for a compromise between beauty, reliability, and safety.
Along with innovative developments, the iStomatolog dental center in Kiev uses only proven implant systems that have passed all clinical trials and have been approved by the WHO for use in Europe and America in its surgical practice. Information about the implants used in iStomatolog is freely available in the search engine, including all compliance certificates.
Among the budget implant systems, it is worth highlighting the South Korean Dentis (Dentium) system, which has several types of implants, including those for installation in soft bone and with a lack of height of the alveolar ridge. The implant osseointegration period averages 3 months for the lower jaw and 6 months for the upper jaw.
MegaGen or South Korean Straumann
MegaGen is a combination of the latest engineering developments with the latest generation of biotechnologies. The company supplies its products to authoritative clinics around the world. A huge number of clinical trials have shown a high percentage of implant osseointegration even in complex clinical situations.
The company uses bioinert materials made of pure titanium. The main features of MegaGen implants that provide a high degree of osseointegration and long-term results are:
- patented Knife Thread round thread and calcium titanate coating promote rapid implant fixation inside the bone and its reliable osseointegration;
- unprecedented durability due to the shape of the abutment and its attachment type to the implant, which eliminates implant loosening and loss of stability;
- MegaGen implants are represented by several product lines with a wide range of sizes.
Advantages for the patient:
- possibility of selecting an implant for any bone type, as well as in case of its deficiency;
- used in single-stage, two-stage, and one-moment implantation techniques;
- high implant osseointegration rate (from 1 month);
- durability and low percentage of implant rejection;
- several product lines of implants in different price categories.
And perhaps the most important thing - MegaGen implants are used all over the world on a par with Straumann, Nobel, Osstem, BioHorizons, and other more expensive well-known systems.
Swiss Straumann and Nobel reliability
Swiss reliability of Straumann and Nobel dental implants is their distinguishing feature. Straumann has patented a special titanium and zirconium alloy, Roxolid, which allows for use in non-standard situations and provides high reliability. In situations where bone is lacking or has low density, using a shorter implant with a smaller diameter made of Roxolid alloy in most cases allows bone grafting to be avoided, reducing the procedure's trauma and the patient's costs for bone material. The special SLActive coating on the implant's surface ensures fast integration within 3-4 weeks and high stability in bone for immediate prosthetics.
Nobel premium implants have over 40 years of production experience and extensive expertise in total prosthetics on implants in situations of complete tooth loss (All on 4, All on 6). The result of using these implants on edentulous jaws is predictable and long-lasting.
Вicon implants made in the USA have a unique implant-abutment connection in the form of a "Morse cone," which ensures high stability and eliminates the loosening of the internal screw and the entire implant-abutment-crown structure.
Among the huge number of implant systems, Megagen and Straumann remain the most in-demand. They provide a solution for any clinical situation, can be used for various implantation methods, have a high integration rate, and a predictable outcome.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link
Painlessness, safety, reliability, and durability are the principles of implantation at iStomatolog in Kiev. Proper turnkey implantation is painless and safe. Our specialists plan any implantation procedure in detail from A to Z to minimize any risks and complications and meet the patient's expectations. Our dentists do their job professionally, so they do everything possible to meet patients' needs.
Schedule an appointment using the online form and get a 10% discount, or call us at 067 502-8-999, 093 502-8-999.

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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Дуже рекомендую.