Installation of braces in Kyiv

What is a braces system?
A braces system is an orthodontic non-removable construction designed to correct a malocclusion and align teeth. Braces are installed after diagnosis, which accurately determines the amount of defects, their nature, and scale.
The braces system consists of brackets attached to the tooth enamel using special adhesive, a guiding force wire that exerts pressure on the teeth, and fixing elements.
Indications for installation of orthodontic braces
Orthodontic braces are indicated for installation in the following cases:
- In medical classification, there are five types of malocclusion:
- Distal (upper dental arch protrudes over the lower one)
- Mesial (lower jaw protrudes forward in relation to the upper jaw, lower incisors overlap upper ones)
- Deep (upper teeth overlap lower teeth by more than half)
- Open (there is no contact between upper and lower teeth when the jaws are closed)
- Crossbite (lower teeth overlap upper teeth in one or both lateral sections)
- Incorrect tooth position is also represented by several types of defects:
- Rotated teeth (change in position relative to the dental arch, rotation around its axis)
- Tilted teeth (tilted relative to the arch)
- Ectopically erupted teeth (coming out beyond the dental arch due to lack of space)
- Transposition refers to the position of teeth when they have switched places
Other dental arch anomalies include:
- Diastema (a gap between the central incisors of the upper jaw)
- Spacing (a gap between adjacent teeth larger than 1 mm)
- Constriction, expansion, elongation, or shortening of the jaw
Defects in tooth positioning can be presented as individual anomalies or in various combinations. The more pathologies, the more difficult the orthodontic treatment. Correcting a pathological bite is not only for restoring aesthetics. People with such defects are more likely to develop dental diseases such as:
- Caries and its complications
- Periodontitis and periodontosis
- Inflammation of the gums and mucosa
- Nasal breathing disorders
- Changes in the temporomandibular joint
- Atrophy of the alveolar processes of the jaw apparatus.
In the absence of orthodontic treatment for abnormal tooth positioning and incorrect bite, both health problems and the aesthetics of the external appearance gradually worsen. In a distal bite, the chin is skewed backwards, in a mesial bite, the lower jaw appears excessively massive. Crowding of teeth leads to sagging of soft tissues that lack sufficient support.
Different types of orthodontic treatment can correct all the listed defects, with braces being a successful option for most of them.
Contraindications for installing braces
There are few contraindications to installing braces. These include certain systemic diseases, cancer, severe forms of periodontitis, untreated infections in the oral cavity, and mental disorders. The decision on the possibility of conducting orthodontic correction is made based on diagnosis and evaluation of the patient's psychological readiness for treatment.
Stages of teeth alignment process
Braces are installed after consultation, diagnosis, and preparatory stages. Diagnosis includes visual examination, examination with CT and orthopantomography, and computer diagnostics.
The doctor examines the condition of bone and soft tissues, the position of roots, specific features, and the number of defects. Based on the diagnostic findings, and taking into account the patient's wishes, the construction of the braces system is chosen (ligature, self-ligating, vestibular, lingual).
Installation methods can be direct or indirect. In the first case, the structure is fixed and adjusted for a long time (about an hour per jaw).
In the indirect method, plaster models of the jaws are made, on which braces are attached. Then a transfer cap is created, with the help of which the construction is transferred to the oral cavity and fixed on the teeth.
The time spent with the orthodontist is significantly reduced if the indirect method is chosen. During orthodontic treatment, the patient comes to the orthodontist at a scheduled time for monitoring the progress of the treatment and replacing the force arches with a stronger mechanical effect.
At the final stage, after removing the construction, thin wire or fiberglass retainers are installed on the inner side of the teeth, retention caps to fix their position stability. The teeth are cleaned of remnants of adhesive material and polished. You can confidently smile!
Types of braces systems
Braces systems differ in their design (ligature, self-ligating), material, location (vestibular, lingual), and fixation method (direct, indirect).
If ligatures (metal wire or rubber bands) are used for attachment, the braces are called ligature braces. If the brackets have special fixtures, they are called self-ligating braces.
Braces can be attached either to the outside of the dental arch (vestibular) or to the inside (lingual). Lingual braces have a significant advantage - they are visually invisible. Both types of constructions are highly effective in correcting malocclusion and abnormal tooth positioning.
Options for installing braces
Braces systems differ in their design (ligature, self-ligating), material, location (vestibular, lingual), and fixation method (direct, indirect).
If ligatures (metal wire or rubber bands) are used for attachment, the braces are called ligature braces. If the brackets have special fixtures, they are called self-ligating braces.
Braces can be attached either to the outside of the dental arch (vestibular) or to the inside (lingual). Lingual braces have a significant advantage - they are visually invisible. Both types of constructions are highly effective in correcting malocclusion and abnormal tooth positioning.
Material of manufacture
The cost and appearance of the dental arch after installation of the bracket system depend on the type of material used. Let's consider the features of orthodontic systems:
- Metal systems. Affordable, durable, and effective systems designed to correct bite, crowding, and crooked teeth. Their aesthetic properties are not high, limiting their use in teenagers. Metal is chosen by individuals over 20 years old with normal self-esteem.
- Ceramic systems. Strong, aesthetic, and hypoallergenic constructions that match the color of the teeth enamel. Ceramic systems are not used for serious bite disorders. The products are inferior to metal in terms of mechanical strength and are capable of absorbing food dyes.
- Plastic systems. Plastic systems are used to correct minor defects in children. The material is light and flexible but quickly wears out, becomes cloudy, and changes its initial shade to a darker or yellowish color.
- Sapphire systems. These are the strongest, most aesthetic, and biocompatible structures that patients quickly adapt to. The only downside is the high cost.
- Titanium systems. They have high resistance to external influences, do not cause rejection or allergic reactions, and do not have the typical metallic taste.
- Combined systems. Structures in this category are becoming increasingly popular among patients. The system is created using several materials: ceramic (or sapphire) braces are attached to the front teeth, and metal braces are used on the chewing teeth. Choosing a combined system allows you to reduce costs and increase the effectiveness of the structure.
Which orthodontic systems are the most effective?
Each material and type of bracket has its advantages and disadvantages. The choice is based not only on the patient's desire but also on medical recommendations. Important factors are the amount of time that will be required to wear the orthodontic structure, aesthetic requirements, and the degree of willingness to tolerate certain discomforts during the adaptation period.
When it comes to treatment speed, self-ligating braces work faster due to the "smart archwire." As for the type of material used to manufacture the bracket system, this aspect does not affect the quality or timing of correcting the defect.
How to take care of braces?
An orthodontist can advise on how to take care of braces. Proper oral hygiene plays a crucial role in the success of orthodontic treatment. It is necessary to clean teeth every time after eating to prevent food particles from getting stuck in the elements of the construction.
One brush is not enough - an orthodontic kit should be purchased, which includes: interdental toothbrush, interdental brushes, a brush with a single bundle, waxed floss. Additionally, it is recommended to buy an irrigator. The kit is sold in a plastic case that is convenient to carry with you.
Life after braces
After orthodontic treatment with braces, teeth are in the correct position and the planned result is achieved, but it cannot be considered permanent. To prevent the teeth from shifting again, special devices called retainers are installed, which are removable or fixed structures. The period of wearing retainers is called the retention phase. The type of retainer is chosen by the doctor together with the patient.
Fixed retainers consist of a metal wire or fiberglass ribbon attached to the inside of the teeth. The wire securely holds the teeth in place without exerting mechanical pressure on them.
Removable retainers are clear caps worn on the upper and lower jaw. The caps are worn continuously and only removed during teeth cleaning and meals.
The duration of retainer wear depends on the complexity of the corrected defects, age, and other factors that are important to the specialist.
Advantages of iStomatolog clinic
Our main advantages are:
- Selection of optimal orthodontic construction for each case
- Constant control and observation of the process
- Convenient schedule for planned patient visits
- Detailed consultation, answers to all questions
- Adequate pricing.
We devote maximum time to the patient to ensure that all questions related to wearing and servicing braces are disclosed and no unclear moments remain. The clinic employs highly qualified specialists who use the most modern technologies in orthodontic practice. We achieve our goals based on health safety principles and apply a convenient pricing system for customers.
Cost of braces installation
The cost of braces installation in Kyiv depends on the type of construction and material used, the method of fixation on teeth (direct or indirect), and the duration of the orthodontic treatment period.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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