Treatment of alveolitis
- Alveolitis: What is it and what are the causes?
- How to recognize alveolitis? Symptoms
- Types and forms of alveolitis
- Diagnosis of alveolitis
- Methods of treating alveolitis at iStomatolog dental clinic in Kyiv
- How to prevent alveolitis after tooth extraction?
- Advantages of alveolitis treatment at iStomatolog
- СHow much does alveolitis treatment cost?
- FFAQ, guarantee, reviews of iStomatolog dental clinic

What is alveolitis?
Alveolitis is inflammation of the socket after tooth extraction.
Alveolitis or "dry socket" is one of the most common complications after tooth extraction. The development of this condition is caused by a number of factors, which prevent the formation of a blood clot in the socket or cause it to dissolve quickly.
As a result, the bone becomes exposed and inflammation and swelling develop in the area of the mucous membranes. After some time (in the absence of treatment), an unpleasant taste and foul odor may appear in the mouth. If a bacterial infection develops, the regional lymph nodes may become enlarged, the temperature may rise, and the exposed bone may be covered with a grayish deposit. If the first signs of alveolitis appear, it is necessary to make an appointment with a dentist.
Causes of alveolitis
The main causes of alveolitis include:
- Surgical trauma associated with the complexity of the operation
- Tooth location in the lower jaw (alveolitis often develops after removal of lower third molars, commonly referred to as "wisdom teeth")
- Low immunity
- Presence of hidden chronic infections
- Systemic diseases (diabetes, lupus)
- Impaired blood clotting process where thrombin and fibrinogen are not produced in sufficient quantities
- Regular intake of certain drugs (pharmacological agents containing estrogen and other drugs that affect the fibrinolytic process)
Years of research confirm the dependence of alveolitis on smoking: in people who smoke 10 cigarettes a day (half a pack), the risk of complications after tooth extraction increases by 20% or more. Non-compliance with hygiene rules and aggressive impact on the alveolus can also cause alveolitis. Age of the patient should also not be underestimated: after 55 years, metabolic processes and the rate of cell regeneration significantly slow down.
The signs of alveolitis appear on the second or third day after tooth extraction, less commonly - after a few hours. If the patient has no complaints within a week, it can be assumed that complications have been avoided and treatment for alveolitis will not be required.
How to recognize alveolitis? Symptoms
The main symptom is pain, which at the initial stage appears in waves. The character of the pain is dull, throbbing, with a tendency to increase. In the absence of treatment for alveolitis, the pain becomes sharp, shooting, radiating to the jaw, temple, ear, and neck area.
Since the blood clot is absent, the socket is completely open, and the bone is well visible. During palpation of the affected area, a painful swelling is detected. The putrid smell is caused by the decomposition of the blood clot and the accumulation of food debris.
In most cases, the inflammatory process is limited to the walls of the socket, but ignoring the problem and improper care of the oral cavity can lead to such serious complications as abscess, phlegmon, osteomyelitis of the jaw, and lymphadenitis. To prevent the exacerbation of the pathology, urgent measures must be taken. The treatment regimen is developed by dentists based on diagnostic conclusions.
In most cases, a medical examination provides grounds for the correct diagnosis, but in some cases, dentists prescribe X-rays to detect residual fragments of the tooth and bone tissue. These appointments are advisable if no X-ray control was performed after the operation, as well as when the patient complains of an increase in pain.
What types of alveolitis are there and what are their forms?
В случае воспаления лунки после удаления зуба может развиться несколько видов осложнений
Serous form
Purulent form
Hypertrophic form
In advanced cases of alveolitis, the skin becomes pale, and the configuration of the face changes due to soft tissue swelling on the side of the extracted tooth. As the inflammatory process progresses, alveolitis treatment becomes more prolonged, and in the event of complications, a comprehensive therapeutic course is prescribed ― either directly in the hospital or with the possibility of outpatient visits to the clinic.
How to install alveolitis, diagnosis
The main task of a dentist is to determine the severity of complications after tooth extraction and the development model of the inflammatory process. It is also important to identify factors that contribute to the development of negative consequences in order to develop the correct treatment scheme for alveolitis.
The clinical picture of postoperative complications may resemble some other pathologies, in particular:
- Jaw trauma
- Sharp edges of the alveolus
- Periostitis and osteomyelitis
- Sinusitis of the upper jaw (in the acute stage).
Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve can cause the same pain as with the development of alveolitis. During the examination by a dentist, the true causes of the complications and symptoms are determined.
Alveolitis treatment methods at iStomatolog dental clinic in Kyiv
The basis of alveolitis treatment is antiseptic agents placed in the socket. These preparations protect tissues from infection until the start of granulation. If fragments of bone tissue are found in the socket, a complete curettage is performed under local anesthesia. Symptomatic drugs help to relieve pain and discomfort.
At the iStomatolog clinic, the Japanese Iodo-Glycol Paste Neo is used as an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent, which has a powerful bactericidal effect due to the content of iodine and a calming effect due to the action of glycerin, while additional components ensure intensive bone healing. The use of the paste creates a number of advantages:
- Pain relief;
- Prevention of side effects;
- Minimal restrictions (can be used in pediatric dentistry);
- High biological availability.
The "Iodo-Glycol" paste is successfully used not only in the treatment of alveolitis but also in the relief of inflammatory lesions of the oral mucosa and peri-tooth tissues, as well as in ulcerative gingivitis and bleeding gums.
How to prevent alveolitis after tooth extraction?
First and foremost, the speed of wound healing depends on the condition of the immune system. Proper oral hygiene and following the doctor's recommendations after tooth extraction, as well as the effects of medication, also play an important role. If a woman is taking oral contraceptives, she should consult with her gynecologist about the possibility of temporarily discontinuing them.
The success of recovery also depends on the skill of the surgeon who selects the technique for tooth extraction, the type and dosage of anesthesia. The less traumatic the tissue is subjected to, the better the prognosis for rapid healing.
Taking antibiotics for the prevention of complications and alveolitis is not always justified: firstly, it increases the drug load on the body; secondly, it increases the risk of developing resistance to drugs.
Advantages of alveolitis treatment at iStomatolog
Depending on the clinical manifestations, different treatment schemes for alveolitis are possible. The most common one is the application of the Japanese Iodo-Glycol Paste Neo to the tooth socket. This allows inflammation to be quickly relieved and restorative processes in the socket to be initiated after tooth extraction. There is no need for anesthesia and cleaning of the socket, therefore, pain and discomfort after the procedure are minimized.
At the iStomatolog dental center, successful painless treatment of alveolitis is carried out with modern drugs.
- Japanese alveolitis treatment drug
- Short recovery time
- Healing and restoration of bone loss and complications
- Painless alveolitis treatment
How much does alveolitis treatment cost?
During a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, the doctor will determine the optimal method of treatment and the stages of the procedures after examination. You will also learn about the advantages or disadvantages of the proposed treatment options and possible complications. After agreeing on the treatment plan, a financial argumentation of all stages will be prepared.
To find out the cost of the procedure, as well as determine the need and cost of possible additional treatment, you can schedule a consultation directly at our iStomatolog clinic by filling out the form on our website or calling us at
067 332 4 999, 093 332 4 999.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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