Two-stage dental implantation
- What is two-stage dental implantation?
- Indications and contraindications for two-stage dental implantation
- Stages of two-stage dental implantationї
- Advantages of two-stage implantation at iStomatolog
- Two-stage or single-stage implantation, what is the difference?
- Recommendations after two-stage dental implantation
- Prices for dental implantation
- FAQ, guarantee, reviews of iStomatolog dental clinic

What is two-stage dental implantation?
Two-stage dental implantation involves two consecutive procedures with a time interval of 1 to 6 months:
- Implant placement.
- Prosthetics (installation of a crown on the implant).
Indications for two-stage dental implantation
Implantation performed simultaneously with tooth extraction
Radiographic signs of osteoporosis of the jaw bone
The need for bone grafting
The need for a sinus lift operation
The need for soft tissue plastic surgery
Contraindications for two-stage dental implantation include
Alcohol or drug addiction
General somatic diseases
Oncological diseases
Psychiatric disorders
Stages of two-stage dental implantation
Implant placement
Placement of gum former 1-6 months later
Scanning of the implant for the manufacture of an individual zirconia/titanium abutment 2-7 days later.
Fabrication of crown on the implant or bridging prosthesis
How implant and crown placement works during two-stage dental implantation?
Implant placement takes about 30 minutes.
- Anesthesia - usually local. In case of pathological fear of the patient or extensive surgical intervention during the placement of a large number of implants and simultaneous accompanying operations, general anesthesia and sedation may be used.
- Treatment of the oral cavity with an antiseptic solution (rinsing) and the site of implant placement with a Betadine solution.
- Incision of the mucosa on the alveolar process.
- Creating space for implant placement. This is done using a physiodispenser device and a set of special drills. Each implant system has its own unique set, which allows step-by-step development of bone tissue in accordance with the length and diameter of the chosen implant.
- Actual placement of the implant in the created space.
- Suturing of the mucosa.
- Recommendations regarding home care.
Installation of gum former takes about 10 minutes.
It is performed 1-6 months after the implantation, depending on the implant system and the jaw where the implant was placed (the healing process is longer on the upper jaw than on the lower jaw), as well as whether there were accompanying procedures such as sinus lifting or bone grafting. Under anesthesia, a section of the mucous membrane is removed in the area of the implant and a gum former is placed, which simulates the future tooth neck. The gum heals within 1-3 days after the installation of the gum former.
Implant scanning takes about 30 minutes.
Digital scanning of the implant is done for the individual production of an abutment (zirconia or titanium) and a crown on the tooth. It is done on a CEREC machine using original components.
Fixation of the finished crown on the implant takes about 30 minutes.
The implant-crown structure may consist of two parts: when the crown is glued to the abutment and this structure is screwed to the implant (screw-retained crown); or of three parts: the abutment is screwed to the implant, and the crown is separately fixed to it (cement-retained structure). Screw fixation is most often used for single crowns on the implant, while cement-retained is used for making bridge-like structures supported by implants.
Overall, two-stage implantation has advantages over one-stage implantation (when the implant and crown are installed in one visit). Osteointegration (implant fusion with the bone) is comparable to the process of bone fracture healing, when the formation of a vascular network and bone structures occurs. As with a fracture, it is necessary to create optimal conditions during the healing period for the formation of a bond between the implant and the jaw tissue (so-called implant osteointegration).
How soon can a crown be placed on an implant?
The timing for placing a crown on an implant depends on several factors, including:
- The type of implant system used; some implant systems, such as Straumann, allow for immediate loading and crown placement after just one month, while others may require six months or longer.
- The type of bone where the implant is placed.
- Whether any additional surgical procedures were performed, such as tooth extraction, sinus lifting, or bone grafting.
- The patient's overall health and any underlying medical conditions.
On average, for a two-stage implant procedure, the time frame for placing a crown in the lower jaw is 2-3 months, while the upper jaw may take 4-6 months.
Benefits of the two-stage implantation at iStomatolog Center
- Using only proven implant manufacturers with original components.
- Providing several implant systems at different price points with detailed descriptions of their advantages and disadvantages.
- Offering individualized support during the post-implantation period.
- Utilizing digital scanning for precise implant and crown fit, rather than traditional silicone impressions.
- Custom-making crowns and abutments for implants from titanium and zirconia using milling techniques.
- Providing a guarantee from the implant manufacturer for the implant placement.
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Two-stage or single-stage implantation, what is the difference?
Two-stage implantation involves first installing the implant and waiting for a period of time for it to fully integrate with the jawbone before creating the crown. With single-stage implantation, the crown is made at the same time as the implant is installed.
Generally speaking, two-stage implantation is preferred over single-stage. Implant integration can be compared to the healing of a bone fracture, where a vascular network and bone structures are formed. Like with a fracture, optimal conditions must be provided during the integration period to ensure proper fusion between the implant and jawbone.
What is immediate implantation?
Immediate implantation involves removing a damaged tooth and placing an implant in one visit. A necessary condition is the absence of inflammation (cysts, granulomas) in the area of the roots of the damaged tooth and sufficient bone volume.
Recommendations after two-stage tooth implantation
- Take medications as recommended by the treating doctor.
- Avoid consuming alcohol for a period of 7 to 14 days.
- Limit or avoid smoking.
- Avoid visiting saunas, baths, tanning beds, or pools.
- Limit heavy physical activity for 7 days.
- Limit the consumption of hard and tough foods until the sutures are removed.
- Use a soft toothbrush until the sutures are removed.
- Thoroughly clean the mouth after every meal until the sutures are removed.
How to care for an implant?
Until the sutures are removed, it is necessary to clean the teeth with a soft toothbrush, use mouthwash with an antiseptic, and apply special gels to the suture area to accelerate regeneration processes and protect the mucous membrane. In the future, after the implant has integrated and the crown has been installed, no special care is required. It is sufficient to brush your teeth daily and use an irrigator. It is recommended to visit the dentist for preventive checkups and professional oral hygiene at least once every six months.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
You can get more detailed information at the consultation. At iStomatolog Center, it is possible to install different implant systems, after a 3D examination of the jaw, we will offer you several implant systems to choose from specifically for your clinical case.
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