Caries Treatment
- What is dental caries?
- Causes of dental caries
- Stages of dental caries treatment at iStomatolog in Kyiv
- Advantages of dental caries treatment at iStomatolog
- Why is dental caries dangerous?
- Types of dental caries
- Methods of dental caries treatment
- Cost of dental caries treatment
- FAQ, guarantee, reviews of iStomatolog dental clinic.
What is dental caries?
Dental caries is a complex and slowly developing pathological process that occurs in the hard tissues of the teeth. Dental caries develops as a result of the combined influence of negative external and internal factors.
The disease begins asymptomatically, but its development leads to damage to the hard tissues of the tooth, resulting in the formation of a cavity in the dentin, and in the absence of treatment, to the development of inflammation of the pulp and periodontium. Various complications can also occur. In unfavorable cases, the tooth may be lost.
At iStomatolog, you will receive qualified help in treating all types of dental caries, including superficial, middle, and deep. You will learn the possible causes of dental caries in your specific case.
Causes of dental caries include:
• Poor oral hygiene
• Specific composition of saliva, which may lead to insufficient self-cleaning of teeth
• Smoking and drug use
• Childhood illnesses and antibiotics during the period of development of permanent teeth (or maternal illness during pregnancy for baby teeth)
• Genetic predisposition
• Composition of the consumed water
• General health conditions
• Overconsumption of sugary foods and drinks
• Eating mostly soft foods
• Taking certain medications
• Many other factors.
Stages of treating dental caries at iStomatolog in Kyiv
Pain relief. Local anesthesia is used.
Preparation of the cavity of the tooth and removal of all softened tissues.
Application of the isolating system Cofferdam. It is used to isolate the tooth from saliva and prevent reinfection.
Sterilization of the tooth surface. We use a laser and ozone. For deep decay, treatment is performed only on the HealOzone device. For moderate decay, both laser and ozone may be used.
Medicinal lining for deep carious processes prevents the recurrence of decay under the filling (so-called secondary decay) and strengthens the tooth tissue.
Isolating lining of fluid photopolymer.
Restoration of the cavity with a photopolymer material.
Grinding and polishing of the restoration.
Advantages of treating tooth decay at iStomatolog
Early diagnosis of dental caries
Diagnosis of hidden forms of dental caries
Effective prevention of secondary caries and its complications
Microscope-assisted treatment
Treatment of initial and surface decay without drilling
High aesthetics and functionality
Pain-free treatment
Use of the latest generation of light-cured materials
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What are the dangers of dental caries?
Dental caries is not as dangerous as its complications. The most common complication is pulpitis, which is inflammation of the tooth nerve.
In addition, there is a risk of chipping off a part of the tooth - with extensive damage, the wall of the tooth becomes thinner and may break even with a small chewing load ("I ate a strawberry and a piece of my tooth came off").
The specialists at iStomatolog have the knowledge, experience, and modern technologies to:
- diagnose dental caries at early stages and its hidden forms (on interproximal and subgingival surfaces)
- prevent the development of caries under the filling ("secondary caries")
- prevent the development of complications associated with caries
- restore the anatomical shape of the tooth
- restore the function of the tooth and ensure its full participation in the chewing process.
It is worth noting that if several carious teeth are present next to each other, it is better to treat them in one procedure. This will save the patient time and money.
Where does tooth decay come from?
Tooth decay does not develop overnight, nor will a cavity appear in a tooth overnight. It is a long process that can take months or even years. So how does tooth decay occur? A huge role in the development of tooth decay is assigned to dental plaque. Plaque accumulates on the surface of the teeth, and it is under the plaque that an acidic pH arises due to the release of acid by microorganisms.
The more carbohydrate consumption, the more acid is produced by the oral cavity microflora. As a result, demineralization of the tooth enamel occurs, leading to further development of the carious process. Daily quality oral hygiene, in combination with professional hygiene, allows for the maximum reduction of plaque deposits on the teeth and, as a result, the development of tooth decay.
Two main factors affect the intensity of caries development:
• The amount of carbohydrates (especially simple ones) in the daily diet. Carbohydrates are the nutrient medium for microorganisms, resulting in the formation of acid that damages the tooth.
• The saturation of tooth tissue with fluoride. It is thanks to fluoride that compounds are formed in the enamel of the tooth that are resistant to the effects of acid.
Factors that contribute to an increase in the number of cariogenic bacteria
• Insufficient or improper oral hygiene
• Large amounts of carbohydrates consumed in food (especially harmful is the habit of consuming sucking candies or any other products that remain in the oral cavity for a long time)
• Unbalanced diet, lack of microelements and vitamins
• Digestive system diseases that lead to a disruption in nutrient absorption
• Increased viscosity of saliva (can be observed in endocrine disorders, systemic diseases, infections, etc.)
• Tooth crowding and bite defects (for example, with tooth crowding, cleaning the surface from plaque significantly deteriorates)
• Hereditary factor
• Work-related factors (for example, confectionery workers are noted for the generalization of carious processes in an acute form)
The carious process can affect any surface of the tooth and have varying depths.
As an alternative to filling the tooth with significant destruction, we use restoration with ceramic inlays and overlays made directly in the clinic using the CEREC digital milling method.
Types of caries according to the depth of tooth damage
Caries in the spot stage
Appears as a white, yellowish, or brownish spot on the surface of the tooth. There is no cavity in the tooth. The patient's complaints are usually related to the unaesthetic appearance of the teeth, and very rarely there may be increased sensitivity of the tooth. It is not necessary to fill the tooth in this situation. Preventive procedures may be performed to remineralize the tooth surface and prevent the development of caries.
At iStomatolog clinic, treatment of caries in the spot stage is carried out according to modern protocols, and it is completely painless and includes the following stages:
- Treatment of the spot (microabrasion of the enamel) to remove discoloration from the tooth surface.
- Sterilization of the tooth with ozone or laser to prevent the spread of the process.
- Remineralizing therapy aimed at strengthening the tooth tissue
Superficial caries
Often has a darker color compared to the tooth color and may show a defect in the tooth tissues. Patients may complain of increased sensitivity or cosmetic defects. Treatment involves remineralization therapy and tooth filling for aesthetic indications.
Middle caries
Affects the entire thickness of the enamel and reaches the dentin of the tooth. Often, a visible defect in the form of a dark cavity is observed. Patients complain of food getting stuck in the tooth, increased sensitivity to cold, hot, sweet, and aesthetic defects. The treatment of middle caries includes disinfection of the carious cavity and restoration of the tooth with photopolymer materials or ceramic overlays.
Deep caries
Affects the enamel and deep layers of dentin. Patients' complaints are more pronounced: pain when chewing food, food impaction in the cavity, high sensitivity to thermal stimuli and sweetness. If deep caries is left untreated, it may complicate into inflammation of the tooth nerve. It is important to correctly diagnose the depth of caries during treatment to exclude pulpitis of the tooth
Caries can also be acute or chronic
In chronic caries, the cavity has a dark color and the walls of the cavity are dense. The patient may not experience discomfort from irritants even with deep caries.
In acute caries, there is often no visible cavity in the tooth, or it is very small. The carious process develops inside the tooth. A common reason for seeking dental care in acute caries is the fracture of part of the tooth.
The acute form of caries progresses faster and often leads to complications in the form of nerve inflammation (pulpitis).
The treatment of chronic and acute tooth caries involves removing soft tissues affected by caries, sterilizing the surface of the tooth, and restoring the anatomical shape of the tooth.
Caries can affect any surface of the tooth
The most common locations are the chewing surface and the contact surfaces (between teeth). Additionally, caries can affect a "dead" tooth (in which the nerves have been removed).
Methods of treating dental caries
At the iStomatolog clinic, only modern equipment and materials are used to treat and remove tooth decay. Successful treatment largely depends on proper diagnosis and selection of treatment protocols.
The diagnosis of caries at iStomatolog is carried out using the Diagnodent KaVo apparatus. This allows the determination of the degree and depth of caries damage, as well as the identification of hidden forms of caries that may remain unnoticed during visual inspection.
The sterilization of the tooth surface before filling is carried out using the HealOzone or LAZRAM laser. We apply ozone therapy for all types of caries and at any depth of the carious process. The active molecules of ozone effectively sterilize all microchannels of the tooth, thereby eliminating the possibility of secondary caries development. The use of the laser is limited to the depth of the process due to the high temperature and possible thermal damage in case of a deep process. However, for surface caries and caries in the spot stage, we prefer to use the laser. Treatment for ten seconds allows obtaining a sterile and dense tooth surface.
Restoration of a tooth affected by caries. In the absence of visible defects, which is observed with superficial caries and caries in the spot stage, it is sufficient to carry out remineralization therapy or fissure sealing. Remineralization therapy stimulates the tooth's own protective functions and the densification of damaged tissues. As a result, the tooth can resist the destructive action of acids released by microorganisms in the oral cavity.
Fissure sealing is an additional barrier that prevents food and microorganisms from accumulating on the surface of the tooth. It is performed on the chewing surface of the side teeth. We carry out fissure sealing both as part of comprehensive caries treatment and for its prevention.
Simple and accessible methods for preventing dental caries
• Quality daily oral hygiene using products recommended by your dentist;
• Balanced nutrition with minimal carbohydrates;
• Correction of bite defects or individual teeth;
• Preventive check-ups at least once every six months
How much does tooth decay treatment cost?
The cost of tooth decay treatment depends on the degree of tooth damage, the material used for restoration, and additional methods for preventing complications of tooth decay.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link
You can learn more detailed information during a consultation at iStomatolog Center. After examination by a doctor, the most appropriate treatment options will be proposed specifically for your clinical case.

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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