Dentures on clasps
- What is a clasp denture?
- Indications and contraindications for clasp denture placement
- Advantages and disadvantages of clasp dentures
- Stages of clasp denture placement
- Advantages of high-quality removable partial dentures
- How much does it cost to get a clasp denture?
- FAQ, warranty, reviews about iStomatolog dental clinic
What is clasp dentures?
Clasp dentures are one of the options for removable dentures and a worthy alternative when bridges or implants cannot be installed. The distinctive feature of these dentures is the presence of a metal framework or clasp that rests on the palate if the denture is for the upper jaw, or under the lower teeth in the case of a denture for the lower jaw.
Clasp dentures are usually made with a combination of metal, acetal, and plastic materials. The most commonly used type of clasp dentures is made with a metal framework of cobalt-chromium alloy in combination with plastic.
Indications for clasp denture placement include
- Partial absence of teeth in the upper and/or lower jaw when it is impossible to restore lost teeth with bridges or implants
- Clasp dentures are placed when two or more teeth are missing in a row, or when there is an end defect (when there is no second support for a bridge)
- Dentures can be installed in the front or lateral areas of the mouth
- When implants cannot be placed, clasp dentures are an alternative option for restoring chewing effectiveness.
Contraindications for installation of partial dentures with clasp retention
- intolerance to the components of the prosthesis: metal or acrylic
- insufficient number of remaining teeth (less than 4)
- mobility of remaining teeth of grade 2 or higher
- insufficient space for artificial teeth on the prosthesis (for example, when the teeth on the upper jaw protrude downwards to the contact with the gum on the lower jaw)
- individual contraindications (such as epilepsy or oncological diseases in the oral cavity)
Advantages of clasp dentures
- Not prone to breakage.
- Lightweight.
- Less noticeable in the oral cavity.
- A wide range of tooth colors and shapes, which allows for a perfect match.
- Quick patient adaptation period.
- Service life up to 10 years.
Disadvantages of clasp dentures
- Even though they are removable, clasp dentures are still considered removable.
- Possible psychological discomfort.
- There is an adaptation period.
- Not suitable for people with metal or acrylic allergies.
- There are certain requirements for the quality, quantity, and placement of teeth in the jaw.
Request an appointment
Stages of making clasp dentures at iStomatolog dental clinic
Examination and consultation, planning
Tooth treatment
Impression taking
Try-In of the clasp denture prototype
Delivery of the clasp denture
Clasp denture adjustment
Advantages of high-quality partial dentures
- Adaptation within a few days
- Excellent aesthetic results
- Almost invisible in the mouth
- No need to remove after meals
- Requires no special care
- Does not affect speech
- Does not induce gag reflex
- Provides good stability in the mouth, even while chewing hard foods
How much does it cost to get a partial denture in Kyiv?
The most common and cost-effective type of partial denture is the one with cast metal clasps. The cost of the entire process includes several stages:
- Treatment of the teeth
- Production of the denture itself
In cases where there is no need for additional dental treatment, it is sufficient to take impressions and install the ready-made partial denture with clasp retention in the mouth.
For higher aesthetic demands, dentures with other types of retention, such as lock attachments or telescopic crowns, can be manufactured. These types of work are calculated individually in each case and require high professionalism from both the dentist and dental technician.
To get more accurate information about possible denture construction, costs, and manufacturing timelines, please schedule a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic in Kyiv by calling 067 502 8 999 or 093 502 8 999.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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