Сeramic dental crowns
- Why are metal-free crowns very strong?
- Indications and contraindications for installing a ceramic crown
- Advantages of a ceramic dental crown
- Stages of installing a metal-free ceramic crown at iStomatolog in Kyiv
- Photos "before and after" of ceramic crown
- What are the benefits of ceramic crowns?
- Complications after ceramic crown installation
- Advantages of installing ceramic crowns at iStomatolog in Kyiv
- Price for dental prosthetics
- FAQ, warranty, reviews about iStomatolog dentistry

Why are metal-free crowns very strong?
Metal-free ceramics are an ideal tool in terms of aesthetics and strength for dental crowns, inlays, and bridges.
When installing ceramic dental crowns, a chemical bond is used, allowing for a monolithic construction of the tooth-crown structure.
The absence of a metal framework provides material light refraction identical to that of the tooth tissue.
Metal-free ceramic crowns largely surpass the restoration of "dead" teeth on pins (tooth build-up) in terms of strength, aesthetics, and durability.
This type of dental crown is installed on both "live" and "dead" teeth, as well as in cases of periodontal disease or metal allergy.
Indications for installing a ceramic crown
When can't ceramic crowns be placed on teeth?
Ceramic crowns cannot be installed when one or more teeth are missing since bridge prostheses are not made of ceramics. Prostheses made of ceramics are not recommended for patients:
- with pronounced bruxism and hypertonicity of chewing muscles;
- with a lack of a large number of molar teeth and overload of the remaining teeth (for example, if there are no lateral teeth, installing ceramics on the front teeth is not advisable, as there is a high risk of fracture);
- with epilepsy or established epileptic status (during an epileptic seizure, there is strong muscle tension and jaw clenching);
- engaging in sports associated with a high risk of injury (boxing).
Ceramic crowns can be installed despite these contraindications, but the risk of prosthesis fracture is very high.
The advantages of a ceramic dental crown
Stages of the installation of metal-free ceramic crowns at iStomatolog in Kyiv
Computer modeling
Milling the crown
Crystallization or sintering
Individualization with stains
Photos "before and after" of ceramic crown

The advantages of ceramic crowns at iStomatolog in Kyiv
- We fabricate ceramic crowns in 1 day
- High aesthetics with the highest strength among other materials (load up to 350-400 MPa)
- Durable dental crowns
- Healthy gum tissue (without blue-gray edge)
- 12 Months guarantee
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What are the benefits of ceramic crowns?
The benefits of ceramic dentures for teeth are due to the physical and chemical properties of ceramics:
- a variety of colors and shades;
- variations in transparency;
- chemical bonding with dental tissues;
- excellent polishability;
- high strength;
- biological inertness.
Advantages of ceramic crowns when placed on teeth:
- do not change shade or color over time; they are not impregnated with food colorings;
- the surface of the crowns does not lose its gloss and is practically indestructible;
- dental crowns made of feldspar ceramics have an ideal aesthetics and maximum proximity to the dental tissues through the effects of translucency and opalescence;
- high strength when applied to the tooth (ceramics is treated with hydrofluoric acid, which allows a chemical bond with dentin and enamel, the bond of ceramics with enamel is several times stronger than with dentin, which is why a minimum sawing of the tooth under the crown and the installation of ceramic crowns on teeth alive)
- the possibility of making thin crowns;
- minimum machining of the tooth, there is no need to remove the nerves in the tooth before placing the crown;
- do not irritate the gum tissue, because the material is bioinert (safe in the presence of gum diseases or intolerance to metals)
- do not erode their teeth - antagonists or fillings on the teeth;
- with the digital method of manufacturing, ceramic crowns perfectly follow the contours of the tooth, which eliminates the possibility of a tooth under the crown being affected by decay.
How long do ceramic crowns last and when should they be replaced?
Ceramic crowns do not deteriorate over time and do not lose their properties. Qualitatively made ceramic prostheses fit snugly to the tooth, and the penetration of microorganisms under the crown is impossible.
With age, changes in the dentoalveolar system occur: the height of the bone decreases and part of the root may become exposed. It is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of the teeth and oral cavity to prevent the development of root caries and its spread under the crown.
Subject to the recommendations of the dentist and the absence of common serious diseases (oncological, autoimmune diseases), the service life of ceramic crowns is 10-15 years.
What are the possible complications after dental prosthetics with ceramic crowns?
There may be several unpleasant manifestations when installing any crown, including ceramic ones.
- Pain when biting down on the tooth with the crown. Causes: the crown is too high and needs to be adjusted to the bite; inflammation of the tooth nerve or root canal - crown removal and treatment / re-treatment of the root canals may be necessary.
- Pain in the joint. The crown height is too high.
- Bleeding gums. The edge of the crown is hanging over or there are remnants of cement - polishing of the crown and removal of cement are performed.
- Food getting stuck between the crown and the tooth. This indicates insufficient contact between the tooth and the crown. The contact can be tightened by adjusting the crown or, in the case of tooth decay, by filling the tooth and modeling a tighter contact.
- Increased sensitivity of the tooth with the crown. It often goes away on its own within 10-14 days. However, if it persists and the reaction to cold/hot only intensifies, consultation with the treating doctor is necessary.
- The crown has darkened or changed color. The color of the ceramic cannot be changed, but since such crowns have high light transmission properties, the color change of the tooth under the crown will be manifested as a darkening of the crown. The tooth can change color in the presence of chronic inflammation of the nerve, an untreated root cyst, or the intake of certain medications.
These complications do not pose a threat to the health and life of the patient, but timely examination and diagnosis by a dentist will help solve the problem quickly and with minimal financial expenses.
Price for ceramic crowns
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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