Privacy Policy for website
Published: 25.07.2019
Last edited: 10.03.2023
The administration of the website undertakes to preserve your privacy on the Internet. We attach great importance to the protection of the data provided by you. Our privacy policy is based on the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR). The purposes for which we collect personal data include improving the operation of our service, contacting visitors to this site, providing services related to the activities of this site, as well as for the actions listed below.
Collection and use of personal data
We collect and use your personal data only with your voluntary consent. By consenting, you allow us to collect and use the following data: name, email address, phone number. The collection and processing of your data is carried out in accordance with the laws applicable in the European Union and in Ukraine.
Storage of data, modification and deletion
The user who has provided their personal data to the website has the right to modify and delete their data, as well as to revoke their consent for its use. The period during which your personal data will be stored is the time required to use the data for the website's main activities. When the use of your data is completed, the website administration deletes it. To access your personal data, you can contact the website administration at the following address: LLC "Dental Clinic" Istomatolog", 11 Krakivska str., Kyiv 02100. We may only transfer your personal data to a third party with your voluntary consent. If such data has been transferred, we cannot make changes to it in other organizations not related to us.
Use of technical data when visiting the website
When you visit the website, records of your IP address, visit time, browser settings, operating system, and other technical information necessary for correct display of the website's content are saved in the database. Based on this information, we cannot identify the visitor's identity.
Provision of information by children
If you are a parent or legal guardian and you know that your children have provided us with their personal data without your consent, please contact us at It is prohibited to leave personal data of minors on our service without the consent of their parents or legal guardians.
Use of cookies
To display content correctly and make the website more convenient to use, we use cookie files. These are small files stored on your device that help the website remember information about you, such as the language you are viewing the website in and which pages you have already opened. This information will be useful during your next visit. Thanks to cookie files, browsing the website becomes much more convenient. You can set up acceptance or blocking of cookies in your browser yourself. The inability to accept cookies may limit the functionality of the website.
Use of personal data by other services
This website uses third-party internet services that independently collect information from us: Google Analytics, etc. The data they collect may be provided to other services within these organizations, which may use the data to personalize advertising within their own advertising network. You can read the user agreements of these organizations on their websites. There, you can also opt-out of the collection of your personal data, for example, the Google Analytics blocker can be found here. We do not share personal data with other organizations or services not mentioned in this privacy policy, except for the transfer of information in the event of lawful requests from authorized government agencies.
Links to other websites
Our website,, may contain links to other websites that are not controlled by us. We are not responsible for their content. We recommend that you review the privacy policy of each website you visit if it is available.
Changes to the privacy policy
Our website,, may update our privacy policy from time to time. We will inform you of any changes by posting a new privacy policy on this page. We monitor changes in legislation regarding personal data in the European Union and Ukraine. If you have provided us with personal data, we will notify you of any changes to the privacy policy. If your personal data was entered incorrectly, we will not be able to contact you.
Feedback, final provisions
You can contact the administration of the website regarding privacy policy issues at: or by using the contact form provided in the corresponding section of this website. If you do not agree with this privacy policy, you cannot use the services of In this case, you should refrain from visiting our website.
Privacy Policy for iStomatolog dental center
Published: 25.07.2019
Last edited: 10.03.2023
Privacy policy is drawn up in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data". The information is available at the following link:
This Privacy Policy of "iStomatolog" LLC, the dental clinic, is adopted for the purpose of protecting and safeguarding the personal data of the clinic's clients (including website users), confidential information containing personal data, as well as confidential information owned by "iStomatolog" LLC.
The privacy policy of "iStomatolog" dental clinic defines the terms and rules for using the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") and applies to all users of the website or programs (hereinafter referred to as "Clients"):
- users who do not have an account on the Site or in the Program (unregistered users);
- users with any account (an account is a set of information about a client and authorization data (login, password).
1.Definition of terms
The terms used in this Regulation have the following meanings:
1.1. Personal data - information or a combination of information about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified.
1.2. Confidential information - information that is in the possession, use, or control of individual physical or legal entities and is disseminated at their discretion in accordance with the terms provided by them.
1.3. Confidentiality of information - the property of information to be protected from unauthorized disclosure.
1.4. Confidentiality regime of information - legal, medical, organizational, technical, and other measures for the protection of personal data.
1.5. Owner of confidential information - a person who possesses information that is confidential, who has legally limited access to this information and has established a regime of confidentiality of information in relation to it.
1.6. Access to confidential information - the disclosure of certain persons to information that is confidential, with the consent of its owner or on another legal basis for providing access to personal data.
1.7. Client - an individual or legal entity capable of acting, who has reached the age of 18, fully accepted all the conditions of this privacy policy by registering on the Site to use the services of this site and Program and/or by filling out a special form at the Aistomatolog Dental Clinic to use the services of the clinic.
1.8. Counterparty - a party to a civil law contract, the owner of confidential information, who has transferred this information, provided that the confidentiality of this information is preserved.
1.9. Website - the internet site, which is under the organizational control of the management of the "Aistomatolog" dental clinic.
1.10. Application program - a computer program or software that can be used on tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices, which is distributed under the terms of an adhesion contract (a free public offer), giving the person who joined such a contract a free license to use the program for its intended purpose, which is under the organizational control of the management of the "Aistomatolog" dental clinic.
1.11. Transfer of confidential information - the transfer of information that is confidential and is recorded on the website of the "Aistomatolog" dental clinic by its owner or website owner based on the contract, in the volume and on the terms provided for by the contract, including the condition for the counterparty to take measures to protect its confidentiality.
1.12. Disclosure of confidential information - an action or inaction, as a result of which information that is confidential, in any possible form (oral, written, or other form, including using technical means), becomes known to third parties without the consent of the owner of such information or in violation of a civil law contract.
2. Information that is confidential
2.1. The following information is considered confidential:
2.1.1. Personal information provided by the client during registration or when leaving comments on the website: phone number, email, first and last name.
2.1.2. Data automatically transmitted when visiting the website: IP address, browser information, duration of stay on the website, website address from which the transition was made, etc.
2.1.3. Data about the client's request for medical assistance, results of laboratory tests, and other information about the client's health, which in accordance with applicable law is considered confidential information.
3. Establishing the confidentiality regime for information
3.1. The confidentiality regime for information is considered established after the client's consent is obtained for the collection, processing, distribution, and access to personal data during registration on the website and the dental clinic "Aistomatolog" takes measures to protect the confidentiality of information.
3.2. By using any part of the website and programs, the client agrees to:
3.2.1. Processing of their personal data from primary sources to the following extent: personal information (age, gender, marital status, family composition, etc.), information about place of residence: actual and registered, information about military registration, data related to health status in accordance with applicable law, data on assignment of a taxpayer identification number, electronic identification data (biographical references, phone numbers), image recording (photo);
3.2.2. Use of personal data, which provides for the owner of the database to process this data, as well as actions to partially or fully grant the right to process personal data to other entities related to personal data (Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection");
3.2.3. Distribution of personal data, which provides for actions of the owner of the personal data database on the transfer of information about an individual from the personal data database (Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection");
3.2.4. Access to personal data of third parties, which determines the actions of the owner of the personal data database in case of a request from a third party for access to personal data, including the procedure for the subject of personal data to access information about themselves (Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection").
4. Rights and obligations of the client (website users)
4.1. The client (website user) has the right to:
4.1.1. use all technical capabilities of the website and programs of the dental clinic "Aystomatolog";
4.1.2. have access to any public information posted on the Site or in programs;
4.1.3. have their personal data protected from third parties under the conditions determined by the current legislation of Ukraine and the provisions of this Privacy Policy;
4.1.4. use information from the site for personal and non-commercial purposes.
4.2. The client (website user) agrees to:
4.2.1. provide and post truthful personal information when registering;
4.2.2. use the Site and Programs only for purposes that do not contradict the agreements between the client (user) and the dental clinic "Aystomatolog", current legislation of Ukraine, and principles of reasonableness and morality;
4.2.3. take responsibility before third parties for their actions or inactions when using the Site and/or programs;
4.2.4. independently and at their own expense settle all claims of third parties related to the actions or inactions of the client when using the Site and/or programs.
4.3. The client (website user) is prohibited from:
4.3.1. inciting religious, racial or interethnic hatred;
4.3.2. deceiving other users;
4.3.3. committing actions that violate the honor and dignity, rights and freedoms of any person;
4.3.4. registering an account on behalf of a third party or instead of another person;
4.3.5. providing their account and/or login and password from their account to third parties for use;
4.3.6. posting materials of an advertising, erotic, pornographic or insulting nature;
4.3.7. posting information that violates the rights and legitimate interests of third parties (including posting photos and videos whose main object is a person, if that person did not give consent to the posting of photos or videos with their participation on the Site);
4.3.8. posting computer viruses or programs capable of interrupting or disrupting the normal functionality of computer hardware and software, as well as telecommunications of any person;
4.3.9. any use of information from the site for commercial purposes.
5. Rights and obligations of the "Aystomatolog" dental clinic
5.1. The "Aystomatolog" dental clinic has the right to:
5.1.1. establish, modify and cancel the regime of confidential information in writing in accordance with the current legislation;
5.1.2. use information that constitutes commercial secret and/or confidential information for its own purposes in a manner that does not contradict the law;
5.1.3. allow or prohibit access to information that is confidential, determine the procedure and conditions for accessing this information;
5.1.4. introduce into civil circulation information that is confidential on the basis of contracts providing for the inclusion of conditions for the protection of the confidentiality of this information;
5.1.5. require legal and natural persons who have access to information that is confidential, state authorities, other government bodies, local self-government bodies to whom confidential information is provided, to observe the obligations to protect its confidentiality;
5.1.6. require persons who have access to information that is confidential, as a result of actions taken accidentally or by mistake, to protect the confidentiality of this information;
5.1.7. in case the Client places on the Site or with the help of programs information or carries out other actions that do not correspond to the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine and this Privacy Policy - at its own discretion, to delete completely or partially the information posted by the Client, including information which is difficult to determine its compliance with the law;
5.1.8. make changes to the Privacy Policy to further improve the security system in accordance with the current legislation;
5.1.9. send the Client advertising information messages - in case the Client wants to refuse to receive mailings from the "Aystomatolog" dental clinic, he must inform the "Aystomatolog" dental clinic by any convenient means.
5.2 The "Aystomatolog" dental clinic undertakes to:
5.2.1. protect its rights in the event of disclosure, illegal obtaining or illegal use by third parties of information that is confidential information in accordance with the current legislation, this Policy, labor and civil law contracts, including demanding compensation for damages caused in connection with the violation of its rights.
6. Information Confidentiality Protection
6.1. In order to protect the confidentiality of information, employees of the "Aistomatolog" dental clinic who, in accordance with the nature of their job functions in these legal entities, have access to it, are obliged to:
6.1.1. Take a written commitment to non-disclosure of information that constitutes confidential information or sign a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement;
6.1.2. Comply with the confidentiality regime established by the "Aistomatolog" dental clinic;
6.1.3. Not disclose information that constitutes confidential information, containing personal data of the client, as well as the owner of which is the "Aistomatolog" dental clinic, and not use this information for personal purposes without their consent;
6.1.4. Not to disclose the above-mentioned information, which is confidential, after the termination of the employment contract (contract);
6.1.5. Compensate for the damage caused to the client if the employee is guilty of disclosing information that constitutes confidential information, which became known to him in connection with the performance of his job duties;
6.2. The relations between the "Aistomatolog" dental clinic and its counterparties regarding the non-disclosure of confidential information are regulated by legislation, contracts, and this Privacy Policy. In contracts of the "Aistomatolog" dental clinic with counterparties, a clause is marked on the non-disclosure of information that constitutes trade secrets and/or confidential information by the counterparty.
6.3. The "Aistomatolog" dental clinic takes all necessary organizational and technical measures to protect personal data from accidental and fraudulent access, destruction, alteration, or other unlawful actions.
7. Storage, use, provision, and accounting of confidential information
7.1. Paper and electronic media containing confidential information of the "Aistomatolog" dental clinic are stored during non-working hours only in safes or lockable cabinets; electronic information storage databases are encoded with corresponding security passwords.
7.2. Without the prior consent of the management of the "Aistomatolog" dental clinic, employees are not allowed to:
7.2.1. make copies of electronic media containing confidential information, take copies of these media outside the office, or transmit them to other persons who do not have access to trade secrets and/or confidential information;
7.2.2. acquaint clinic employees and other persons who do not have access to confidential information with information containing confidential information.
7.4. Information constituting confidential information may be provided to counterparties when concluding transactions, at their request with the prior consent of the owners of personal data.
7.5. Information containing confidential information may be provided exclusively by the head of the clinic or persons replacing him only upon written request of representatives of state authorities, supervisory and law enforcement authorities.
7.6. The accounting of electronic media containing confidential information is maintained by the responsible person.
8. Feedback, Concluding Provisions
To contact the administration of regarding issues related to the privacy policy, you can use the following email address:, or use the contact form provided in the relevant section of this website.