Implantation of All-on-6 in Kyiv
- Who is a candidate for the "All-on-6" method??
- Indications for prosthetics using the All-on-6 system
- Contraindications and risks of using the All-on-6 system
- Main stages of prosthetics and implantation with the All-on-6 "turnkey" system
- Advantages of prosthetics on six implants
- Disadvantages of prosthetics on six implants
- Cost of All-on-6 implantation and prosthetics at iStomatolog
- FAQ, warranty, reviews about iStomatolog dentistry
Who is a candidate for the "All-on-6" method?
Prosthetics on six implants or tooth prosthetics using the All-on-6 system ("All on six") is an extended version of the All-on-4 implantation and prosthetics method. If the All-on-4 method requires four implants for full restoration of the tooth row in one jaw, then the All-on-6 method involves the placement of six implants: two in the front of the jaw and two on each side. This increases the number of supports for the prosthesis, and the chewing load will be more evenly distributed on the jaw bone tissue.
The "All on six" and "All on four" methods can be used regardless of age, and the degree of implant survival is equally high for patients of all age groups. Complete restoration of the tooth row on four or six supports is aimed specifically at patients with complete tooth loss and corresponding changes in jaw bone tissue in the form of atrophy, which is observed in 90% of cases in old age. Trauma, surgical interventions, oncological and autoimmune diseases precede the loss of all teeth at a young age.
Indications for prosthetics using the All-on-6 system
- Complete absence of teeth in one or both jaws (complete adentia).
- Presence of teeth that need to be removed for various reasons (mobility of degree 3-4, destruction due to caries and its complications, trauma, etc.).
- Contraindications to the installation of removable dentures.
- Inability of the patient to use full removable dentures (for example, with a high gag reflex, individual intolerance to prosthesis components, deformity of the jaws, with which the fixation of the prosthesis is minimal).
- Contraindications or impossibility of performing bone tissue augmentation and sinus lifting with subsequent implantation using classic methods.
- Mild to moderate atrophy of the jawbone tissue. In cases of severe atrophy, basal implantation or placement of Zygomatic implants is performed.
Contraindications and risks of using the All-on-6 system
- Severe bone atrophy in the jaws, as the implants serve as support for the prosthesis, requiring a minimum amount of bone volume to be present for their installation.
- Autoimmune and oncological diseases in decompensation stage.
- Exacerbation of cardiovascular and nervous system diseases, blood disorders, and hematopoietic organ diseases (after stabilizing the condition, implantation and prosthetics using the "All-on-6" system becomes possible).
How the All-on-6 implantation procedure works?
At first glance, installing implants and creating a prosthesis on them may seem relatively simple and not much different from single- or two-stage implantation. However, there is an important nuance: the prosthesis of 14 teeth is a single monolithic structure that lacks flexibility. This construction has slots into which the abutments of the six installed implants fit. In order for this to be feasible, the parallelism of the abutments must be maintained. Therefore, careful planning of implantation and prosthetics is an important stage.
The main stages of "turnkey" All-on-6 prosthetics and implantation
1 Stage
2 Stage
3 Stage
4 Stage
5 Stage
6 Stage
7 Stage
8 Stage
9 Stage
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Pros of six implant prosthetics
1) With the "All-on-6" method, a non-removable prosthesis is made that eliminates all the inconveniences associated with full removable prostheses:
Movement or poor fixation of the prosthesis in the mouth is eliminated;
The need to remove it daily for proper cleaning is eliminated;
Limitations in eating hard food are eliminated.
2) It can be used in cases of bone tissue atrophy.
There is no need for additional procedures such as bone augmentation, gum grafting, or sinus lifting.
3) Maximum level of psychological comfort.
This is particularly important for younger patients leading an active lifestyle. The fear of "losing" the prosthesis at an inappropriate moment disappears completely.
4) High aesthetic standards.
Significant external changes occur when a permanent prosthesis is installed, such as muscle tension disappearing, an increase in the height of the lower third of the face, and smoothing of deep wrinkles - the so-called "rejuvenation effect". The patient begins to feel more confident.
5) Implants do not require replacement over time.
6) A temporary prosthesis can be installed within the first few days.
In fact, the patient can fully chew immediately.
Cons of six implant prosthetics
- The cost of implantation and prosthetics with the All-on-6 method is much higher than the manufacture of a full plastic removable prosthesis.
- There are possible risks and complications, as with any other surgical intervention.
What implants are used in the "All-on-6" dental procedure?
The leaders in this field are the Swiss implant systems Nobel and Straumann. Nobel was the first company to patent this method, and their extensive research and years of experience inspire trust in patients.
However, budget-friendly manufacturers should not be underestimated. The South Korean company Megagen has developed a comprehensive system for the restoration of edentulous jaws, based on the best practices of Nobel.
Ultimately, your treating dentist will help you make the final decision after examining your oral cavity and analyzing computer tomography data.
What materials are used to create prostheses and teeth fixed on six implants?
The main materials used in the manufacture of prostheses include:
- BioHPP as the framework, with the teeth made from a special composite material. These prostheses are lightweight, highly aesthetic, fully biocompatible with bone and gum tissue (originally, BioHPP was used to manufacture heart valves before being introduced in dentistry).
- Zirconium dioxide and its combination with ceramics. This is the most expensive option and the construction is heavier. However, zirconium has the best performance when it comes to contact with the gums.
- Titanium in combination with ceramics. This material falls in the middle of the price range between BioHPP and zirconium. It has no significant differences from a zirconium-based prosthesis.
- Acrylic (plastic). This material is mostly used for temporary implant-supported prostheses.
The cost of All-on-6 implantation and prosthetics at iStomatolog clinic in Kyiv
The price of prosthetics according to the "All-on-6" system depends mainly on two factors:
- Which implant system will be used.
- What material the permanent prosthesis will be made of.
The cost of the surgical operation to install six Megagen implants "turnkey" will be from 3000 euro; Straumann - from 4500 euro; Nobel - from 5500 euro.
The cost of a permanent prosthesis made of zirconium dioxide (14 teeth) starts from 3600 euro.
The cost of permanent abutments, template fabrication, and temporary prosthesis directly depends on the chosen implant system. Implant systems and their components are not interchangeable.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link
You can get more detailed information at a consultation at the iStomatolog Center. After an examination by a doctor, you will be offered the most optimal treatment options for your clinical case. You can make an appointment through the online form or by calling the iStomatolog Center at:
067 502 8 999, 093 502 8 999.

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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