Pediatric dentistry
- Treatment of children at iStomatolog dental clinic in Kiev, main directions
- Pediatric dentistry - a separate divisionе
- When to seek a pediatric dentist?
- Main tasks of pediatric dentistry, diagnosis, and treatment
- Advantages of treating children's teeth at iStomatolog in Kyiv
- Cost of treating children's teeth
- FAQ, guarantee, reviews about Stomatolog dental clinic in Kyiv
Treatment of children at iStomatolog dental clinic in Kyiv
You no longer need to search for a specialized pediatric dentistry in Kiev to get qualified dental services for your child.
A pediatric dentist at iStomatolog will help your child overcome their fear of visiting the dentist. Our dentist knows how to communicate effectively with children.
We have our own techniques and developments in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the hard tissues of milk and permanent teeth in children of different age categories.
Treatment of teeth in children, main directions
Pediatric dentistry
Pediatric dentistry is a branch of medicine that studies oral diseases in children from 1 year to 17 years old. Therefore, a pediatric dentist must have knowledge in pediatrics, therapy, pharmacology, which are necessary for the competent development of a treatment plan for pathologies taking into account age-related features. In addition to professional training and practical experience, the doctor must be able to communicate properly with children, taking into account the emotional state and behavioral aspects of the patient.
Why is pediatric dentistry a separate division in the clinic?
Dental treatment for children should be performed by a pediatric dentist, as pathologies in infants and school-age children have a number of important features, including:
- morphological differences between a child's jaw and an adult's;
- inflammatory processes progress rapidly and have a specific course;
- methods for treating caries, pulpitis, and periodontitis have fundamental differences from the technologies used for adult patients;
- children require a personalized psychological approach.
A good pediatric dentist understands how diseases develop at a certain age and what treatment methods should be used for their effective and safe elimination.
When to seek a pediatric dentist?
- plaque on teeth
- cavities and spots on teeth (caries)
- fistula on the gum
- swelling of the gum and/or cheek
- child complains of pain while eating
- child cannot sleep at night due to toothache
- children over 6 years old for preventive procedures aimed at preserving permanent teeth
The main components of pediatric dentistry
Pediatric dentistry includes therapy, orthodontics, surgery, periodontics, and prosthodontics. The main reason for seeking dental care is caries of primary and permanent teeth. Other reasons include incorrect bite, jaw injuries, various infections, and inflammations.
It is not only possible but also necessary to treat caries in primary teeth, as untreated pathological processes can lead to the development of pulpitis and periodontitis, which is dangerous for the formation of permanent teeth. Carious teeth are a constant source of infection that, with weakened immunity, affects various organs and causes various complications.
Early loss of a primary tooth often leads to a disruption in the development and growth of bone tissue, so when teeth are replaced, anomalies of the bite, crowding of teeth in a row, and many other pathologies can arise.
The pediatric appointment is conducted by the dentist
Irina Dyshlova

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Main goals of pediatric dentistry
The condition of a child's teeth (both primary and permanent) depends on the medical knowledge of the parents. Proper organization of oral hygiene and nutrition, regular visits to a pediatric dentist create the conditions for the formation of healthy teeth.
It is very important that after the first visits to the dentist, the child does not develop a sense of anxiety and fear. And the doctors at iStomatolog clinic know how to approach young patients so that further visits do not cause concern for either the dentists or the parents. Preventive measures will help avoid serious costs for treatment in the future, as pathologies can be effectively eliminated at early stages.
In childhood (mostly due to the fault of parents), incorrect taste preferences are formed. The consumption of sweets, pastries, carbonated drinks, and canned juices leads to enamel destruction and subsequent development of caries. It, by the way, proceeds covertly, so parents do not notice pathological changes until a deep carious cavity is exposed.
At iStomatolog clinic, doctors use the DIAGNOdent KaVo device to detect hidden changes in dental structures. The device does not create radiation exposure to the body and does not cause discomfort during the examination of the dental row. Waves generated by the laser reflect differently from healthy and carious tissues, forming clear boundary contours that separate pathological tissue from healthy tissue. We also have a digital x-ray machine and other types of modern dental equipment.
The clinic uses the best filling materials, antiseptics, anesthesia drugs, and other means on which the safety and effectiveness of the treatment process depend. At iStomatolog, unprecedented measures are taken to ensure a proper level of hygiene, so parents can trust their children's health when making an appointment with a doctor.
In addition to tooth decay, there are many other problems that need to be addressed in childhood. In some cases, emergency tooth extraction is necessary, while in others, plates or braces need to be installed to align improperly positioned teeth.
When the enamel layer is damaged, doctors develop an individual scheme of therapeutic treatment, and in case of jaw trauma, a special splint needs to be applied. And in each specific situation, the correct psychological approach is required so that the child is tuned to treatment and does not interfere with the doctor during its execution.
Our specialists use the most advanced dental techniques, including:
- treating caries with minimally invasive methods;
- performing tooth treatment without drilling;
- applying the fissure sealing method;
- developing preventive schemes to prevent the development of caries.
To obtain more detailed information, please see the sections of the iStomatolog clinic website or call the numbers: 067 502-8-999, 093 502-8-999.
Advantages of treating children's teeth at iStomatolog in Kyiv
- Individual approach to each child
- We work with children of any age
- We reward good behavior
- No drilling or injections
Pediatric dentistry at iStomatolog in Kyiv
If necessary, dental treatment for children is carried out under local anesthesia in the form of an injection or application.
For example, when removing milk teeth with a resorbed root, an application is sufficient (the gum is treated with a special gel that provides an anesthetic effect).
Specialists at iStomatolog dental clinic will perform the procedure of treatment or tooth removal quickly and, most importantly, painlessly.
Bring your children to us! We won't scare them! 🙂
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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Що мене очікувало в центрі iStomatolog.
1. Відсутність очікування біля кабінету.
2. Відсутність зайвого. Персонал і лікарі тебе не обтяжують. Їх стільки, скільки має бути.
3. Без сумніву професіоналізм. Тебе вислухать, і обов'язково запропонують варіанти лікування. Що безцінно, це те, що тобі в першу чергу будуть пропонувати максимально зберегти свої зуби.
4. Відсутність бажання затягнути процес лікування на рік (якщо у тебе проблема не одного чи двох зубів). Головне, щоб дозволяли працювати ясна (їх стан).
5. Матеріали з якими працюють лікарі. Це виключно японський виробник.
І нарешті результат, який я навіть вже і не очікувала.
Лена, дякую тобі ВЕЛИЧЕЗНЕ за твою роботу. Тобі і твоїй команді.
Але тут працюють дуже відповідальні, приємні і турботливі професіонали! Дякую всій команді цієї стоматології, і окремо дякую моєму стоматологу Пекарському Віталію за прекрасну роботу. Тепер я і солодке їм без болі, і більше посміхаюсь ☺️
Я із задоволенням буду ходити тільки до вас 😊
Всі лікарі уважні, професійні, з щирою турботою про пацієнта. Запам'яталось, як мені років п'ять тому довго і терпляче спасали майже безнадійний зуб, зіпсований в іншій клініці — спасли, стоїть свій зуб, а міг би вже бути імплант.
Дуже рекомендую.