Atypical tooth extraction, removal of "wisdom tooth"
- What does "atypical tooth extraction" mean?
- Types of anomalous wisdom tooth placement
- Complications after atypical tooth extraction
- Clinical example of unusual removal of a "wisdom tooth"
- What should not be done after tooth extraction surgery?
- Acceleration of bone tissue regeneration and recovery
- Advantages of wisdom tooth removal at iStomatolog
- How much does wisdom tooth removal cost?
- FAQ, warranty, reviews of iStomatolog dental clinic
What does "atypical tooth extraction" mean?
Unusual refers to the removal of a tooth that has severely curved roots, incorrect positioning in the dental arch, roots that have been previously filled with resorcinol-formaldehyde pastes, roots with cysts or cystic granulomas, and if additional instruments or equipment need to be used.
This also includes the removal of so-called "wisdom teeth" if there is an indication for it.
Types of anomalous positioning of wisdom teeth
The type of anomalous deviation of a wisdom tooth is of fundamental importance in choosing the scheme of its removal. In dentistry, the following types of pathological positioning of wisdom teeth are distinguished:
- Vertical - the axis of the tooth is parallel to the axis of the second molar's position
- Distal-angled and mesial-angled - the axis of the wisdom tooth is inclined towards the branch of the lower jaw or towards the axis of the adjacent tooth
- Horizontal - the axis of the wisdom tooth is positioned at a right angle to the adjacent tooth
- Lingual and buccal - the dental axis is shifted towards the tongue or cheek.
There are also combined anomalies that combine features of various deviations.
Complications after atypical tooth extraction
Complications can occur after atypical wisdom tooth extraction, either as a result of medical intervention or patient noncompliance with the dentist's instructions. The risk of negative consequences increases with low immunity and the presence of chronic infections.
Complications can occur immediately after tooth extraction or develop over time, with patients complaining of dull or sharp pain in the jaw area and bleeding.
Delayed complications include infection, periostitis, alveolitis, and osteomyelitis. High fever does not always indicate the onset of an inflammatory process - temperature fluctuations are often a result of nervous overload and stress. Usually, after taking antipyretic medication, the patient's condition normalizes, and their well-being improves.
If the temperature does not decrease, immediate medical attention is necessary, as it can develop rapidly. The appearance of flux indicates the penetration of infection into the socket. If the postoperative wound is tightly sutured, a prophylactic course of antibiotics should be prescribed.
Alveolitis is a common complication after atypical wisdom tooth extraction, especially in the lower jaw (due to the complexity of removing the lower molars). Medical supervision can help prevent complications.
During atypical tooth extraction, bone tissue is often traumatized, and after the rehabilitation period, its gradual loss is observed. The loss of jawbone volume often complicates denture and implant installation on adjacent teeth, so it is important to take measures to preserve the anatomical properties of the dental system after extraction.
Problems that often arise in patients with insufficient bone tissue after tooth extraction include:
- Implant instability
- Development of atrophic processes in the alveolar ridge area
- Exacerbation of atrophic processes in the alveolar ridge
- Implant failure
- Spread of bone atrophy to adjacent teeth.
Fracture of the jawbone is sometimes seen as a complication after atypical lower tooth extraction.
Clinical example of atypical wisdom tooth extraction

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What should you not do after a tooth extraction?
After a tooth extraction, it is contraindicated to rinse your mouth or undergo any thermal procedures. It is not recommended to touch the socket or remove the clot, and it is also not recommended to visit a sauna, bathhouse, beach, or spa center. Under no circumstances should you take any medication without informing your doctor.
Dentists advise refraining from active physical and breathing exercises as they can provoke bleeding. In the first few days after atypical wisdom tooth extraction, the use of an irrigator is also not recommended. You can clean your teeth, but very carefully, without touching the traumatized area.
Accelerating bone tissue regeneration and restoration
After an atypical wisdom tooth extraction, as well as other chewing teeth, iStomatolog clinic doctors use a regenerative technique. Plasma lifting (also known as PFR technique) in dentistry involves the use of the patient's plasma, which undergoes special processing in a centrifuge, enriched with platelets and growth factors. The material for obtaining an injectable product is the peripheral blood of a person.
From the plasma, a PRF clot is obtained, which is injected into the problem area to accelerate regeneration, stop the inflammatory process, form a stable blood clot that closes the surgical wound. Within seven days after the injection of the platelet-enriched clot, growth factors are released, creating favorable conditions for cell growth in bone tissue and the fastest healing of bone defects.
Plasma does not cause rejection because it is 100% biologically compatible material. The procedure is performed on the day of tooth extraction surgery as the storage period of PRF membranes and clots is only a few hours.
Plasma lifting is not bone plastic surgery and cannot replace significant loss of bone volume. However, the application of this technology after atypical removal of wisdom teeth or other teeth significantly reduces the rehabilitation period, reduces the risk of bleeding, and other negative consequences that may occur after surgery.
This method increases the effectiveness of the following bone plastic surgeries:
• alveolar ridge augmentation (increasing bone tissue by adding osteoplastic materials inside the alveolar process);
• sinus lifting (bone plastic surgery in the upper jaw in the area of the maxillary sinuses);
• directed bone regeneration (a bone substitute is used to replenish the lack of bone tissue).
Plasma lifting is a safe and highly effective method for preventing postoperative complications, successfully applied at the iStomatolog clinic along with other innovative technologies. The proper choice of treatment scheme is the basis for quick, painless, and effective recovery after the removal of wisdom teeth and other teeth.
Benefits of wisdom teeth removal at iStomatolog
- PRF (plasma therapy)
- Removal of any complexity of "wisdom teeth"
- Painlessly
- Monitoring throughout the healing period
Atypical wisdom teeth removal is performed under local anesthesia. If necessary, biomaterial grafting and suturing of the extracted tooth socket are performed. During the postoperative period, the doctor conducts a mandatory follow-up examination, prescribes medication therapy, and provides recommendations for home oral care.
The specialists at iStomatolog dental clinic have developed a special medication therapy scheme after wisdom teeth removal to prevent complications. Its use ensures rapid bone tissue regeneration, and the postoperative period is characterized by minimal pain and discomfort. Most importantly, the risk of complications after atypical tooth extraction is minimized.
The use of plasma therapy, i.e., implantation of a PRF clot obtained from the patient's own blood into the extracted tooth socket, minimizes the bone defect after extraction and accelerates and facilitates the healing process.
How much does wisdom teeth removal cost?
The cost of atypical wisdom tooth removal can be determined during a consultation at iStomatolog after an examination of the oral cavity, analysis of X-rays, and a computed tomography scan.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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