Implantation in case of complete absence of teeth
Complete edentulism, or a completely toothless jaw, is certainly a difficult situation, but with modern achievements in medicine, particularly in dentistry, it is not irreversible. Options for restoring lost teeth include:
- removable dentures
- installation of implants with subsequent crown prosthetics
Whichever option you choose, it will be better than the absence of teeth and the consequences that follow.
Disadvantages of removable dentures:
- inconvenience for the patient
- not always possible to achieve good fixation
- speech impairment
- restrictions on eating hard foods
- impossible to wear such dentures in case of increased gag reflex
Advantages of removable dentures:
- low cost
- fast manufacturing time (7-14 days)
Implants in case of complete absence of teeth can be installed for additional fixation of removable dentures or for the installation of a non-removable bridge prosthesis.
All teeth are supported by two implants. The implants serve as additional fixation for a removable prosthesis. They are installed in the area of missing canines. A special abutment with a ball on top is inserted into the implant, and the removable prosthesis is designed with a recess for it.All-on-6
Installation of 6 implants on both sides of the jaw in the area of missing second, fifth, and sixth (or seventh) teeth, followed by the placement of a non-removable prosthesis. This is the most optimal solution for a toothless jaw, as it allows for an even distribution of chewing load and provides an aesthetic result.All-on-4
A construction of 12-14 teeth is placed on four implants. The implants are installed in the area of missing second and fifth teeth. Prosthetics can be done with a removable prosthesis or a non-removable bridgework (using BioHPP prosthetics is a good solution).All-on-7, 8..
The maximum number of implants is limited only by the length of the jaw. Essentially, implants can be installed on a 1:1 basis with the missing teeth. However, such implantations are meaningless, as extensive bone trauma occurs during the implant installation.Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link
Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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