Periodontitis treatment
What is periodontitis?
Periodontitis is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the gums and all tissues surrounding the tooth, including the bone tissue.
Symptoms of periodontitis in patients
- Unpleasant odor from the mouth, despite thorough hygiene
- Swelling and bleeding of the gums
- Painfulness
- Exposure of tooth necks and roots, as well as increased sensitivity
- Mobility of teeth
- With a progressive course, there is a change in the tilt of the teeth
A characteristic picture in X-ray examination is uneven horizontal and vertical destruction of bone tissue, the presence of periodontal pockets.
Periodontitis is characterized by exacerbations in the autumn-winter period.
Advantages of treating periodontitis at iStomatolog
- Comprehensive individual approach
- Treatment schemes that have proven their effectiveness
- Combination of therapeutic and surgical methods
- Drug protocols
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Treatment methods for periodontitis at iStomatolog dental clinic in Kyiv
- Closed and open curettage
- Vector therapy
- Laser treatment
- Ozone therapy
- Japanese gel preparation IG
- Plasma therapy
- Bone grafting
- Gum plastic surgery
Devices for treating periodontitis at iStomatolog dental clinic in Kyiv
Hardware treatment of periodontitis
One of the effective methods for treating periodontitis is ultrasonic therapy. The Vector device, developed by the German company Durr Dental, is a multifunctional complex capable of removing dental and microbial deposits from the surface of tooth roots and gum mucosa in a gentle mode.
Unlike other similar devices, "Vector" works not in a horizontal, but a vertical plane. The tip of the device is positioned along the surface of the tooth and its roots, exerting an impact on external and internal structures, including tissues located below the gum level.
Indications and contraindications for therapy using Vector
The device has minimal traumatic effects on the jawbone, tooth roots, and mucous tissues, which is its main advantage. Periodontitis is treated using the "Vector" device in the following cases:
- Presence of dental plaque and calculus below the gum level;
- Exposure of tooth roots;
- Increased tooth sensitivity in the presence of dental deposits;
- Inflammatory foci in the gum area;
- Periodontal pockets deeper than 3 mm;
- Bleeding gums.
Such therapy should be applied with caution for the treatment of periodontitis in case of severe detachment of the gum from the tooth surface, the presence of abscesses under the gums (abscessing form of periodontitis), and during pregnancy. Other contraindications are standard: blood disorders, untreated infections, oncological diseases, the presence of a pacemaker, and others.
Individual approach to treating periodontitis
The treatment of periodontitis at iStomatolog clinic is based on a personalized approach. Based on our own experience with the use of the Vector device and diagnostic results, we set achievable goals:
- On the initial and first stage, we aim to fully restore the functions of the stomatognathic system;
- On the second stage, we aim for long-term remission;
- On the third stage, we aim to save and preserve the teeth.
The Vector device treatment plan includes several stages. At the first stage, topical anesthesia is applied, followed by treatment of problem areas (without contact with the device's nozzle). Ultrasonic waves are applied together with Vector fluid, which removes dental deposits, microbial biofilm, growths in the periodontal pocket, and smoothes the root surface. The process of removing surface plaque, calculus, and soft deposits takes from 30 minutes to two hours.
Secondary therapy is carried out to maintain and consolidate the result of gum treatment. The intervals between device treatments range from 10 days to 6 months. The periodontitis treating doctor will determine the necessary number of procedures and their frequency.
The therapy using the Vector device is painless because the nozzle of the device does not come into contact with the inflamed areas. Instead, a vibrating stream of liquid with abrasive particles is used. Ultrasonic vibrations pass in a vertical direction, without damaging the gum and root tissues. Local anesthesia is offered to patients with increased tooth and gum sensitivity. The device improves microcirculation in the gums and stimulates tissue regeneration.
Results of Vector therapy
The German ultrasonic complex has a multidirectional effect:
- A massage effect (ultrasonic waves stimulate lymphatic flow and blood circulation in the gums, resulting in vessel dilation and absorption of exudate in the focus of inflammation);
- Inflammation intensity decreases, tissue nutrition improves;
- Sources of infection are eliminated (microbial biofilm, dental plaque and calculus, granulations in the periodontal pockets);
- The process of periodontal tissue restoration is initiated;
- Tooth sensitivity decreases.
The procedure for treating periodontitis is carried out without direct contact with inflamed tissues, so painful sensations are weakly expressed. The design of the device's nozzle allows for processing in hard-to-reach areas, as well as at a deep depth of periodontal pockets.
Comprehensive treatment of periodontitis includes:
- Removal of dental deposits
- Elimination of foci of chronic infection or mucosal trauma (treatment of caries, replacement of poor-quality fillings, crowns and prostheses)
- Splinting of mobile teeth
- Replacement of missing teeth to restore full chewing efficiency
- Curettage of periodontal pockets
- Laser sterilization of periodontal pockets
- Vector therapy
- Plasma therapy
- Ozone therapy - accelerates tissue regeneration
- Medication therapy
- Physiotherapeutic procedures (massage)
- Selection of home care products
There is no single treatment scheme for periodontitis, only general principles aimed at stabilizing the process:
- Elimination of inflammation
- Stimulation of regeneration of gum and bone tissue
- Restoration of full chewing efficiency
Important! Periodontitis cannot be cured once and for all. Treatment and prevention are aimed at stabilizing the process and preventing exacerbations. It is during exacerbations that the most intensive destruction of jawbone tissue occurs.
Stages of periodontitis treatment at iStomatolog
- Analysis of clinical data
- Radiological examination
- Filling out a periodontal chart
- Bacterioscopic examination with determination of microorganisms' sensitivity
- Development of an individual treatment plan
A comprehensive approach to the treatment of periodontitis is used in advanced dental clinics in Kiev. The use of special pastes and gel preparations in combination with conservative or surgical methods significantly increases the effectiveness of the treatment course. Early treatment by a dentist provides almost a 100% guarantee of successful treatment with minimal costs. You can make an appointment through the online form in the "Contacts" section or by phone: 067 502 8 999, 093 502 8 999.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link
You can find more detailed information during a consultation at iStomatolog Center. After an examination by a doctor, you will be offered options for the most optimal treatment plans in your clinical case.

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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Але тут працюють дуже відповідальні, приємні і турботливі професіонали! Дякую всій команді цієї стоматології, і окремо дякую моєму стоматологу Пекарському Віталію за прекрасну роботу. Тепер я і солодке їм без болі, і більше посміхаюсь ☺️
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Дуже рекомендую.