Self-ligating braces
Brief information about self-ligating braces
Self-ligating systems or ligatureless systems., are constructions where braces are attached to the archwire using special locks, clips, brackets, or snapping mechanisms. Each manufacturer applies their own solutions in the development of orthodontic systems, which accounts for the variety of models used to correct teeth.
When are self-ligating braces installed?
Self-ligating braces are comparable in effectiveness to ligated systems, in which brackets are attached to the archwire using rubber bands and thin metal wires. However, the presence of a locking mechanism makes the design more convenient for the patient.
The main advantages of self-ligating systems are:
- the number of visits to the doctor is reduced by 2-3 times
- hygienic care is simplified due to the reduced number of structural elements
- less time is required for the orthodontist to replace the archwire and adjust the bracket system
- in self-ligating braces, the pressure of the archwire on the teeth is exerted with less force compared to ligated constructions, so adaptation to them occurs more quickly
- there is no traumatic effect on the tissues of the oral cavity.
The decision to choose a system is made by the doctor based on the specifics and quantity of defects being corrected. Generally, the indications for installing ligated and self-ligating systems coincide (malocclusion, crowded teeth, the presence of interdental gaps, and some other pathologies).
Disadvantages of self-ligating braces
How do self-ligating braces work?
The presence of a lock directly in the brace's construction determines the specific mechanics of the entire system's operation. In ligature constructions, the rings tightly adhere to the bracket slot, preventing its displacement. In order for the archwire to change the position of the teeth, it needs to overcome significant frictional force with the bracket and the ligature. Thus, pressure is created on the teeth with a noticeable force of influence.
In self-ligating braces, the archwire is not tightly pressed against the walls of the slot, which ensures its more free sliding. A special cover on the lock prevents it from falling out. Alignment of the teeth occurs in a gentle way, with minimal stress on bone tissue and periodontal tissues.
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Stages of installing self-ligating braces
Regardless of the design of the brace system, orthodontic treatment includes the following stages:
- Diagnosis (CT, X-ray)
- Treatment planning (based on analysis of diagnostic data)
- Oral cavity sanitation (treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis)
- Fixation of braces and other structural elements
- Doctor's recommendations for caring for the brace system and teeth during treatment.
There are two methods of brace fixation: direct and indirect. The first method, where each plate is glued to the tooth separately (without prior modeling), makes the procedure of brace fixation more time-consuming for the patient and more laborious for the doctor.
Indirect fixation involves making an exact copy of the jaw and teeth model, on which braces are fixed in the correct position. The indirect method allows for a quick and accurate result (braces are glued at once, not individually). Working with one jaw takes 0.5-1.5 hours.
The method of fixation does not significantly affect the quality and results of treatment.
Technical fixation of braces
- Teeth are treated with a special bonding system.
- Brackets are fixed to the surface of the teeth using bonding material.
- Brackets are tightly bonded to the enamel.
- Locks are fixed to the last teeth in the row, into which the wire is inserted.
- Next, the wire is threaded through the slots of all brackets and the cover is closed sequentially (from the center to the lateral sections).
- Stop devices are installed on the front brackets.
The procedure is completely painless. During the installation of the structure, the lips often become dry, which can be easily corrected by applying a moisturizing cream.
Types of self-ligating braces
Most self-ligating bracket systems are vestibular (attached to the outer surface of the teeth). These types of constructions effectively correct dental anomalies in patients of different ages. Lingual self-ligating braces have not been widely used due to their complexity and high cost. The American In Ovation L system from GAC Dentsply is the only model installed on the inner surface of the teeth.
Based on materials, there are:
Metal braces. These are classical constructions that have proven their effectiveness over time. They are affordable and suitable for correcting most pathologies. Orthodontic constructions of this category are visible on the teeth, and the metallic taste can be irritating at first. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur. These are the main, few disadvantages of these constructions.
Ceramic braces. These systems are inconspicuous due to the color of the material, which is close to the color of the dental enamel. Ceramic does not cause allergies and has no taste. In terms of effectiveness, the system is comparable to metal constructions, but the duration of orthodontic treatment increases, on average, by 3-4 months.
Sapphire braces - systems with transparent crystalline plates. They differ from other constructions mainly in their aesthetic properties. They are suitable for patients who have had teeth whitening or have naturally very light teeth.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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