Sapphire Braces in Kyiv
- Advantages and disadvantages of sapphire braces
- When to choose sapphire braces?
- Contraindications for the installation of sapphire braces
- How is the installation of sapphire braces and adaptation after it?
- Care for sapphire braces
- How to clean sapphire braces properly?
- Types of sapphire braces
- Prices for braces installation
- FAQ, warranty, reviews of iStomatolog dental clinic

Brief information about sapphire braces
Sapphire braces are a type of orthodontic construction designed to correct the bite, align teeth, and correct other defects. Braces are made of artificial sapphires, which are transparent monocrystals that are exceptionally strong and hard. The transparent crystals are almost invisible on the teeth, but they brightly sparkle when reflecting sunlight or electric rays.
Advantages and disadvantages of the sapphire braces system
The advantages of the sapphire braces system include strength, reliability, quick adaptation, hypoallergenic properties, and high aesthetics. The disadvantages are high cost and increased correction time (3-4 months longer than metal constructions).
In which cases should you choose a sapphire bracket system?
Sapphire braces are chosen by those who like the way the construction looks on their teeth. Professionals recommend taking into account several factors. If the natural color of the enamel is yellowish, then the transparent crystals will emphasize this aesthetic flaw. Sapphires go well with white teeth, creating a light shine on the surface. Artificial crystals do not cause allergies or a foreign taste sensation. Otherwise, the construction functions the same as other types of braces.
Power archwires, which are the basis of the bracket system, are made of steel as well as alloys such as nickel-titanium, cobalt-chrome, titanium-molybdenum, or a three-component alloy - copper-titanium-nickel. The choice of wire material depends on the nature and characteristics of the pathology undergoing correction.
Each type of metal has its own parameters (including initial memory) that determine the force and nature of the impact on the teeth.
Orthodontic wires can have a round, square, or rectangular cross-section. The power element of the bracket system is a solid product or a construction made by braiding several pieces of wire.
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Contraindications for installing a sapphire bracket system
The medical contraindications for installing sapphire brackets are similar to those for other orthodontic systems. These include inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, untreated cavities, oncological pathologies, some systemic diseases, and periodontal diseases. If the defects requiring correction are significant and extensive, it is better to choose a metal construction.
How the installation of a sapphire bracket system and adaptation after it occurs?
The installation of sapphire brackets is carried out after diagnosis, professional cleaning, and sanitation of the oral cavity. Prior to installation, the doctor will explain the possibilities, advantages, and disadvantages of different systems (within the framework of considering constructions of authoritative brands) and provide recommendations for choosing the most justified option, taking into account the specifics and scale of the defects being corrected.
The following stages are performed:
- taking impressions;
- manufacturing of construction elements;
- installation of brackets (attachment of the plate to each tooth);
- installation of the power arc (threaded into the slots on the brackets).
Installation of Sapphire Braces System takes about two hours. The success of treatment depends on the correct choice of the construction, the qualification and responsibility of the orthodontist, as well as the punctual compliance with medical prescriptions. The procedure is not accompanied by painful sensations and is comfortably tolerated. After the installation of the orthodontic system, there is a period of adaptation, which lasts about a week on average.
Care for sapphire braces
How to properly clean sapphire braces?
Types of sapphire braces
Several companies produce sapphire braces, using their own developments, innovative solutions, and materials.
Braces from the American brand Inspire IC are distinguished by their high transparency and smooth surface. The adhesive composition is applied to the plates in advance, which simplifies the fixation process.
Braces from another American company Radiance are larger than Inspire IC models but are characterized by increased strength. The base of the sapphire bracket system has a mesh structure in the center and a smooth surface on the sides. This design helps increase the reliability of attachment to teeth and also allows the structure to be removed without traumatic effects on the enamel.
Braces from the South Korean company Miso have standard sizes, but the corners of the plates are smoothly rounded. The plates themselves are semi-transparent, so they adapt to any enamel color. Laser notches on the inside of the braces increase the density of adhesion to the tooth enamel.
Pure braces from Ortho Technology are characterized by high transparency and strength. The base of the structure is coated with a layer of zirconium dioxide. The arch that is fixed in the rectangular slot is processed with diamond boron, providing smooth sliding. The braces are equipped with short hooks that hold the ligatures. Each bracket is marked with a specific color corresponding to its position in the dental arch. The arch matches the color of the brackets, so the brace system is almost invisible on the teeth.
Like other braces systems, sapphire constructions can be ligated or self-ligating. Ligated braces are attached to the metal support arch with rubber or wire ties, while self-ligating braces are held in place with special locks. Self-ligating braces are more expensive, but have several important advantages:
- The number of visits to the doctor is reduced;
- Maximum corrective effect is achieved;
- Simpler care (due to fewer elements in the system).
It would be incorrect to say that self-ligating braces are better than ligated systems. Both types of constructions are successfully used in orthodontics, which are chosen based on a combination of indications, taking into account the patient's preferences and possibilities.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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