Non-metallic ceramics
- Types of non-metallic ceramics
- Indications and contraindications for non-metallic crowns
- Advantages of making non-metallic ceramics at iStomatolog
- Stages of installing non-metallic ceramics at iStomatolog
- Photos "before and after"
- Advantages of installing ceramic crowns at iStomatolog
- One-day digital fabrication of non-metallic ceramics
- Price
- FAQ, warranty, reviews about Stomatolog dental clinic in Kyiv
Types of non-metallic ceramics
High aesthetic characteristics, strength, and complete biocompatibility with tooth and gum tissues are the main characteristics of non-metallic structures. Various types of ceramics are used as materials for manufacturing, including glass ceramics, feldspathic, hybrid, E.max (lithium disilicate), zirconia dioxide, as well as a combination of ceramics and zirconia.
Indications for installing non-metallic crowns
Tooth decay of more than 50%
Changes in color, shape, and size
Changes in the position of individual teeth
Installation on an implant
Teeth with removed nerves
Total prosthetics with worn-out teeth
Contraindications for installing non-metallic crowns
Unsatisfactory hygiene
Gum disease during exacerbation
Significant bite defects, in particular, deep bite
Mental illnesses (epilepsy)
Advantages of manufacturing non-metal ceramics at iStomatolog Center
Digital impressions for perfect precision
Preliminary computer modeling
Crown made in 1 visit
12-month warranty
Stages of non-metal ceramic installation at iStomatolog in Kyiv
Tooth preparation for crown installation
Photos "Before and After" of free-metall crowns installation.

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Advantages of ceramic crown installation at iStomatolog for patients
- Maximum precision, thus preventing tooth fractures in the future
- Material of the crown is chosen individually for each clinical case
- No need to spend time on additional visits to the clinic for fitting the work
- Possibility for patients to make adjustments during the computer modeling stage, which is important for changing the shape, size, and position of teeth with crowns or veneers
Non-metallic ceramics in dentistry
Non-metallic ceramics are dental materials used to manufacture crowns, veneers, inlays, and bridgework. A decade ago, the best material for creating dental prosthetics was considered to be metal-ceramic, which consists of a metal alloy frame (chromium-nickel, cobalt-chromium, gold-platinum) with a thin ceramic layer on top.
Prosthetics based on metal alloys have high strength and durability, but do not fully meet aesthetic requirements. In the area where they meet the gum, a distinct gray-blue stripe is visible, and after a short period of time, the gum sinks below the crown edge. Patients' desire to have teeth that are indistinguishable from natural teeth, that do not change color or transparency for a long time, has spurred the development of new, more advanced technologies and materials.
Main features of non-metallic ceramics
All types of prosthetics in this group used in dentistry are divided into:
- all-ceramic;
- all-zirconia;
- combined (a zirconia frame with a surface made of different ceramic alloys).
The main advantage of materials in this category is their absolute safety for health. Ceramic prosthetics do not cause malfunctions in the digestive system and do not provoke pathological changes in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and tooth tissues.
Ceramics refract light like natural enamel, so prosthetics look natural in both natural and artificial lighting. Modern technologies allow for the manufacture of non-metallic crowns with high precision and detailed texture.
Types and Subtypes of Non-metallic Ceramics
Several types of materials with different compositions and component ratios are included in the category of non-metallic ceramics used in dentistry:
- Glass ceramics
- Feldspathic ceramics
- Hybrid materials
- E.max (lithium disilicate)
- Zirconia dioxide
- Combinations of ceramics and zirconia
The main characteristics of ceramic materials used in dentistry and criteria for selection in prosthetics are:
- Flexural strength (MPa)
- Appearance
- Field of application (prosthetics of the frontal or lateral row, single crowns, veneers, or bridgework)
- Manufacturing technology (layered firing, pressing, innovative CAD/CAM methods, Cerec)
Ceramic materials can also be classified by firing temperature as high-fired (above 1260 degrees Celsius), medium-fired (1080-1260), low-fired (850-1080), and soft-fired (660-850) materials.
Classification of materials into groups
Ceramic materials, depending on the composition, structural state, processing method, are classified into groups:
- CL-I (powder/liquid)
- CL-II (glass ceramics)
- CL-III (crystalline materials with increased strength)
Class I (CL-I) - Ceramic materials created from fine particles of silicon dioxide dissolved in a glassy matrix. Materials in this group, which are characterized by high light transmission and relatively high fragility, are used to create single non-metallic crowns and veneers on front teeth if enamel (50% or more) and tooth structure are well preserved. The risk of prosthesis fracture is minimized with anatomically adequate loading on the dental arch. A material thickness of 0.2-0.3 mm is used for restorations.
Class CL-II is glass-ceramic material that is divided into two subgroups, a and b. CL-IIa materials are characterized by a low or moderate content of crystalline substance. They are used for restorations of front teeth, premolars, and less often molars.
Compared to class I compositions, CL-IIa non-metallic ceramic can withstand higher loads and has shown superior clinical results in cases of exposed dentin areas that come into contact with the prosthesis in the fixation area. Materials in this subgroup have a minimum working thickness of 0.8 mm, making them suitable for making volumetric veneers and inlays in the area of the molar teeth.
CL-IIb is a subgroup of materials with medium and high levels of crystalline glass content (the glass matrix surrounds a phase consisting of individual, loosely adjacent crystals). The list of materials in this subgroup includes lithium disilicate - E.max (glass-ceramic based on silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide, potassium oxide, lithium dioxide, and phosphorus compounds). This material, which has high strength and an aesthetic appearance, is used to make all-ceramic crowns for front and back teeth, as well as veneers.
A new type of dental ceramic in this subgroup is lithium disilicate reinforced with zirconia (glass-ceramic reinforced with 10% zirconia dioxide crystals). This innovative all-ceramic material has demonstrated excellent optical properties, structural strength, and wear resistance in the context of single restorations of any localization.
CL-III (crystalline materials of increased strength) with a layer thickness of 1.2 to 1.5 mm, is represented by two subclasses:
- Materials of the CL-IIIa group are strong composite compositions that are varieties of crystalline ceramics consisting of 85% of a crystalline network interwoven with fragments of aluminosilicate glass. Currently, this composition is rarely used, gradually giving way to 100% polycrystalline non-metallic ceramics.
- CL-IIIb is 100% ceramic created on the basis of aluminum oxide and zirconium dioxide. This innovative material is suitable for making prostheses in cases of extensive tooth destruction and total loss of natural tissues, with a high risk of stress and deformation in the tooth structure.
A dentist chooses a material for prosthesis taking into account a complex of individual factors, but the priority criteria are the full restoration of aesthetics and functionality of the teeth.
Manufacturing of metal-free ceramics by digital method at the iStomatolog Center in Kyiv
iStomatolog clinic produces non-metallic crowns in just 1 day, using the latest technology and equipment with advanced capabilities. The new approach is based on:
- Scanning of teeth that require restoration
- Creating digital impressions based on the scanning
- Computer modeling of the prosthesis
- Selection of the category of non-metallic ceramics
- Milling of the crown in the office (bypassing the laboratory)
The guarantee for the work provided by iStomatolog clinic is 12 months. The patient leaves the office with a ready-made crown that does not require further fitting. The highest precision of modeling ensures a tight fit of the prosthesis to the gum, which eliminates the possibility of pathogenic bacteria entering the internal structures of the tooth.
The crowns look aesthetically pleasing and do not require adaptation. The material is selected individually for each clinical case. The cost of non-metallic ceramics depends on the type of material from which the crown, veneer, or overlay will be milled, the need for additional individualization with ceramic dyes. The most expensive and reliable prostheses are E.max and those made of zirconium dioxide, with a service life of 20 years or more with the preservation of tooth tissue.
Patients of iStomatolog dental clinic in Kiev have several advantages when installing non-metallic crowns/veneers/overlays and inlays:
- Comfortable, painless treatment and prosthetics using the latest CEREC technology
- Competent consultation on the choice of material for the crown, veneer, inlay, and other prostheses
- Maximum consideration of personal preferences
- Time savings (no need to spend time on fittings and adjustments to the prosthesis)
- The possibility of making adjustments by the patient at the stage of computer modeling, which is
- essential for changing the shape, size, and position of the teeth using crowns or veneers.
Schedule a consultation with a dentist on the iStomatolog clinic website in Kiev, receiving a 10% discount on the service, or make an appointment by phone: 067 502-8-999 and 093 502-8-999.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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Що мене очікувало в центрі iStomatolog.
1. Відсутність очікування біля кабінету.
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3. Без сумніву професіоналізм. Тебе вислухать, і обов'язково запропонують варіанти лікування. Що безцінно, це те, що тобі в першу чергу будуть пропонувати максимально зберегти свої зуби.
4. Відсутність бажання затягнути процес лікування на рік (якщо у тебе проблема не одного чи двох зубів). Головне, щоб дозволяли працювати ясна (їх стан).
5. Матеріали з якими працюють лікарі. Це виключно японський виробник.
І нарешті результат, який я навіть вже і не очікувала.
Лена, дякую тобі ВЕЛИЧЕЗНЕ за твою роботу. Тобі і твоїй команді.
Але тут працюють дуже відповідальні, приємні і турботливі професіонали! Дякую всій команді цієї стоматології, і окремо дякую моєму стоматологу Пекарському Віталію за прекрасну роботу. Тепер я і солодке їм без болі, і більше посміхаюсь ☺️
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Всі лікарі уважні, професійні, з щирою турботою про пацієнта. Запам'яталось, як мені років п'ять тому довго і терпляче спасали майже безнадійний зуб, зіпсований в іншій клініці — спасли, стоїть свій зуб, а міг би вже бути імплант.
Дуже рекомендую.