iStomatolog > Dental implants

Tooth implantation

Tooth implantation, what is it?

Tooth implantation is a method of restoring a lost tooth root with an implant, followed by the installation of a dental crown on it (by connecting them through a special abutment).

The design of a tooth implant consists of two main parts: the implant itself and the abutment.

To put it simply, a dental implant is an artificial root that is installed in the jawbone in place of a missing tooth. First, the implant is placed in the bone tissue, and then an abutment is installed, and a dental crown (ceramic / zirconium / metal-ceramic) is fixed on it.

Often, patients use the phrase "tooth implant" instead of the customary "dental implant" in medical terminology. These terms are identical and applicable in implantology.

Indications for dental implantation

  • Absence of a tooth as a result of its removal
  • Simultaneous removal of a tooth and installation of a dental implant
  • Congenital absence of a tooth

Contraindications for implantation

All contraindications can be divided into two main groups: absolute (implants are not installed) and relative (installation of the implant is possible, but under certain conditions).

Absolute contraindications:

  • Blood diseases that involve impaired blood clotting
  • Malignant neoplasm in the area of implant placement
  • Mental disorders
  • Autoimmune diseases in the stage of decompensation
  • Terminal stage of AIDS

Relative contraindications:

  • Oncological diseases (possible after stabilization or remission)
  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy (possible after cessation, not earlier than 1 month)
  • Recent extensive surgical interventions associated with significant blood loss (possible after stabilization of blood parameters)
  • Acute period of any diseases (or exacerbation of chronic disease)
  • History of heart attacks and strokes within the last year (possible when prescribing maintenance therapy by the treating physician)
  • Taking blood thinning medications (possible when discontinuing the medication or reducing the dose after consultation with the treating physician)
  • Drug addiction and alcoholism (possible, but the likelihood of implant rejection is very high)
  • Age under 16 years
  • Patients with diabetes who are taking insulin on a regular basis may be eligible
  • Diseases associated with impaired calcium metabolism

Ways of implant and crown installation

  • Simultaneously installing the implant and crown - one-stage implantation
  • First installing the implant, then the crown after a certain period of time - two-stage implantation

Types of tooth implantation

Two-stage implantation

The crown is installed after the complete integration of the implant

One-stage tooth implantation

The implant and crown are installed in one visit

Immediate implantation of teeth

The tooth is removed and replaced with an implant in one visit

All-on-4 implantation

All teeth in one jaw are fixed on 4 implants

All-on-6 implantation

All teeth in one jaw are fixed on 6 implants

"Turnkey tooth implantation"

From the implant to the crown

How is the dental implantation procedure performed at iStomatolog in Kiev using the two-stage method of implant installation?

Dental implants1. Initially, the patient undergoes a computed tomography scan of the jaws. This provides a three-dimensional image of the jaws that the doctor evaluates to determine the type of bone and the location of important anatomical structures (e.g., the inferior alveolar nerve in the lower jaw, which may be damaged if the implant length is improperly chosen).

Using a specialized program, we select the optimal size of the implant: its length and diameter. The diameter is selected based on the width of the alveolar ridge where the implant will be placed. After analyzing the data, we offer the patient several options for implant systems of different costs, with descriptions of their advantages and disadvantages. All systems have a sufficiently high success rate, but Straumann and Nobel implants have the highest success rate and the lowest probability of rejection.

Dental implants

2. Virtual installation of the selected implant in the jaw. Using a planning program, we select the necessary implant manufacturer, type, length, and diameter from the catalog. Then, we place the implant in the jawbone and recheck its location relative to adjacent teeth and anatomical structures. In complex clinical situations, additional virtual prosthetics may be performed. For example, when restoring teeth in edentulous jaws, pre-planning is crucial and allows implants to be placed in the jaw to ensure even distribution of chewing pressure and high aesthetic value.

Note: A 3D image of the jaw is necessary for implant placement; implant planning is not performed using 2D images (e.g., regular X-rays) because they do not allow for the necessary evaluation of bone width and height.

3. The implant itself is installed. This painless procedure is performed under local anesthesia (only the area of the jaw where the surgical intervention is performed is numbed). General anesthesia or sedation may be used for the installation of a large number of implants with accompanying operations or for patients with pathological fear or comorbidities.


  • Local anesthesia
  • Antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity and the immediate site of implant placement (using a solution of Betadine).
  • Incision of the mucosa to provide access to the bone tissue of the alveolar ridge.
  • Using an apparatus called a physiodispenser and various drills of different diameters and lengths, a socket is created in the bone for the implant. It is very important to use specialized implantological equipment for working on the bone, which ensures cooling of the bone during the procedure and has specific operating modes.
  • The implant is placed in the prepared socket. It should be completely inserted into the bone tissue and covered with a cap. At the same time as the implant is placed, it is possible to perform bone grafting, membrane placement, or PRF clot placement. PRF is fibrin enriched with platelets, obtained from the patient's venous blood after processing in a special centrifuge (the iStomatolog dental clinic uses the DUO centrifuge by Dr. Joseph Choukroun). The presence of a large number of growth factors in PRF clots and membranes improves implant osseointegration, reduces the recovery time of the mucous membrane of the gums and bone tissue, and significantly reduces the likelihood of complications after implantation. This technique is also called plasma lifting and is used for skin rejuvenation.
  • Closure of the mucosa over the implanted implant. The threads used may be absorbable, so there is no need to remove them, or non-absorbable, in which case the doctor will advise the patient when to have them removed.
  • Final antiseptic treatment of the mucosa and application of a special plaster that provides closure of the incision and, thanks to the active ingredients, has a mild analgesic and antiseptic effect.

Photos "before and after" of tooth implantation

Implantation of two central teeth with installed zirconia crowns.

Dental implants

Implantation of a central tooth with an E.max crown

Dental implants

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    Advantages of teeth implantation at iStomatolog

    • Selection of implant system for any clinical case
    • Possibility to manufacture a dental crown in 1 day
    • Possibility to install Straumann, Nobel dental implants
    • Installation of one implant in 30 minutes
    • PRF technology for restoration of gums and bone
    • Rehabilitation time after implantation is 1 day

    Stages of "turnkey dental implant installation"

    1. Examination and analysis

    Examination of the oral cavity and analysis of CT (computed tomography) to determine the volume and density of bone tissue, the location of channels where the main nerve trunks pass, and the maxillary sinuses. Selection of the dental implant system for this clinical case. Planning of implantation.

    2. Installation of the dental implant

    Direct implantation of teeth. Performed under local anesthesia (similar to regular tooth treatment). Takes approximately 30 minutes.

    3. Suture removal

    Examination after 10-14 days, removal of sutures from the mucous membrane (absolutely painless procedure, takes 5-10 minutes).

    4. Formation of the gum around the tooth

    After 3 months (for the lower jaw) and after 4 months (for the upper jaw), a gum former is installed in the implanted tooth that has already taken root for a period of 2-7 days.

    5. Impression for the crown

    Scanning with a 3D scanner and creating a digital model for the manufacture of an individual abutment and dental crown.

    6. Fixation of the crown

    Fixation of an individual zirconia or titanium abutment and dental crown.

    Smoking and dental implants

    Nicotine, contained in tobacco, contributes to narrowing of blood vessels. As a result, tissue nutrition worsens and metabolic processes slow down. This negatively affects tissue healing after implantation. Therefore, it is recommended to at least limit smoking, and ideally, not to smoke after implant placement.

    Why should dental implant installation be timely?

    When a tooth is lost, over time, the jawbone tissue also deteriorates. Each tooth in the oral cavity has its own load coefficient, and when one is lost, the other teeth become overloaded, leading to rapid destruction of adjacent teeth and the surrounding tissues, namely the bone.

    Look in the mirror and you will be surprised - when a tooth is lost, the neighboring teeth eventually tilt away from the missing tooth, and the opposing teeth (which are located opposite) protrude. This is another reason why it is necessary to restore the missing tooth.

    Another important point - when a person loses their tooth, over time, there is a loss of bone, and additional interventions in the form of bone grafting will be needed to restore the lost volume and function and aesthetics of the area.

    Therefore, when there are indications for dental implant installation, it is important not to delay this issue indefinitely.

    Main methods of dental implantation

    Two-stage dental implantation

    This is the classic method of implantation. It consists of the first stage - implantation itself. At this time, the dental implant is installed, the gums are sutured, and after a certain period of time, depending on the implant system (lower jaw: 1.5-3 months, upper jaw: 3-6 months), the second stage follows. During the second stage, prosthetics on implants are performed - a crown or bridgework is installed.

    • Advantage - high implant survival rate.
    • Disadvantage - the time required for a full implantation cycle.

    One-stage dental implantation

    • Advantage - significant time savings.
    • Disadvantage - a noticeably lower implant survival rate in bone. Increased risk of rejection.

    Immediate load implant technique

    Can be used in the anterior area (on front teeth).

    • Advantage - immediate result.
    • Disadvantage - high probability of implant rejection when installed on molars.

    What are the components of a high-quality dental implantation?

    1. Competent diagnosis and planning of implantation.
    2. Thorough patient preparation, including professional oral hygiene and treatment of any other dental issues, such as caries or gum inflammation, to eliminate all sources of infection.
    3. Implantation, with strict adherence to all standards of asepsis and antisepsis during the surgical procedure to avoid infection.
    4. Postoperative period, with clear adherence to the recommendations of the treating doctor during the post-implantation period.

    What should not be done after dental implantation?

    Following the dental implantation, it is essential to follow the recommendations of the treating doctor. Although each clinical case is unique, there are general recommendations for the early and late post-implantation period. Most restrictions apply in the first two weeks after the surgery and are designed to prevent complications such as bleeding, suture dehiscence, or hematoma formation (bruising).

    The following activities are not recommended:

    • Refusing to take medications prescribed by the doctor (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, antihistamines, diuretics); if you have an individual intolerance to the prescribed medication, inform your doctor, and an alternative medication will be selected.
    • Chewing on the opposite side if the implantation was performed on one side of the jaw; if implants were placed on both sides, the consumption of hard and tough food should be strictly limited.
    • Drinking any alcoholic beverages.
    • Consuming hard, tough, very cold, or hot food.
    • Visiting a sauna, swimming pool, or open water.
    • Overcooling.
    • Smoking.
    • Heavy physical exertion related to sports or work.
    • Touching the implant site.
    • Using a hard toothbrush (it is recommended to use a soft toothbrush until the sutures are removed).
    • Flying or scuba diving after a sinus lift (after a regular implantation, it is better to avoid flying for 2-3 days and scuba diving for 2 weeks).

    What medications are prescribed after dental implantation?

    Broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed for the prevention of infection. Anti-inflammatory drugs help to alleviate signs of inflammation and reduce pain and swelling. Painkillers are not mandatory, and the patient takes them depending on the severity of the pain. Diuretics are prescribed once or twice in the first day to prevent postoperative edema.

    Within the first two weeks, rinsing the oral cavity with antiseptics several times a day (after meals) and applying special gels to the implant area that form a protective film are recommended.

    How should teeth be cleaned after implant placement?

    For the first two weeks (until the stitches are removed and the mucous membrane has fully healed), it is recommended to switch to a soft toothbrush. Teeth should be cleaned without touching the sutures (suture rupture is not a catastrophe if they are re-applied as soon as possible); after cleaning with a toothbrush, rinse the oral cavity with an antiseptic solution and apply a gel to the suture area to accelerate mucosal regeneration.

    What types of dental implants are used at the iStomatolog dental clinic?

    Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link 


    The cost of dental implant installation (excluding the cost of the implant crown) directly depends on several factors and ranges from 300 up to 700 euro. The cost of implant installation depends on the following factors: the implant system used (leading implant manufacturers strictly adhere to all production standards, from the quality of the titanium to the precision of thread application and product sterility, and they also provide a warranty for their products - accordingly, the cost will be higher. Examples include Straumann, Megagen, Nobel, Ankylos, MIS); the equipment used for implant installation (implants can be installed on a regular dental chair, but the use of special equipment such as a physiodispenser allows for safe installation without risking injury or overheating of bone tissue); the need for additional procedures (sinus lifting, bone grafting, gum plastic surgery, etc.); and the dentist's qualifications.
    Dental implants do not pose any danger to the patient's health. They do not affect the functioning of the organs and systems of the human body. The implant material is biologically inert and biocompatible.
    "Turnkey" implantation means that the patient receives a new tooth in place of the missing one that corresponds to the functional and aesthetic characteristics of the lost tooth. The stages of turnkey implantation include implant placement, abutment and crown installation. Additional procedures such as tooth extraction, bone and gum plastic surgery, and sinus lifting may also be included.
    The installation of the implant itself takes about 10 minutes. The total duration of a visit for the installation of one implant is about 30 minutes and includes: pre-implantation preparation of the patient, anesthesia, implant placement, stitching, post-implantation manipulations, and recommendations. The duration may be increased if additional procedures are required, such as tooth extraction, bone and gum plastic surgery, sinus lifting, etc. The necessity for these procedures is determined by the doctor and agreed upon with the patient.
    When the implant is placed in the location of a long-removed tooth without additional manipulations with bone or gum tissue, pain is absent or insignificant in the first few days and does not require painkillers. Pain after dental implant surgery is mild, easily eliminated by painkillers, and may be present for 1-3 days. In case of significant intervention on bone tissue and gums or the installation of a large number of implants, pain may be present for up to 5-7 days (by the 7th day, it usually subsides).
    The integration (osseointegration) of the implant takes from 1 to 6 months depending on the initial situation, implant system, type of bone, jaw on which the implantation was performed, accompanying operations on the bone and soft tissues. On average, this is 2-3 months for the lower jaw and 4-6 months for the upper jaw. However, the patient does not feel the implant integration process, and it is more correct to speak of the healing time of the gum in the implant placement area, which is about 7-10 days (actually until the stitches are removed).

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    Стоматология супер! Обслуживаемся всей семьёй уже 13 лет. В основном у Ирины и Елены на м. Дарница. Качеством очень довольны! Персонал опытный и приятный) Однозначно рекомендую !!! Спасибо вам за ваш труд!
    Досвід лікування моїх зубів і приведення у задовільний стан мою посмішку має чималу історію (для інформації, мені за 50). Це пломби у більшості зубів, брекет системи і навіть спроби змінити форму зубів. Щось виходило, але не з першого разу, щось не виходило і намагання повернутись до цієї проблеми не сприймалися схвально. У додаток до всього цього сам процес лікування затягувався на довгі місяці.
    Що мене очікувало в центрі iStomatolog.
    1. Відсутність очікування біля кабінету.
    2. Відсутність зайвого. Персонал і лікарі тебе не обтяжують. Їх стільки, скільки має бути.
    3. Без сумніву професіоналізм. Тебе вислухать, і обов'язково запропонують варіанти лікування. Що безцінно, це те, що тобі в першу чергу будуть пропонувати максимально зберегти свої зуби.
    4. Відсутність бажання затягнути процес лікування на рік (якщо у тебе проблема не одного чи двох зубів). Головне, щоб дозволяли працювати ясна (їх стан).
    5. Матеріали з якими працюють лікарі. Це виключно японський виробник.
    І нарешті результат, який я навіть вже і не очікувала.
    Лена, дякую тобі ВЕЛИЧЕЗНЕ за твою роботу. Тобі і твоїй команді.
    Nice clinic. Very attentive doctors, very nice people. Competent in their job. All procedures, implantation, crown installation in 1 day, filling - everything is absolutely performed according to the protocols. The clinic is clean, tea and coffee will be offered. Protection against covid is carried out - everyone is wearing masks, shoe covers, the temperature is measured. Thank you very much to Maxim Valerievich, Elena Dainetskaya, Lidia Vladimirovna. We wish you prosperity!
    Якби мені раніше хтось сказав що я полюблю ходити до стоматолога, то я б не повірила)
    Але тут працюють дуже відповідальні, приємні і турботливі професіонали! Дякую всій команді цієї стоматології, і окремо дякую моєму стоматологу Пекарському Віталію за прекрасну роботу. Тепер я і солодке їм без болі, і більше посміхаюсь ☺️
    Я із задоволенням буду ходити тільки до вас 😊
    I would like to express my deep gratitude to Elena Sergeevna Dainetskaya. We have been treating teeth with the whole family for more than 10 years and we thank God that we have fallen into these wonderful hands! A very professional and competent doctor, kind, sensitive and always worried about his patient. There would be more such doctors in our medicine!I wish you health, success and prosperity in your work.I RECOMMEND iStomatolog clinic and Dr. Elena Sergeevna to everyone.
    С 2007 года iStomatolog наша семейная стоматология. Почему? Потому что кто лучше делает своё дело, если оно семейное и уже в третьем поколении. Я пришёл по рекомендации моего друга Антона на приём к Ларисе Викторовне. Она сказала мне сразу: «я не вырву не одного зуба если за него можно бороться» Пол года лечения и сейчас у меня только раз в 6 месяцев профилактика. Супруга, дочь, моя мама (83 года) все доверили свои зубки iStomatolog. Правда уже Елена Сергеевна (старшая дочь Ларисы Викторовны) руководит клиникой. Строгая, но наверно так и надо, а то мы всегда пытаемся отсрочить, откладываем на потом профилактику, а потом выкладываем огромные деньги что бы спасти уже гнилой зуб. В этой стоматологии принцип очень простой: делай качественно, относись к людям по человечески, предупреди заранее (ну ведь забываем и «забиваем» на это). Многие подумают заказная статейка. Нет, просто мне повезло, я нашёл тех кому не безразлично мое здоровье и посчитал своим долгом перед Вами, рекомендовать стоматологию iStomatolog.
    Так случилось, что в "iStomtolog", я попал по настоятельной рекомендации побратима. Имея, без преувеличения, огромные проблемы с зубами, могу вас уверить, это место где вам реально помогут! Теперь по выполненным работам: поснимали камни и налет, пролечили каналы, поставили 8 коронок и 1 винир, 3 импланта. Объем работ просто огромный. Хочу поблагодарить Елену Дайнецкую и всю ее команду за профессионализм, позитив и замечательную домашнюю атмосферу в клинике.
    Все мы знаем, как сложно выбрать хорошего врача, но могу с уверенностью сказать, приходите в клинику “IStomatolog”- здесь Вы найдете лучшего доктора Виталия . Очень хороший доктор-внимательный, доброжелательный, настоящий профессионал своего дела. Спасибо за Ваш труд, желаю Вам благополучия и успехов! А еще в кабинете чистота, комфорт, свежий воздух и приятная музыка. Рекомендую☝️
    Отличная стоматология. Быстро и качественно оказывают услуги, ничего лишнего не навязывают. Вежливый и обходительный администратор. Очень рекомендую. Теперь по всем зубным вопросам только туда.
    Я доглядаю зуби в цій клініці майже 15 років, і це про щось та говорить. Свого молодшого сина також привела сюди ще з першими зубками.

    Всі лікарі уважні, професійні, з щирою турботою про пацієнта. Запам'яталось, як мені років п'ять тому довго і терпляче спасали майже безнадійний зуб, зіпсований в іншій клініці — спасли, стоїть свій зуб, а міг би вже бути імплант.

    Дуже рекомендую.

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