Restoration of teeth
- When is tooth restoration necessary?
- General indications for tooth restoration
- Stages of treatment for tooth decay and non-carious lesions at iStomatolog
- Advantages of tooth restoration at iStomatolog in Kyiv
- Modern materials and methods for tooth restoration
- Prices for tooth restoration
- FAQ, warranty, reviews about iStomatolog dentistry

When is tooth restoration necessary?
Tooth damage can have different origins, including carious (tooth decay) and non-carious lesions (wedge-shaped defects, erosions, pathological wear, traumatic chip/fracture of the tooth crown).
Regardless of the cause, the defect must be eliminated to prevent complications (pulpitis or periodontitis of the tooth) and restore the lost tooth function.
General indications for tooth restoration
Experts identify several direct indications for tooth restoration:
- carious and non-carious lesions of teeth;
- enamel defects (yellowing, darkening, dull color, pigmentation);
- increased tooth wear;
- appearance of chips and cracks;
- injuries to the tooth crown;
- loss and settling of old fillings;
- diastema (gap between front teeth);
- gaps between lateral teeth;
- darkening of old filling material.
Artistic restoration is also used in cases where teeth are healthy but their natural shape is imperfect. The dentist carefully evaluates the condition of the teeth and anatomical parameters, after which they choose a technique for performing the work. If the use of direct restoration technique is impossible or impractical, the patient is offered options for prosthesis. The price of tooth restoration depends on the complexity of the dentist's work and the cost of filling materials.
Stages of treatment for caries and non-carious tooth lesions at iStomatolog
Allergological test for an anesthetic agent (performed for everyone at the first visit to exclude the possibility of allergies)
Anesthesia (pain relief injection)
Preparation of the tooth cavity
Laser or ozone treatment as indicated
Application of an isolating system (rubber dam to isolate the tooth)
Insertion of a medicinal lining (for deep caries)
Application of a bonding system (adhesive for photopolymer)
Application of a fluid photopolymer to compensate for shrinkage and prevent wall breakage
Layered application of photopolymer material (each layer has its own shade and transparency corresponding to tooth tissues)
Bite correction (to avoid the feeling of a "high tooth")
Grinding and polishing with rubber and pastes of varying abrasiveness
Care recommendations
Advantages of tooth restoration at iStomatolog in Kyiv
- Restores the shape and function of damaged teeth
- Prevents the development of caries under the filling
- Provides durability and high aesthetic performance
- Uses a microscope during procedures
- Offers a 12-month guarantee
Request an appointment
What is tooth restoration in a dental clinic?
Dental restoration is a complex of various technologies used to eliminate damage, restore the shape and functionality of teeth. The perfect natural smile is as rare as perfect health. Teeth wear out, deteriorate from carious lesions, mechanical trauma, or have imperfect natural shape. Tooth restoration involves treatment, elimination of internal and external defects, achieving a high aesthetic result, and modeling a beautiful smile.
Nowadays, no one is surprised by a composite resin filling, and the main requirement "that the filling does not fall out" has already lost its relevance. However, the improvement of materials is still ongoing, and the criteria for their evaluation are becoming increasingly stringent.
Patients often hear from dentists the phrase: "this is the best composite resin," but very rarely are they provided with convincing arguments about how one composite resin differs from another, what its advantages are, and why it is more expensive. Because "you can put a filling twice as cheap next door"...
The patient's expectation when placing a composite resin filling is simple and straightforward:
- To last for a long time
- Not to differ in color
- Not to change color in the future.
The main quality indicators of the photopolymer material used in the treatment of dental caries (and non-carious lesions), which affect the long-term results, are as follows:
- Lack of shrinkage (prevents chipping of the tooth walls)
- The ratio of hardness and elasticity is as close as possible to the tooth tissues (dentin and enamel have different indicators, so the material should correspond to both of them)
- Low thermal conductivity (protects the lower tissues from temperature irritants and prevents nerve inflammation in deep cavities)
- Wide range of colors, variety in transparency level, "chameleon effect" of the photopolymer material and polishing ability - ensure good aesthetics of restoration
- Prevention of caries development under the filling and tooth sensitivity (achieved through the use of special adhesive systems of the latest generation)
All of these indicators together ensure excellent long-term results of the treatment.
At iStomatolog, materials produced in Japan (Tokuyama) and the USA (Parkell) are used. Thanks to the implementation of the latest developments, they have a unique composition (containing micro-particles of silicon oxide ceramics, as well as compounds of benzalkonium chloride and potassium binoxalate) and allow for the reproduction of the tooth's anatomical shape, color, and transparency. Moreover, they prevent increased sensitivity and secondary caries at the site of photopolymer restoration.
Restoration materials in modern dentistry
The composition of composite materials used in dentistry primarily affects the quality of tooth restoration, as well as the price of the service. Good fillings match the color shade of the tooth and have a chameleon effect, maintain their original properties for a long period of time, do not cause allergic reactions, and protect the tooth from damage caused by temperature changes and the activation of pathogenic microorganisms. The correct choice of manufacturer and supplier of composites is the most important task for a dental center.
The iStomatolog clinic in Kyiv uses polymer materials from Tokuyama and GC (Japan), and Parkell (USA) for tooth restoration. The use of these materials, produced by world leaders in the production of photopolymers, allows for the restoration of the anatomical shape and improvement of the strength and aesthetic indicators of the dental crown (color and transparency).
The basis of the photopolymer is a matrix consisting of synthetic resins with a certain degree of plasticity and viscosity. The second component of the tooth restoration material is an inorganic filler, which determines the aesthetics, strength, and therefore the service life of the filling.
The use of Tokuyama, GC, and Parkell materials allows us to achieve a number of important effects:
- The ability of the tooth to withstand significant loads
- Absence of shrinkage effect of the filling
- Protection against the development of secondary caries
- Impeccable quality of marginal adaptation
- High aesthetics of appearance.
Tokuyama Dental is the manufacturer of the best composite material (according to the rating of the American Dental Advisor magazine) Estelite Sigma Quick and the best flowable composite Estelite Flow Quick. Dental products are only manufactured in Japan without licensing to other countries. That is why the quality of materials never raises any concerns among dental companies.
The composite compositions of the American company Parkell have also earned high praise, which has been continuously improving the formula of materials for tooth restoration for many years. Universal polymers are suitable for different techniques of work, are easily shaped without the use of matrix forms, do not shrink, have a long service life, and ideal compatibility with dental tissue.
Criteria for choosing a restorative material
The most accurate and complete restoration of the external appearance of the dental crown is achieved through a restoration model that includes four main parameters:
- shape;
- color shade;
- transparency;
- microstructure of the surface.
Restoration of the shape is based on calculations of proportions, including the determination of dimensional parameters (width and height of the crown from the gingival margin to the incisal edge).
The application of biomimetic methods for tooth restoration is based on the imitation of the natural structure of the tooth, which consists of two tissues with different colors and transparency - semi-transparent and light enamel and opaque, darker dentin. In turn, dentin is not a homogeneous material in terms of optical properties, which must be taken into account when forming the color model of the tooth.
During direct restoration, the dentist takes into account the differences in natural shades caused by the combination of dentin and enamel in different parts of the dental crown - at the level of the cervical region, in the area of the tooth body, and also in the marginal part.
Our teeth, being a semi-transparent optical body, change their shade depending on the level of illumination and the spectrum of the light flow. The breadth of the variability range depends on the natural features of the crown part of the tooth. The higher the transparency of the enamel, the more pronounced the change in shade when the lighting changes. When performing restoration, the dentist takes into account all individual factors that affect the external appearance of the tooth under different lighting conditions.
Direct tooth restoration technique
Tooth restoration involves forming part of an artificial crown using the method of direct buildup of composite materials. Prior to this, treatment of the tooth canals is carried out, if necessary. The restoration technique is chosen based on the nature and scale of the damage (caries or non-caries destruction of dental tissues).
Full or partial restoration of the tooth includes the following stages:
- Allergy test for anesthetics (performed on everyone during their first visit to the dentist to exclude the possibility of developing an allergy)
- Anesthesia (local injection that provides numbness in the area where the tooth is being treated)
- Treatment of the tooth cavity (mechanical and medicated)
- Treatment with laser or ozone (if indicated)
- Application of a Kofferdam system (isolation of the tooth with a rubber dam)
- Insertion of a therapeutic lining (in case of deep caries)
- Application of bonding polymer (adhesive material)
- Application of a fluid composite resin, preventing shrinkage and fracture of the tooth wall
- Layer-by-layer application of photo-polymeric material (each layer has its own shade and transparency, corresponding to the tissues of the tooth)
- Correction of tooth height according to the bite
- Grinding and polishing with rubber and abrasive pastes.
After the completion of the procedure, the dentist provides recommendations for the care of the restored teeth.
Features of tooth restoration at iStomatolog clinic
Tooth restoration at the iStomatolog clinic in Kyiv is carried out at the highest professional level. Our specialists perform this service after thorough diagnosis and restoration planning, aiming for the highest aesthetics and functionality of the teeth.
The undeniable advantages of the clinic are:
- Use of the latest generation filling materials;
- Use of innovative equipment in the examination and treatment of teeth (canal filling is carried out under a dental microscope)
- Implementation of innovative developments used in the practice of leading European dental centers
- Long-lasting results of treatment, restoration, and prosthetics (we provide a 12-month guarantee, but patients do not return after this period)
- Individual approach (taking into account the patient's health condition, age, requirements for aesthetics, and treatment cost)
- Use of effective and gentle anesthetics (acting locally, only in the area of medical manipulations).
How much does treatment of caries and non-caries lesions cost?
To find out the full cost of treatment in your particular case, as well as the possibility of using alternative methods (ozone treatment, laser treatment, and much more), you can inquire during a consultation directly at the iStomatolog center.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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1. Відсутність очікування біля кабінету.
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3. Без сумніву професіоналізм. Тебе вислухать, і обов'язково запропонують варіанти лікування. Що безцінно, це те, що тобі в першу чергу будуть пропонувати максимально зберегти свої зуби.
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І нарешті результат, який я навіть вже і не очікувала.
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Дуже рекомендую.