Orthodontic plates
The process of replacing baby teeth with permanent ones is often accompanied by a number of problems. These include incorrect bite, the appearance of a "second row of teeth," overlapping teeth, tooth rotation, and gaps between teeth.
It is not always possible to prevent dental pathologies, especially if they are related to genetic predisposition or underdeveloped jaws. When defects are detected, it is important to immediately seek help from an orthodontist. The use of innovative technologies has significantly expanded the possibilities of orthodontics, including the correction of anomalies in childhood.
What is the purpose of installing orthodontic plates?
Orthodontic plates are installed to achieve the following goals:
- Correction of the shape of the jaw (lower and upper)
- Acceleration or deceleration of the formation of the jaw and the growth of individual teeth
- Fixation of teeth in the anatomically correct position
- Shifting teeth for their proper alignment in the row
- Widening or increasing the palate
- Stimulation of the growth of a specific section of the jaw
- Consolidation of the results of treatment with braces.
The child quickly gets used to the orthodontic appliance and does not experience physical or psychological discomfort. During the period of wearing the plate, parents should carefully monitor compliance with hygiene rules, which include regular brushing of teeth and keeping the plate clean.
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Stages of installing plates
Orthodontic treatment in childhood is not associated with unpleasant or painful sensations. Young patients visit the doctor's office without fear, experiencing curiosity and interest in the treatment process. Specialists at iStomatolog clinic enjoy interacting with children, answering questions, and engaging in relaxed conversations. Such an approach lays the foundation for a trusting relationship with dentistry as a whole, confidence in the correct actions of doctors, and the need for timely assistance.
The basis of the diagnostic base is an orthopantomogram. The image clearly shows the grown teeth and tooth buds, their angle of inclination relative to the jaw, the condition of the roots, bone and soft tissue. All types of anomalies are taken into account when developing an orthodontic structure.
If signs of ENT diseases are found in the image, the orthodontist will refer the child to an otolaryngologist. Restoring proper nasal breathing is necessary for effective orthodontic treatment.
The next stage is 3D modeling of the upper and lower jaw with the bite and position of the teeth that should be achieved as a result of the treatment.
Orthodontic treatment always begins after oral cavity sanitation. Caries is treated, inflammatory processes are eliminated. Plates are installed when children are absolutely healthy. It is better to postpone a visit to the orthodontist if the child has a cold or feels unwell. The doctor will always find an opportunity to schedule another time.
The final stage is the installation and adjustment of the plate.
At what age is it best to get a dental plate installed?
The orthodontist will conduct a diagnosis to determine whether using dental plate is necessary to solve the problem and also determine the best age to start treatment. The use of dental plate in dentistry does not necessarily mean that the child will not need to wear braces later on. However, in most cases, the use of removable orthodontic devices can greatly reduce the risk of developing defects in the dental apparatus and prepare the child for further correction in later years.
Plates (brackets, retainers) are used for orthodontic treatment mainly up to the age of 15. The constructions are made individually based on diagnostic conclusions. The plate is attached to the outer row of teeth, the inner part, and may also include the palate.
The structure of the plate
Corrective plates are best installed in children before the age of 12, when not all teeth have yet erupted and the formation of the dental-jaw system is in an active phase. The plate is a removable or non-removable structure consisting of a plastic base (of varying degrees of rigidity), metal wire, fastening elements, screws, or other parts.
The base (body) of the plate should fit snugly against the roof of the mouth or gums, with the metal elements serving to hold the structure in place. In many plate models, the key element is a screw located in the center of the base body, which is used to adjust the pressure force on the teeth and jaw.
Thanks to this influence, it is possible to stimulate or slow down the growth of the jaw, change the size of the jaw, and the position of the teeth. Hooks located on the lateral sides play the role of a stabilizing element of the structure, and the metal arch fixes the teeth in the desired position. The wearing time during the day is determined by the doctor. It can be 3-4 hours a day or more.
The non-removable structure is fixed with special braces. The device is usually used to correct serious defects of the dental-jaw apparatus in children of younger and middle age. The device is worn for 1-2 years, depending on the indications.
The effectiveness of correction with a plate depends on many factors
Factors affecting the effectiveness of treatment with plates include:
- The degree of malocclusion
- Sensitivity of enamel and gums
- The ratio of milk and permanent teeth
- Compliance with the recommended wearing schedule (number of hours per day)
Removable devices are most effective during the transition from milk to permanent teeth and active growth of bone tissue.
Types of orthodontic appliance designs
This is by no means a complete list of orthodontic appliances used to correct various pathologies. At the iStomatolog dental clinic, the most effective method for correcting correctable defects in children and adults will be chosen.
The best equipment available today allows us to perform orthodontic treatment of any level of complexity. Our patients are children, teenagers, and adults. We restore health, aesthetics, and quality of life by applying the latest generation technologies and materials.
Advantages of iStomatolog clinic
Our clinic uses a variety of orthodontic methods, high-tech equipment for pathology diagnosis, and German materials for orthodontic appliance manufacturing. We value the trust placed in us and always strive to select the most effective treatment method considering the patient's pathology, age, and individual characteristics.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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