Metal braces
- Pros and cons of metal braces
- Who are metal braces suitable for? How do they work?
- Stages of installing metal braces
- When metal braces cannot be used
- How long will you wear metal braces?
- Care for metal braces
- Types of metal braces
- Price of installation and treatment
- FAQ, гарантия, отзывы о стоматологии iStomatolog
Brief information about metal braces
Correction of bite and incorrect teeth positioning is carried out with the help of braces, which are non-removable orthodontic structures. Systems made of metal have gained the most popularity, as they possess a complex of important advantages, the main ones being high efficiency, universality of application, and affordable price. Metal braces in Kyiv, as well as in other cities, enjoy a consistently high demand.
Pros and cons of metal braces
Advantages of metal braces:
- time-proven effectiveness;
- universality of application (corrects all types of defects);
- reliability;
- maximum speed of correction of orthodontic pathologies;
- high durability;
- affordability.
As for the cons, it is worth noting the low aesthetic properties, a metallic taste in the mouth during adaptation, and the fact that the elements of the construction can sometimes injure the mucous membrane or lips.
Who are metal braces suitable for? How do they work?
Metal braces are suitable for both adults and children. Indications for the use of orthodontic constructions include:
- All types of improper teeth alignment (crowding, curvature, inclination)
- Increased distance between teeth (gaps, diastemas)
- Distortion of the dental arch due to tooth loss
- All types of bite pathologies
- Disproportions of jaws
- Symmetry violations during jaw closure.
The main element of the construction is a metal wire that passes through the brackets or bands and applies a certain force to each tooth. As a result of this effect, a vector of tooth displacement is set, which allows them to take the correct position.
In orthodontic practice, several types of metal alloys are used to make braces:
- Steel or nickel steel - durable, reliable, and most affordable
- Titanium - very strong, biocompatible metal with all the advantages of systems made from other materials and does not cause an allergic reaction
- Steel with gold plating - a durable, neutral alloy with higher aesthetics compared to other metal constructions.
The force wires, which are the basis of the bracket system, are made of steel, as well as alloys such as nickel-titanium, cobalt-chrome, titanium-molybdenum, or a three-component alloy - copper-titanium-nickel. The choice of wire material depends on the nature and characteristics of the pathology being corrected.
Each type of metal has its own parameters (including initial memory) that determine the force and nature of the effect on the teeth. Orthodontic wires can have round, square, or rectangular cross-sections. The force element of the bracket system is a solid product or a structure made by weaving several pieces of wire together.
Stages of installing metal braces
The installation of metal braces is preceded by a preparation period:
- Diagnosis (X-rays, panoramic radiograph, CT scan, T-Scan)
- Making impressions of the jaws
- Professional teeth cleaning
- Treatment of tooth decay
- Treatment of inflammatory processes (if present)
- Making the construction
Next, the system is installed. During the procedure, the teeth are washed and dried, dental glue is applied to the surface of the enamel, and the braces are fixed on each tooth, and the orthodontic arch is attached.
The orthodontist creates a schedule of planned visits to control the progress and change of arches. After the construction is removed, orthodontic treatment continues to stabilize the result.
This period is of great importance, as tissue restructuring and tooth fixation in the correct position continues. To achieve this, lightweight devices such as thin wire retainers on the inside of the teeth are used, as well as retainer caps for night wear.
Replacing the archwire in metal braces
When metal braces cannot be used
How long will you wear metal braces?
Care for metal braces
Care should be thorough and regular
Types of metal braces
Braces differ in the way they are installed and the method of attaching the wire to the brackets. Vestibular models are fixed to the outer surface of the teeth. Orthodontists find this type of construction convenient due to its high reliability, reasonable price, and quick adaptation. The low aesthetic appeal is a relative disadvantage. However, many people consider colored metal braces a fashionable attribute and they do not cause embarrassment for most young people.
Lingual braces are attached to the inner surface of the teeth. The construction is considered more complex than the external systems, and access to it is not as convenient for the doctor compared to vestibular models. Lingual systems are invisible to others, but their cost is quite high.
The method of attaching the wire to the bracket can be ligature or self-ligating. Ligatures are connecting elements, wire or rubber. Self-ligating systems use clips that snap into slots as fasteners. Self-ligating systems are more complex in design, but the therapeutic effect of the two constructions is quite comparable.
When choosing the optimal system for correcting defects, an orthodontist takes into account many factors, including:
- the shape and size of the teeth;
- the condition of the enamel and soft tissues;
- muscle functionality;
- anatomical features of the jaw;
- facial proportions;
- the patient's desires regarding price and aesthetics.
For example, lingual braces cannot be used in cases of severe crowding of teeth, insufficient height of tooth crowns, the presence of demineralization foci on tooth surfaces, chronic gum inflammation, or excessively narrow jaws. By following the principles of a systemic approach, an orthodontist can provide the maximum possible positive result and comfort during the correction period.
Side effects after the installation of metal braces
The main side effects are a feeling of heaviness and tension in the area of the teeth, a metallic taste, mild soreness, discomfort, and difficulty closing the jaws. Pain usually subsides within a week.
The orthodontist may prescribe painkillers if necessary. Choosing soft, pureed foods can minimize traumatic effects.
Undesirable side effects are often related to poor hygiene. This can cause the formation of dental calculus, the development of caries, or inflammation of soft tissues. It is important to follow all of the orthodontist's recommendations punctually for successful treatment.
Advantages of iStomatolog clinic
Our clinic uses state-of-the-art orthodontic techniques, high-tech equipment, and materials. We value your trust and strive to demonstrate our high level of professionalism, based on deep knowledge, ability to choose the most effective treatment method, and attentiveness to patients' needs.
Price of installation and treatment
The price of installing metal braces in Kyiv depends on the complexity and scale of the defects, the number of additional services (such as treating cavities, gums, strengthening enamel, etc.), the construction of the system (lingual, vestibular), and the type of metal alloy. The current prices are listed in the price list, which can be used as a guide when calculating the total cost, but the exact price can only be determined after a diagnosis is performed.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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