iStomatolog > Orthodontic treatment > Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces

What are ceramic braces?

Ceramic braces are a vestibular orthodontic system (attached to the outside of the teeth), whose elements are the same color as the natural shade of tooth enamel or have a transparent structure. The ceramic used to make braces is a polycrystalline or monocrystalline aluminum oxide, which is a strong, hypoallergenic material with high aesthetic properties.

Ideal age for aligning teeth

The most favorable age range for installing brace systems is 14-18 years old. Orthodontic constructions can also be successfully applied later, but the time to correct defects may be longer.

Debunking the myth: braces make your smile look unattractive

Ceramic braces can be attractive, just like the smile with them!

Ceramic braces are a vivid example that orthodontic construction can be quite attractive, and even fashionable. Teenagers and young adults do not have any complexes about using corrective braces, especially since many of them need orthodontic help (almost 70% of patients have a diagnosed malocclusion).

Patients can choose a construction with transparent, semi-transparent, matte, and even colored plates. The design of braces has improved so much in recent years that orthodontic systems have become a part of one's image, which does not spoil one's appearance at all.

Types of ceramic braces

Ligature ceramic braces - plates made of ceramics, in the slots of which the arch is held by removable elastics or wires - ligatures.

Self-ligating ceramic braces - a structure in which the elements are connected using sliding fixtures.

Orthodontic systems can consist of:

  • Solid ceramic plates
  • Ceramic elements with metal brackets
  • Ceramic plates with metal slots.

In combined systems, plates made of metal and ceramics are combined.

Each company produces braces with specific features. This concerns the design, materials, and shape of the plates. For example, the Mystique system from the American company GAC, made of reinforced ceramics, does not have metal inserts in the brackets themselves, and their slots are covered with a silicate film. The visually inconspicuous design has proven to be highly reliable.

The ligatureless In-Ovation system by GAC is securely fixed to teeth due to inserts with microscopic roughnesses.

Clarity APC brackets by 3M Unitek can be installed without the use of adhesive thanks to the design features and special treatment of the bracket base with an adhesive material.

Damon-3 by ORMCO is the most compact of bracket systems. The specially latching clip allows for the fastest replacement of the archwire.

Damon Clear is another popular design by ORMCO, which uses transparent brackets.

Fascination 2 bracket systems

German company Dent aurum applies numerous innovations in the production of orthodontic systems. The Fascination 2 bracket systems are equipped with a spring mechanism that helps to effectively fight tooth crowding, the Discovery model has small plate sizes, and the Jewels are colored ceramic brackets that are popular among teenagers.

All of the listed ceramic systems, as well as many other models, are chosen based on several factors:

  • the type and scale of the pathology;
  • the patient's personal preferences regarding the appearance of the bracket system;
  • cost limitations.

There is no definitive answer to the question of which ceramic braces are better or worse, and it depends on the individual case. When choosing a corrective system, the number of defects, their nature, and the complexity of correction are taken into account. Then, the most effective design for the specific case is chosen.

Distinctive features and advantages of ceramic braces systems

Modern ceramic braces systems are effective and convenient to use and maintain. Other advantages of constructions in this category include:

  • no specific taste;
  • absence of components that cause allergies;
  • high strength;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Modern ceramic braces are resistant to pigment exposure (they do not stain), do not traumatize the gums and oral mucosa. This is a convenient, well-thought-out orthodontic construction used to correct defects of the dental arch in teenagers and adults.


The latest generation of ceramic braces has few drawbacks. One of them is a slightly longer wear time compared to metal braces. Over time, ceramics may change color if certain dietary and care rules are not followed. Ceramic is vulnerable to mechanical stress - if the dietary rules are not followed during orthodontic treatment, the braces may crack or fracture.

Stages of installing ceramic braces

1 Stage

Primary examination

Examination of the oral cavity. Determination of the need for additional tooth treatment or surgical intervention. Preliminary diagnosis. Appointment of additional research methods. Photographic protocol.
2 Stage


Analysis of additional research data: computed tomography of the jaws, TRG, joint studies. Digital scanning. Final diagnosis and treatment plan formation.
3 Stage

Selection of the brace system

After approval of the treatment plan and approximate deadlines, the selection of a ceramic brace system and additional constructions (for example, micro-implants) is carried out.
4 Stage

Professional teeth cleaning, oral cavity sanitation

Conducting professional oral hygiene. Treatment of teeth according to the treatment plan.
5 Stage

Creation of molds

Obtaining impressions of the jaws or digital scanning of the jaws.
6 Stage

Making jaw models

Models can be made of plaster, printed on a 3D printer, or created in digital format.
7 Stage

Creation of orthodontic system elements

8 Stage

Fixation of braces on teeth and attachment of the arch

9 Stage

Recommendations for using braces and taking care of teeth

Duration of treatment with ceramic braces

The duration of correcting dental issues ranges from 1.5 to 3 years. The duration of treatment depends on age, the number of defects, and their complexity. Following the doctor's recommendations and visiting regularly for adjustments according to the schedule is also important.

Caring for ceramic braces

Maintaining oral hygiene is the most crucial aspect of orthodontic treatment. The doctor will provide detailed instructions on how to clean teeth and what tools to use (two types of toothbrushes, interdental brushes, irrigators, floss, mouthwash) to maintain oral hygiene.

Eating with ceramic braces

Solid, fibrous, sticky foods, and sweets are excluded from the diet. Hot drinks should not be consumed after cold dishes (tea after ice cream) as it negatively affects the strength properties of ceramics.

Advantages of installing ceramic braces at iStomatolog clinic

The iStomatolog clinic applies the latest techniques in the field of orthodontics. Accurate computer diagnostics is the basis for selecting the most effective braces system. Adults and teenagers fully trust our specialists, who pay maximum attention to everyone who chooses iStomatolog clinic in Kyiv. We give people a beautiful smile while preserving their health!
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link 


Ceramic braces typically cost 20% more than metal braces on average. The final price depends on the brand's reputation, the technologies and materials used by manufacturers. To get a more accurate idea of current prices, check the price list on the iStomatolog website.
Both systems are equally effective. If you have allergies or don't like the taste of metal, choose ceramic braces.
The size of the plates depends on the chosen design and brand. Some companies produce miniature braces. When choosing a model, its effectiveness in correcting defects is the main consideration.
The principle of operation is the same for all brace systems – correction of defects by applying mechanical pressure to the teeth, which changes their position.
Ceramic braces are less noticeable, do not cause allergic reactions, and do not harm the mucous membranes, tongue, and lips.
The most popular brace systems are models from American, German, and South Korean brands. Their popularity is due to high reliability, effectiveness, and aesthetics.
Ceramic braces

Article author:

Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental Center

During a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.

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Стоматология супер! Обслуживаемся всей семьёй уже 13 лет. В основном у Ирины и Елены на м. Дарница. Качеством очень довольны! Персонал опытный и приятный) Однозначно рекомендую !!! Спасибо вам за ваш труд!
Досвід лікування моїх зубів і приведення у задовільний стан мою посмішку має чималу історію (для інформації, мені за 50). Це пломби у більшості зубів, брекет системи і навіть спроби змінити форму зубів. Щось виходило, але не з першого разу, щось не виходило і намагання повернутись до цієї проблеми не сприймалися схвально. У додаток до всього цього сам процес лікування затягувався на довгі місяці.
Що мене очікувало в центрі iStomatolog.
1. Відсутність очікування біля кабінету.
2. Відсутність зайвого. Персонал і лікарі тебе не обтяжують. Їх стільки, скільки має бути.
3. Без сумніву професіоналізм. Тебе вислухать, і обов'язково запропонують варіанти лікування. Що безцінно, це те, що тобі в першу чергу будуть пропонувати максимально зберегти свої зуби.
4. Відсутність бажання затягнути процес лікування на рік (якщо у тебе проблема не одного чи двох зубів). Головне, щоб дозволяли працювати ясна (їх стан).
5. Матеріали з якими працюють лікарі. Це виключно японський виробник.
І нарешті результат, який я навіть вже і не очікувала.
Лена, дякую тобі ВЕЛИЧЕЗНЕ за твою роботу. Тобі і твоїй команді.
Nice clinic. Very attentive doctors, very nice people. Competent in their job. All procedures, implantation, crown installation in 1 day, filling - everything is absolutely performed according to the protocols. The clinic is clean, tea and coffee will be offered. Protection against covid is carried out - everyone is wearing masks, shoe covers, the temperature is measured. Thank you very much to Maxim Valerievich, Elena Dainetskaya, Lidia Vladimirovna. We wish you prosperity!
Якби мені раніше хтось сказав що я полюблю ходити до стоматолога, то я б не повірила)
Але тут працюють дуже відповідальні, приємні і турботливі професіонали! Дякую всій команді цієї стоматології, і окремо дякую моєму стоматологу Пекарському Віталію за прекрасну роботу. Тепер я і солодке їм без болі, і більше посміхаюсь ☺️
Я із задоволенням буду ходити тільки до вас 😊
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Elena Sergeevna Dainetskaya. We have been treating teeth with the whole family for more than 10 years and we thank God that we have fallen into these wonderful hands! A very professional and competent doctor, kind, sensitive and always worried about his patient. There would be more such doctors in our medicine!I wish you health, success and prosperity in your work.I RECOMMEND iStomatolog clinic and Dr. Elena Sergeevna to everyone.
С 2007 года iStomatolog наша семейная стоматология. Почему? Потому что кто лучше делает своё дело, если оно семейное и уже в третьем поколении. Я пришёл по рекомендации моего друга Антона на приём к Ларисе Викторовне. Она сказала мне сразу: «я не вырву не одного зуба если за него можно бороться» Пол года лечения и сейчас у меня только раз в 6 месяцев профилактика. Супруга, дочь, моя мама (83 года) все доверили свои зубки iStomatolog. Правда уже Елена Сергеевна (старшая дочь Ларисы Викторовны) руководит клиникой. Строгая, но наверно так и надо, а то мы всегда пытаемся отсрочить, откладываем на потом профилактику, а потом выкладываем огромные деньги что бы спасти уже гнилой зуб. В этой стоматологии принцип очень простой: делай качественно, относись к людям по человечески, предупреди заранее (ну ведь забываем и «забиваем» на это). Многие подумают заказная статейка. Нет, просто мне повезло, я нашёл тех кому не безразлично мое здоровье и посчитал своим долгом перед Вами, рекомендовать стоматологию iStomatolog.
Так случилось, что в "iStomtolog", я попал по настоятельной рекомендации побратима. Имея, без преувеличения, огромные проблемы с зубами, могу вас уверить, это место где вам реально помогут! Теперь по выполненным работам: поснимали камни и налет, пролечили каналы, поставили 8 коронок и 1 винир, 3 импланта. Объем работ просто огромный. Хочу поблагодарить Елену Дайнецкую и всю ее команду за профессионализм, позитив и замечательную домашнюю атмосферу в клинике.
Все мы знаем, как сложно выбрать хорошего врача, но могу с уверенностью сказать, приходите в клинику “IStomatolog”- здесь Вы найдете лучшего доктора Виталия . Очень хороший доктор-внимательный, доброжелательный, настоящий профессионал своего дела. Спасибо за Ваш труд, желаю Вам благополучия и успехов! А еще в кабинете чистота, комфорт, свежий воздух и приятная музыка. Рекомендую☝️
Отличная стоматология. Быстро и качественно оказывают услуги, ничего лишнего не навязывают. Вежливый и обходительный администратор. Очень рекомендую. Теперь по всем зубным вопросам только туда.
Я доглядаю зуби в цій клініці майже 15 років, і це про щось та говорить. Свого молодшого сина також привела сюди ще з першими зубками.

Всі лікарі уважні, професійні, з щирою турботою про пацієнта. Запам'яталось, як мені років п'ять тому довго і терпляче спасали майже безнадійний зуб, зіпсований в іншій клініці — спасли, стоїть свій зуб, а міг би вже бути імплант.

Дуже рекомендую.

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