Tooth Cyst Removal
- What is a tooth cyst?
- How to identify a tooth cyst, diagnostics
- What are the methods of treating a tooth cyst?
- Stages of tooth cyst treatment without surgery
- Advantages of tooth cyst treatment at iStomatolog in Kyiv
- Prices for root canal treatment and tooth cysts
- FAQ, guarantee, reviews of iStomatolog dental clinic
Tooth cyst, what is it?
Tooth cyst is one of the variations of periodontitis, which represents a focus of destruction of bone tissue. It has a rounded shape on radiographic examination and is clearly linked to the root of the tooth. The cyst increases in size for a long time and its growth is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations for the patient. Only during periods of exacerbation, signs of periodontitis appear.
What is a tooth granuloma?
A granuloma is a small cyst. If left untreated, the granuloma grows in size over time and becomes a cystic granuloma, and then a cyst. Both the granuloma and the cyst have clear contours on X-rays.
How can you identify or suspect the presence of a tooth cyst?
- Tooth discoloration, a large cavity without pain, lack of responsiveness to stimuli
- Previously painful tooth that spontaneously stopped hurting
- Previously treated root canal that periodically bothers the tooth
- Pain when pressing on the tooth, even though the tooth is "dead"
- Periodic appearance of a "pimple" with pus on the gums near the tooth (disappears on its own), usually without pain
- "Flux" or subperiosteal abscess during an exacerbation of the process (swelling of the gums in the area of several teeth)
Diagnosis of a tooth cyst
To obtain accurate diagnostic conclusions, after a dental examination and medical history collection, instrumental examination is carried out using computed tomography. After a comprehensive assessment of the cystic formation, a treatment protocol is drawn up. iStomatolog clinic applies the latest technologies and drugs that allow:
- Remove the cyst without surgery
- Save the tooth
- Fully restore dental functions
Choosing conservative treatment for a tooth with a cyst relieves the patient of the stress caused by the use of radical (surgical) methods. If it is possible to choose a therapeutic method, we always use it, even if the treatment process is associated with certain difficulties. Our dentists have the highest qualifications, and therefore the results always justify the decisions made.
What are the methods of treating a tooth cyst?
- Extraction of the tooth with the cyst
- Surgical removal of the tooth cyst (cystectomy)
- Treatment of the cyst with preservation of the tooth at iStomatolog.
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Treatment of teeth with periapical cyst
A tooth cyst is a cavity formation on the root of a tooth. It is a dense bubble filled with fluid containing dead cells, bacteria, and tissue breakdown products. A small cyst is called a granuloma, a larger pathology is a cystic granuloma, and the next form is a tooth cyst. On X-rays, all three pathological structures have clear contour outlines.
As the mass of the contents increases, the cyst increases in size and begins to compress the surrounding tissues. For a long time, a person does not feel any unpleasant symptoms, especially in the case of cysts developing on depulped teeth. At a later stage of the process, redness of the gums and swelling in the area of the affected tooth appear, accompanied by a dull pain, sometimes a fever.
Like any inflammatory process, headache, general malaise, and weakness can occur. If the pathology is complicated by suppuration, complications such as lymphadenitis, phlegmon, periostitis, and abscess can arise. Cysts on the teeth of the upper and lower jaw are the cause of thinning and fragility of the bone tissue.
Stages of non-surgical treatment of a tooth cyst
Conducting a computed tomography to determine the size of the cyst
Development and sealing of root canals under a microscope
Laser treatment and medication-based sterilization of the root canals
Filling the root canals with special pastes to stimulate bone tissue regeneration in the cyst area
Temporary filling
Radiological control after 10-14 days with repeat canal treatment and filling of the cyst with paste
The treatment can last for 2-3 months or more, depending on the dynamics of the healing process. After the cyst has reduced by at least 50%, the root canals are filled with paste for permanent sealing, which prevents the recurrence of the cyst in the future. Then a photopolymer filling or a dental crown is placed on the tooth.
Preventive measures can help reduce the risk of cyst formation on the root of the tooth. First of all, it is necessary to perform hygiene procedures correctly and regularly, and to timely treat caries, not allowing the development of inflammatory and carious processes in dental tissues, and not postpone treatment for nerve inflammation.
You should visit the dentist every six months and schedule a professional teeth cleaning. If you experience mild discomfort, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Detecting pathologies at an early stage will help keep your teeth healthy and avoid expensive and lengthy treatment. Balanced nutrition, the use of quality toothpaste and accessories for cleaning teeth play an important role in preventing caries and periodontal diseases.
Advantages of treating a tooth cyst at iStomatolog in Kyiv
- Non-surgical treatment
- Treatment of tooth cyst under microscope control
- Sterilization using laser or ozone
- Use of therapeutic pastes from Japanese manufacturers
- Effective treatment regimens
At our clinic, we successfully treat tooth cysts without using surgical methods. iStomatolog dentistry in Kiev has a number of proprietary techniques that use a complex of different methods (treatment with lasers, ozone, special Kuraray Japan pastes) for quick and painless treatment of tooth cysts without surgical intervention and with the exclusion of recurrent exacerbations.
Sterilization of the canals with ozone and lasers significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment, and the use of a microscope during canal processing ensures the highest precision of dental manipulations.
We care about the physical and psychological comfort of our patients during treatment. Our patients do not experience pain or discomfort, regardless of the nature and complexity of the procedures.
Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link
You can learn more detailed information during a consultation at iStomatolog Center. After examination by a doctor, the most appropriate treatment options will be proposed specifically for your clinical case.

Article author:
Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental CenterDuring a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.
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І нарешті результат, який я навіть вже і не очікувала.
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Дуже рекомендую.