iStomatolog > Prosthetic dentistry

Dental prosthetics

Why is it necessary to replace missing teeth?

Replacing missing teeth involves restoring lost or damaged teeth using various removable and non-removable orthopedic constructions (prosthetics).

Replacing missing teeth is necessary to restore proper chewing efficiency, which noticeably decreases even when one tooth is lost, and the load on neighboring teeth increases by 50% or more. This can eventually lead to tilting of neighboring teeth (to the missing tooth), protrusion of teeth on the opposite jaw away from the missing tooth, and displacement of teeth in the dental arch. Teeth attempt to fill the empty space, resulting in unsightly gaps between the teeth. In the long run, overloaded teeth can be lost.

Properly selected and carried out dental prosthetics can help eliminate aesthetic and functional defects, preserve the integrity of the teeth, and avoid problems with the temporomandibular joint.

Types of dental prosthetics

One day crowns

crowns, inlays, veneers, bridges


ceramic, E.max, zirconia

Installation of veneers and lumineers

ceramic veneers, lumineers

Removable dentures

clasp, acetal, nylon

Fixed dental bridge

prostheses made of zirconia or with ceramic veneering

Removable partial denture (RPD)

clasp-retained denture

Ceramic crowns

E.max ceramic, glass ceramic

Zirconia crowns

on a zirconia dioxide framework

Implant-supported crowns

ceramic and zirconia

When to see an orthodontist:

  • A part of the tooth has chipped off
  • One or more teeth are missing in the dental arch
  • Increased wearing of teeth
  • Shifting of teeth after the previous tooth extraction
  • Congenital absence of teeth

Advantages of prosthetics at iStomatolog dental clinic in Kyiv

  • Quality control of prosthetics at all stages of work
  • Hypoallergenic materials
  • Biocompatibility with gum and tooth tissues
  • Possibility of making a dental prosthesis (ceramic crown, inlay, veneer) in 1 day
  • Only original materials, certified in Europe and America
  • Individual selection of material for the construction
  • 12-month warranty

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    Types of fixed prostheses

    Fixed prostheses are those that are fixed in the patient's oral cavity and cannot be removed by the patient themselves.

    • Crowns
    • Veneers
    • Inlays
    • Onlays
    • Bridge prostheses

    Types of removable prostheses

    Removable prostheses are prostheses that the patient can remove themselves. However, some types of prostheses, such as partial dentures, are conditionally removable.

    • Partial dentures
    • Acrylic (plastic) dentures
    • Nylon dentures
    • Acetal dentures
    • Combination dentures

    Indications for the installation of fixed prostheses

    • Destruction of a tooth or part of it
    • Absence of one or more teeth
    • Correction of shape, size, and color of teeth
    • Increased wear of teeth
    • As a splint for mobile teeth
    • Installed implant

    Crowns are installed on teeth when they are destroyed or significantly damaged. Veneers are used to correct aesthetic defects of the front teeth. Inlays and onlays are used to restore parts of teeth that have been destroyed by caries or trauma, or in cases of pathological wear. Bridge prostheses are used when one or more teeth are missing or for splinting mobile teeth.

    At iStomatolog dental clinic in Kyiv, we manufacture all types of metal-free constructions. We use materials such as lithium disilicate (E.max), zirconium dioxide (zirconia crowns), feldspathic ceramic, glass ceramic, hybrid ceramic, and ceramic composite for making crowns. Lithium disilicate (E.max) is used for making veneers, inlays, and onlays, along with feldspathic ceramic, glass ceramic, hybrid ceramic, and ceramic composite. Bridge prostheses can be made entirely of zirconium dioxide with customization using special dyes or with ceramic applied to a zirconia frame.

    Stages of crown manufacturing

    1. Diagnosis using X-rays or CT scans. Determination of the need for treatment or retreatment of root canals. The tooth root is the foundation, and how long the tooth with the crown will last depends directly on the quality of the treated canals.
    2. Preparation of root canals and sealing with special pastes. In cases of difficult-to-reach root canals, poorly sealed canals, or broken instruments, retreatment is performed under microscope control.
    3. Manufacturing of a core buildup - a framework on which the crown will be fixed. The core buildup is made in the clinic and is a titanium or carbon post (glass fiber is not used due to the high risk of breakage) fixed to a special hard material. A properly selected post distributes the chewing load on the tooth root without the risk of fracture.
    4. Preparation (trimming) of the core buildup for the chosen type of crown.
    5. Intraoral scanning of both jaws using the Cerec Cam camera. Scanning has replaced impression taking. The positive aspects of scanning include the accuracy of the display, the absence of errors, and the ease of tolerating the procedure by the patient (especially in cases of gag reflex).
    6. Computer modeling of the crown. During modeling, a crown is created that is identical to the patient's teeth in shape, size, and type of wear. This is why crowns made using digital methods do not require patient adaptation.
    7. Color matching according to a special color scale consisting of 26 shades corresponding to the color of natural teeth.
    8. Selection of the material from which the crown will be milled.
    9. Milling of the crown in the CEREC machine.
    10. Polishing of the finished crown. Application of individual features using special dyes.
    11. Preparation of the tooth and crown for fixation. A crown made of any type of ceramic is treated with hydrofluoric acid to create ideal conditions for chemical bonding with the tooth. The fragility of ceramic prosthetics is a particular feature until they are fixed to the tooth. After fixation with special composite cements, we obtain a monolithic structure that is several times stronger than tooth tissue.
    12. Fixation of the prepared crown.

    Covers and inlays made by milling are an ideal alternative to composite resin restoration. When a tooth is severely damaged, it is preferable to create an inlay. With greater durability, a ceramic inlay helps prevent the tooth from breaking. When there is pathological tooth wear and the need to increase the bite height, computer modeling of overlays allows for the most accurate reproduction of all chewing movements and recreating them on the teeth.

    Bridge prostheses are used when one or more teeth are missing, as well as to splint mobile teeth in gum disease. At iStomatolog clinic, bridge prostheses are made of zirconium dioxide with individual staining using special dyes or a combination of zirconia and ceramic. Combining zirconia (the framework is made of zirconium dioxide) and ceramics as a facing allows for highly aesthetic constructions that meet modern requirements.

    Requirements for crown quality

    • High structural strength
    • Complete biocompatibility with gum and tooth tissue
    • Wear that does not significantly exceed the wear of tooth enamel
    • Excellent aesthetics
    • Ability to make bridge prostheses of any length.

    Indications for removable dentures include

    • Inability to install implants or bridgework
    • Complete or partial absence of teeth
    • As a temporary structure during the integration of implants

    A clasp denture is a metal framework with artificial teeth installed on it, which can be secured by clasps or locks. They have a long lifespan (7 years or more), a minimal risk of breakage, excellent fixation in the oral cavity, and minimal patient discomfort and adaptation period. In clasp dentures, special clasps or brackets made of metal or acetate are used to stabilize and provide additional fixation to the prosthesis in the oral cavity. Lock-type dentures are fixed to the crowns of the teeth using a lock mechanism, which consists of two parts, one of which is located in the denture and the other on the tooth crown. The downside of lock-type dentures is the need to crown the end teeth. However, the fixation of the denture with a lock mechanism is the most stable to any movement.

    Acetal (as well as nylon) dentures have slight flexibility in the oral cavity, allowing them to fit better to the tissues.

    Acrylic or plastic dentures are made entirely of plastic with artificial teeth installed on them. The lifespan of such dentures is 2-5 years, and the likelihood of breakage is much higher than that of clasp dentures. The fixation of such dentures in the case of bone tissue atrophy of the jaws is not as effective.

    Stages of making removable dentures

    • Taking impressions of the jaws (when there are no teeth present and an acrylic prosthesis is being made, an individual tray is also required to take the impression)
    • Determining the central relationship of the jaws on a wax template
    • Fitting the prosthesis base (artificial teeth are installed on a wax base at this fitting stage)
    • Patient education on how to use the prosthesis (insertion and removal of the prosthesis, prosthesis care)
    • Prosthesis adjustment (may be done several times with a 3-5 day interval)

    Adaptation period to removable dentures

    During the first week after installation of the removable denture, the patient may experience increased salivation, possible speech impairment, discomfort when swallowing (especially pronounced with acrylic dentures on the upper jaw), increased gag reflex, and unsatisfactory fixation of the prosthesis in the oral cavity. In most cases, all of these symptoms disappear within a couple of weeks.

    The main function of any denture is to restore chewing function. Any denture is better than no teeth.

    Price for dental prosthetics

    Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link 


    The cost of dental prosthetics primarily depends on the type of prosthesis: removable or fixed. Fixed prostheses include crowns, veneers, overlays, the cost of which, in turn, depends on the material used (ceramic, zirconia, metal-ceramic, E.max). At iStomatolog Center, we always try to offer the patient several options for prosthetics at different price points, with descriptions of drawbacks, advantages, and future prospects.
    The manufacture of a removable prosthesis (plastic or clasp) takes about 7-10 working days. A crown "turnkey" can be made within 2-3 hours in one visit. Total prosthetics with crowns (all teeth) takes at least a month, and if temporary crowns are needed, more than a month (for example, with increased tooth wear and the need to raise the bite, intermediate temporary crowns are made).
    Dental prosthetics can be removable (plastic, acrylic, clasp prostheses) and fixed (crowns, veneers, overlays, bridge prostheses). Fixed prostheses can be temporary (made of plastic or PMMA) and permanent (ceramic, zirconia, metal-ceramic, E.max). Crowns can be made on teeth or implants. In the case of implantation on an edentulous jaw, a temporary removable plastic prosthesis is made during the period of implant integration. The optimal type of prosthetics can only be suggested by a doctor, taking into account the clinical situation.
    The best prosthetics are those selected for a specific clinical situation, allowing for full restoration of chewing function with high aesthetic characteristics. The best dental prosthetics should first and foremost improve the patient's quality of life.
    When recommendations for use and care are followed, the service life of removable prosthetics ranges from 3 to 10 years, while non-removable prosthetics can last 10 years or more. The service life of a prosthesis can be both increased and decreased. For example, two patients have crowns on two adjacent teeth, but the first patient has all teeth on both sides, and the chewing load is evenly distributed among all teeth - in this situation, the crowns will last up to 20 years. The second patient has no chewing teeth on one side, so the chewing load is distributed among the remaining teeth, including those with crowns, and these crowns will last less than 10 years. The service life of a prosthesis also depends on the condition of the tooth it is attached to, the presence of gum disease, and other factors.
    Prosthetic dentistry

    Article author:

    Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental Center

    During a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.

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    Prosthetic dentistry

    Dental crowns

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    Досвід лікування моїх зубів і приведення у задовільний стан мою посмішку має чималу історію (для інформації, мені за 50). Це пломби у більшості зубів, брекет системи і навіть спроби змінити форму зубів. Щось виходило, але не з першого разу, щось не виходило і намагання повернутись до цієї проблеми не сприймалися схвально. У додаток до всього цього сам процес лікування затягувався на довгі місяці.
    Що мене очікувало в центрі iStomatolog.
    1. Відсутність очікування біля кабінету.
    2. Відсутність зайвого. Персонал і лікарі тебе не обтяжують. Їх стільки, скільки має бути.
    3. Без сумніву професіоналізм. Тебе вислухать, і обов'язково запропонують варіанти лікування. Що безцінно, це те, що тобі в першу чергу будуть пропонувати максимально зберегти свої зуби.
    4. Відсутність бажання затягнути процес лікування на рік (якщо у тебе проблема не одного чи двох зубів). Головне, щоб дозволяли працювати ясна (їх стан).
    5. Матеріали з якими працюють лікарі. Це виключно японський виробник.
    І нарешті результат, який я навіть вже і не очікувала.
    Лена, дякую тобі ВЕЛИЧЕЗНЕ за твою роботу. Тобі і твоїй команді.
    Так случилось, что в "iStomtolog", я попал по настоятельной рекомендации побратима. Имея, без преувеличения, огромные проблемы с зубами, могу вас уверить, это место где вам реально помогут! Теперь по выполненным работам: поснимали камни и налет, пролечили каналы, поставили 8 коронок и 1 винир, 3 импланта. Объем работ просто огромный. Хочу поблагодарить Елену Дайнецкую и всю ее команду за профессионализм, позитив и замечательную домашнюю атмосферу в клинике.
    Стоматология супер! Обслуживаемся всей семьёй уже 13 лет. В основном у Ирины и Елены на м. Дарница. Качеством очень довольны! Персонал опытный и приятный) Однозначно рекомендую !!! Спасибо вам за ваш труд!
    Якби мені раніше хтось сказав що я полюблю ходити до стоматолога, то я б не повірила)
    Але тут працюють дуже відповідальні, приємні і турботливі професіонали! Дякую всій команді цієї стоматології, і окремо дякую моєму стоматологу Пекарському Віталію за прекрасну роботу. Тепер я і солодке їм без болі, і більше посміхаюсь ☺️
    Я із задоволенням буду ходити тільки до вас 😊
    Все мы знаем, как сложно выбрать хорошего врача, но могу с уверенностью сказать, приходите в клинику “IStomatolog”- здесь Вы найдете лучшего доктора Виталия . Очень хороший доктор-внимательный, доброжелательный, настоящий профессионал своего дела. Спасибо за Ваш труд, желаю Вам благополучия и успехов! А еще в кабинете чистота, комфорт, свежий воздух и приятная музыка. Рекомендую☝️
    Nice clinic. Very attentive doctors, very nice people. Competent in their job. All procedures, implantation, crown installation in 1 day, filling - everything is absolutely performed according to the protocols. The clinic is clean, tea and coffee will be offered. Protection against covid is carried out - everyone is wearing masks, shoe covers, the temperature is measured. Thank you very much to Maxim Valerievich, Elena Dainetskaya, Lidia Vladimirovna. We wish you prosperity!
    Что такое профессионализм? Это в высшей степени компетентность, уверенность и любовь к своей работе. «Не боюсь и доверяю» - это, пожалуй, определение собственных ощущений от лечения у Елены Дайнецкой. Мой выбор - iStomatolog и никто другой!!!
    Професіоналізм на вищому рівні, дуже гарно працюють а також затишно та комфортно,всім рекомендую
    С удовольствием рекомендую клинику и желаю Елене и компании всевозможных профессиональных и прочих жизненных успехов! Спасибо за профессионализм и внимательность.
    Excellent! I was limited in time and came here in hope to fix broken front tooth crown. This is the only available place that made it in one day. Wonderful friendly staff and fabulous technology. Great!

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