9 myths in dentistry

9 myths in dentistry

Myth 1: Milk teeth need not be treated

In fact, milk teeth, as well as permanent teeth, play an important role in the life of the human body. Baby teeth in the baby are laid for 6 weeks of pregnancy of the woman, undergo a number of stages of the jaw (bookmark, formation, primary mineralization) and begin to erupt from the sixth month of the baby's life, where after the eruption also pass a number of stages (formation, stabilization, resorption).

In general, the entire period of the existence of baby teeth is about 10 years, that is, the first tooth erupts, as we have said at 6 months of life of the child and the last tooth changes in 10 - 11 years of life of the child.

Dental teeth function:

  • the first and most basic function of chewing food is that teeth are crushed, food that is not carefully chewed can cause disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the second and no less basic function is that the milk teeth hold a place for permanent teeth, that is, without indications a removed tooth can cause deformation in the jaw of the baby and it causes a wrong bite;
  • a third and equally important function is aesthetics so that your baby is not shy about smiling and having a good smile.

Myth 2: About the "utility" of teeth whitening

There is a myth that a "Hollywood" smile is achieved through teeth whitening. But what often affects the color of your teeth? The vast majority of people have bad habits (use of tobacco, excessive use of coffee or tea, gas or tooth-colored beverages) whose products settle on the surface of the enamel and are not completely removed by home hygiene. Also, we will not forget about plaque, which is formed on the teeth and is a product of the vital activity of our body, which with poor quality cleaning hard and formed tartar. All these processes change the state of the teeth.

With regular hygiene, you will notice that the natural tint of your teeth is light enough and you do not need to whiten them further. It should be noted separately that the color of the teeth is influenced by all the processes occurring in the body, including diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, etc. But unfortunately, with one bleach you do not adjust the color, you already need the advice and treatment of related specialists.

However, if you do decide to do whitening, you should be aware that whitening systems can use chemicals to remove a small, non-recoverable surface layer of enamel.

There are still many home bleaching preparations, the difference is that different concentrations of whitening agent and result in the speed of time are achieved differently. But be sure to check with your doctor before the whitening procedure, as incorrectly selected bleaching systems can harm your health.

Myth 3: Go to the dentist only for toothache

Most diseases, especially in the initial stages, are asymptomatic. In particular, in the maxillofacial area, for example, caries with different depth of lesion, as well as localization, often patients think that caries can occur only on the chewing surface, and also if the tooth is whole, then no processes can occur there. Or perhaps you have seen or heard about a disease such as a cyst. It is a neoplasm at the apex of the root, which can go asymptomatic for many years and appear accidentally on a radiograph, or if the patient accidentally swells overnight.

It is no accident around the world talking about prevention. Prevention is a set of measures aimed at preventing a disease. If you visit a dentist regularly for preventive purposes, you will not only be able to solve the problem in the early stages, but also affect the time of the disease and generally forget what it is to treat your teeth.

Myth 4: The removed tooth does not need to be replaced

Yes, if the wisdom tooth was removed. All other teeth form a complete continuous tooth row that distributes the load evenly during chewing.

The body is so arranged that it will compensate for "emptiness"; no, the new permanent tooth instead of the removed permanent one will not grow, but the existing teeth will be displaced to compensate for the missing tooth, thereby forming a deformation of the dental rows, in which the adjacent teeth will take over the load for the removed tooth and thus begin to collapse rapidly, and , over time, changes in the temporomandibular joint, which is responsible for opening and closing the tooth cavity, will be noted.

Therefore, if at least one tooth has been removed or most of the teeth have been lost, the integrity of the dentition must be restored with the help of an implant, or with prosthetics with fixed structures or removable teeth.

Myth 5: I do not want to put the implant, because I'm afraid that it will not take hold of me

There are risks everywhere and in all fields of activity, especially in the medical field. Implantation is a surgical intervention characterized by the introduction of foreign "objects" into the body to restore the function of the organ. Today, not only missing teeth are implanted, but also implants of the organs of vision, hands, feet are made, and cardiogenic stimulants regulating the work of the heart and others are also inserted into the body. There are also risks of engraftment, but statistics show the effectiveness of such operations.

Implant grafting is influenced by: the general state of human immunity, the mandatory fulfillment of all appointments in the postoperative period.

Myth 6: Brush your teeth in the morning for breakfast

Most people, when interviewed, note that they brush their teeth for breakfast because of the bad taste in their mouth. Unpleasant odor or "halitosis" can occur not only because of the bad condition of the teeth, but also talk about disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as diseases of lororgans (tonsils, throat, pharynx). Normally, plaque begins to form within two hours after brushing, but in the oral cavity there is a saprophytic ("useful") microflora that maintains the constancy and functioning of the oral cavity. a considerable amount of plaque has been formed.

After breakfast, leftover food remains in the oral cavity that is a "feed" for microorganisms, especially for microorganisms that cause caries. Therefore, oral hygiene should be carried out after breakfast, thereby providing a pleasant feeling for yourself and adverse conditions for germs.

Myth 7: Tooth x-ray can not be done, previously worked without it

X-ray is one of the methods of research that provides information on the hard tissues of the tooth, the condition of the bone tissue around the tooth. There are various types of radiological examination today (sighting, 3D CT scan, orthopantomogram), which make it possible to diagnose and make an accurate definitive diagnosis, which will depend on the treatment.

As we said above, some diseases can be diagnosed accidentally because their course is asymptomatic. There is a category of patients who refuse to take X-rays because they do not want to receive radiation. I strongly want to say that today, with modern devices - Vision scanners, the radiation dose is insignificant, 1 x-ray is 1 hour of using a mobile phone, 1 transatlantic flight by plane is 100 x-rays. High-quality and thorough X-ray information will help you identify your problem and solve it faster, saving you time and money.

Myth 8: Wear Braces - Automatically earn caries

Braces are one of the devices that help to eliminate the pathology of the bite. This is a stationary device that with the help of special materials is fixed to the tooth and is not removed during the entire treatment. If the patient ignores the special tools for cleaning the teeth while wearing braces, and also does not regularly undergo prophylactic cleaning, then after removal of the system, the patient really has caries, and its complications.

Therefore, for the care of teeth while wearing braces, the patient should use special ruffles, super-fleas that allow penetration into inaccessible places, rinses and irrigators at home. An important item that will avoid caries is preventive cleaning every 6 months.

Myth 9: A good smile is expensive

In fact, this statement is partly true. Often people begin to realize that their teeth need to be cared for or treated, already in adulthood, unfortunately not since childhood, when their teeth are formed and thus give them a healthy shape, and then simply to maintain their ideal condition with preventive measures. But as life shows, a person goes to the dentist when he or she is experiencing severe unbearable pain, or when he wants to improve his smile.

And as practice shows to improve your smile or eliminate pain, one seal is indispensable, as a thorough examination reveals a large number of broken teeth in which it is necessary to treat the ducts, or to remove at all and then restore the lost tissue or removed teeth.

But if you approach this issue with all awareness, you can really forget what it is like to treat your teeth if you regularly see a doctor with routine health care visits. Bless you!

Full Price list of dental clinic services is available at the following link 
9 myths in dentistry

Dr. Iryna Dishlova

Specializes in endodontics, children’s dentistry

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Что такое профессионализм? Это в высшей степени компетентность, уверенность и любовь к своей работе. «Не боюсь и доверяю» - это, пожалуй, определение собственных ощущений от лечения у Елены Дайнецкой. Мой выбор - iStomatolog и никто другой!!!
Досвід лікування моїх зубів і приведення у задовільний стан мою посмішку має чималу історію (для інформації, мені за 50). Це пломби у більшості зубів, брекет системи і навіть спроби змінити форму зубів. Щось виходило, але не з першого разу, щось не виходило і намагання повернутись до цієї проблеми не сприймалися схвально. У додаток до всього цього сам процес лікування затягувався на довгі місяці.
Що мене очікувало в центрі iStomatolog.
1. Відсутність очікування біля кабінету.
2. Відсутність зайвого. Персонал і лікарі тебе не обтяжують. Їх стільки, скільки має бути.
3. Без сумніву професіоналізм. Тебе вислухать, і обов'язково запропонують варіанти лікування. Що безцінно, це те, що тобі в першу чергу будуть пропонувати максимально зберегти свої зуби.
4. Відсутність бажання затягнути процес лікування на рік (якщо у тебе проблема не одного чи двох зубів). Головне, щоб дозволяли працювати ясна (їх стан).
5. Матеріали з якими працюють лікарі. Це виключно японський виробник.
І нарешті результат, який я навіть вже і не очікувала.
Лена, дякую тобі ВЕЛИЧЕЗНЕ за твою роботу. Тобі і твоїй команді.
Тут працюють професіонали вищої кваліфікації.
С 2007 года iStomatolog наша семейная стоматология. Почему? Потому что кто лучше делает своё дело, если оно семейное и уже в третьем поколении. Я пришёл по рекомендации моего друга Антона на приём к Ларисе Викторовне. Она сказала мне сразу: «я не вырву не одного зуба если за него можно бороться» Пол года лечения и сейчас у меня только раз в 6 месяцев профилактика. Супруга, дочь, моя мама (83 года) все доверили свои зубки iStomatolog. Правда уже Елена Сергеевна (старшая дочь Ларисы Викторовны) руководит клиникой. Строгая, но наверно так и надо, а то мы всегда пытаемся отсрочить, откладываем на потом профилактику, а потом выкладываем огромные деньги что бы спасти уже гнилой зуб. В этой стоматологии принцип очень простой: делай качественно, относись к людям по человечески, предупреди заранее (ну ведь забываем и «забиваем» на это). Многие подумают заказная статейка. Нет, просто мне повезло, я нашёл тех кому не безразлично мое здоровье и посчитал своим долгом перед Вами, рекомендовать стоматологию iStomatolog.
Так случилось, что в "iStomtolog", я попал по настоятельной рекомендации побратима. Имея, без преувеличения, огромные проблемы с зубами, могу вас уверить, это место где вам реально помогут! Теперь по выполненным работам: поснимали камни и налет, пролечили каналы, поставили 8 коронок и 1 винир, 3 импланта. Объем работ просто огромный. Хочу поблагодарить Елену Дайнецкую и всю ее команду за профессионализм, позитив и замечательную домашнюю атмосферу в клинике.
Срочно нужно было получить квалифицированную помощь из-за травмы ребёнка, обратилась в эту клинику и не пожалела. Доктор Дышловая Ирина Сергеевна - и по телефону, и на консультации, и при лечении была максимально профессиональна. На рецепции девочки приятные. Вобщем, рекомендасьон 👌🏻
Самая лучшая стоматология в которой я была. Очень рекомендую)
Професіоналізм на вищому рівні, дуже гарно працюють а також затишно та комфортно,всім рекомендую
Отличная стоматология. Быстро и качественно оказывают услуги, ничего лишнего не навязывают. Вежливый и обходительный администратор. Очень рекомендую. Теперь по всем зубным вопросам только туда.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Elena Sergeevna Dainetskaya. We have been treating teeth with the whole family for more than 10 years and we thank God that we have fallen into these wonderful hands! A very professional and competent doctor, kind, sensitive and always worried about his patient. There would be more such doctors in our medicine!I wish you health, success and prosperity in your work.I RECOMMEND iStomatolog clinic and Dr. Elena Sergeevna to everyone.

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