How to properly prepare for dental implantation?

How to properly prepare for dental implantation?

Losing one or several teeth is an extremely common occurrence, caused by trauma, caries, or systemic diseases. As a result, chewing functions are impaired, appearance is affected, and psychological complexes may develop. Prosthetics using implants can drastically solve the problem of missing teeth.

Why drastically? Because the implant structure completely mimics the natural tooth structure, from the root to the crown. During prosthetics, neighboring teeth do not suffer, and the prosthesis looks aesthetically and naturally.

What is dental implantation and what is it for?

Implantation is a method of restoring a tooth that involves the use of a high-tech prosthesis consisting of an artificial root (implant), a connecting structure (abutment), and a dental crown that is indistinguishable in appearance from a natural tooth.

Advantages of dental implant placement

The main advantage of implantation is the restoration of the functions and appearance of a natural tooth without damaging (grinding) neighboring teeth. Other advantages of the technique include:

  • High aesthetics of appearance
  • Strong fixation
  • Longevity
  • Quick adaptation.

Implant placement is becoming an increasingly accessible and relevant service. Tooth loss is no longer considered irreversible, as modern techniques allow for the quick and painless placement of high-quality prostheses made of biocompatible materials. Preparation for implantation is carried out without any discomfort or pain.

What are the types of dental implants?

Based on the method of fixation in the tissues, implants can be intracostal and subperiosteal (representing a supra- or subperiosteal artificial root).

Types of intrabone dental implants by the method of fixation include:

Root-form implants

re the most common type of implant that is implanted into the bone tissue when there is sufficient bone available

Basal implants

are anchored in the hard basal bone for even distribution of the load and a tight fit

Zygomatic implants

are fixed in the zygomatic bone

If there is insufficient bone tissue for root-form implants, it can be augmented using modern materials and technologies. There are few contraindications for the installation of basal and zygomatic implants; they are used when there is atrophy of the upper jaw bone. Learn more about surgical operations in dentistry.


How tooth implant preparation is done?

The first stage of tooth implant preparation involves assessing the condition of the teeth and bone tissue. If no signs of infectious diseases or non-infectious pathologies are found during a visual examination, further diagnostics include:

  • Panoramic X-ray of the jaw (OPTG);
  • Computed tomography (three-dimensional image of the jaws, on which the doctor evaluates the condition of the bone tissue).

By analyzing the images, the doctor gains an understanding of the condition of the periodontium, determines the degree of mobility of the teeth, and the distance between the future implant and the inferior alveolar nerve and maxillary sinus, studies the peculiarities of the structure of the root canals, and analyzes the roots for the detection of inflammation or cracks.

The first stage of preparation for implantation involves treating caries, pulpitis, gums, removing dental deposits, and eliminating foci of inflammation.

The second stage of preparation for implantation is the selection of the implant-crown structure based on a special program. The diameter of the prosthesis is selected taking into account the width of the alveolar ridge.

The doctor objectively explains to the patient the advantages and disadvantages of each prosthesis model, offering an optimal solution. It is worth noting that, according to statistics, Straumann and Nobel implants have the highest success rates, although other modern implant manufacturers also have high success rates.

At this stage, virtual planning of the implant installation is carried out in a special computer program. The doctor sees how the root prosthesis will be positioned relative to neighboring teeth and anatomical structures. Surgical planning helps to prevent any complications and unforeseen situations.

Stages of implant installation

The first stage is antiseptic treatment and anesthesia. Anesthesia is effective, so there is no need to worry about unpleasant moments.

Next, the doctor creates access to the alveolar ridge. Using special equipment (physiodispenser), the doctor forms a socket in the bone tissue for implant placement. The bone is continuously cooled during the preparation.

The implant is installed in the socket, and the top part is covered with a plug. If necessary, bone tissue and PFR-clots enriched with fibrin are grafted. The mucous membrane located above the implant is sutured (absorbable and non-absorbable sutures are used in dental practice).

The mucous membrane is treated with antiseptic again, and the site of the sutures is covered with a special patch with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects.

Sutures are removed in 10-14 days (the procedure takes 10 minutes).

After 2-4 months, a gum former is installed for the lower jaw, and for the upper jaw, it is installed after 2-6 months. A digital model of the crown is created using a 3D scanner.

Titanium abutment and crown are installed.

The sooner implantation is performed after tooth loss, the less bone loss is observed, and the less stress is placed on neighboring teeth. The preparation period for implantation is also reduced, and bone grafting may not be necessary. Don't delay your visit to the dentist — this will help you save money and reduce the number of visits to the specialist.

Methods of Implantation

The two-stage (classical) implantation described above is the most reliable and safe way to restore teeth.

The one-stage method involves simultaneous placement of the implant and crown, but the success rate of this method is significantly lower than that of the two-stage approach.

Rules to follow after implantation

If the dentist prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, they should be taken according to the recommended schedule and for the full course to prevent possible inflammation.

Painkillers should only be taken if there is severe pain that affects quality of life. Dentists do not recommend visiting saunas or taking other heat treatments, swimming or diving in open water, or getting too cold.

Hard foods, nuts, seeds, and caramel candies should be avoided for a month after the procedure. Alcohol and smoking should be completely avoided (at least for 2 weeks).

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In such cases, it is recommended to correct the issue by installing braces or aligners. After all the teeth have taken their correct position, dental implantation can be performed.
If the crown is broken, it is necessary to urgently make an appointment with a dentist. In the case where the implant and abutment are not damaged, a new crown is made. At iStomatolog clinic, the production of a new crown on an implant can be done within one day.
If a tooth is lost during pregnancy, a removable tooth can be installed or built up with photopolymer, solving an aesthetic problem. An implant cannot be installed due to the stress and medication load during implantation. After the birth of the child, it is necessary to visit a dentist and agree on a plan for preparation for implantation.
Implantation and prosthetics on implants can be carried out after the formation of the entire dental system, that is, after 18 years of age.
How to properly prepare for dental implantation?

Article author:

Olena Daynetska, chief Doctor of iStomatolog Dental Center

During a consultation at iStomatolog dental clinic, you have the opportunity to receive digital and video diagnostics, a detailed treatment plan, as well as the overall cost of all stages of treatment.

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Что такое профессионализм? Это в высшей степени компетентность, уверенность и любовь к своей работе. «Не боюсь и доверяю» - это, пожалуй, определение собственных ощущений от лечения у Елены Дайнецкой. Мой выбор - iStomatolog и никто другой!!!
Досвід лікування моїх зубів і приведення у задовільний стан мою посмішку має чималу історію (для інформації, мені за 50). Це пломби у більшості зубів, брекет системи і навіть спроби змінити форму зубів. Щось виходило, але не з першого разу, щось не виходило і намагання повернутись до цієї проблеми не сприймалися схвально. У додаток до всього цього сам процес лікування затягувався на довгі місяці.
Що мене очікувало в центрі iStomatolog.
1. Відсутність очікування біля кабінету.
2. Відсутність зайвого. Персонал і лікарі тебе не обтяжують. Їх стільки, скільки має бути.
3. Без сумніву професіоналізм. Тебе вислухать, і обов'язково запропонують варіанти лікування. Що безцінно, це те, що тобі в першу чергу будуть пропонувати максимально зберегти свої зуби.
4. Відсутність бажання затягнути процес лікування на рік (якщо у тебе проблема не одного чи двох зубів). Головне, щоб дозволяли працювати ясна (їх стан).
5. Матеріали з якими працюють лікарі. Це виключно японський виробник.
І нарешті результат, який я навіть вже і не очікувала.
Лена, дякую тобі ВЕЛИЧЕЗНЕ за твою роботу. Тобі і твоїй команді.
Тут працюють професіонали вищої кваліфікації.
С 2007 года iStomatolog наша семейная стоматология. Почему? Потому что кто лучше делает своё дело, если оно семейное и уже в третьем поколении. Я пришёл по рекомендации моего друга Антона на приём к Ларисе Викторовне. Она сказала мне сразу: «я не вырву не одного зуба если за него можно бороться» Пол года лечения и сейчас у меня только раз в 6 месяцев профилактика. Супруга, дочь, моя мама (83 года) все доверили свои зубки iStomatolog. Правда уже Елена Сергеевна (старшая дочь Ларисы Викторовны) руководит клиникой. Строгая, но наверно так и надо, а то мы всегда пытаемся отсрочить, откладываем на потом профилактику, а потом выкладываем огромные деньги что бы спасти уже гнилой зуб. В этой стоматологии принцип очень простой: делай качественно, относись к людям по человечески, предупреди заранее (ну ведь забываем и «забиваем» на это). Многие подумают заказная статейка. Нет, просто мне повезло, я нашёл тех кому не безразлично мое здоровье и посчитал своим долгом перед Вами, рекомендовать стоматологию iStomatolog.
Так случилось, что в "iStomtolog", я попал по настоятельной рекомендации побратима. Имея, без преувеличения, огромные проблемы с зубами, могу вас уверить, это место где вам реально помогут! Теперь по выполненным работам: поснимали камни и налет, пролечили каналы, поставили 8 коронок и 1 винир, 3 импланта. Объем работ просто огромный. Хочу поблагодарить Елену Дайнецкую и всю ее команду за профессионализм, позитив и замечательную домашнюю атмосферу в клинике.
Срочно нужно было получить квалифицированную помощь из-за травмы ребёнка, обратилась в эту клинику и не пожалела. Доктор Дышловая Ирина Сергеевна - и по телефону, и на консультации, и при лечении была максимально профессиональна. На рецепции девочки приятные. Вобщем, рекомендасьон 👌🏻
Самая лучшая стоматология в которой я была. Очень рекомендую)
Професіоналізм на вищому рівні, дуже гарно працюють а також затишно та комфортно,всім рекомендую
Отличная стоматология. Быстро и качественно оказывают услуги, ничего лишнего не навязывают. Вежливый и обходительный администратор. Очень рекомендую. Теперь по всем зубным вопросам только туда.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Elena Sergeevna Dainetskaya. We have been treating teeth with the whole family for more than 10 years and we thank God that we have fallen into these wonderful hands! A very professional and competent doctor, kind, sensitive and always worried about his patient. There would be more such doctors in our medicine!I wish you health, success and prosperity in your work.I RECOMMEND iStomatolog clinic and Dr. Elena Sergeevna to everyone.

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